"Vengeance has consumed you. It's consuming them. I am done letting it consume me."

>"Vengeance has consumed you. It's consuming them. I am done letting it consume me."

Was there any way this film could've been even more kino? Also, Black Panther is very based, he deserves the love he's getting

Attached: black panther zemo civil war.jpg (1920x804, 94K)

I'm sure Zemo would've been much happier if the Avengers had done nothing and Ultron had carried out his plan.

Happier still if the Avengers hadn't unleashed Ultron on the world.

Blame Scarlet Witch or Hydra in general for that.


Black Panther in Civil War was a cool, mysterious badass, but he was the worst part of his boring, horrendously written solo film. How did that happen?

>Introduces two well received characters, both with plots that fit neatly within the overarching conflict between Captain America and Iron Man and overall neatly juggles a dozen heroes

>Can't even handle a team of six people, or before them, three of them without going mad with wasted plotting, muddled motivations, no character arc and on the nose themes you would expect from a first year film student.

>Was there any way this film could've been even more kino?
Yes, by getting rid of that ridiculous scene where Cap stops a helicopter with his muscula

JL was a mess but you are a moron if you think Batman, Superman, and WW didn't have character arcs before it. Or if you think what OP posted isn't "on the nose" theming either.

The audible gushing of every vagina in the theater at that moment begs to differ.

Well yeah, he's a total manchild. Is it any surprise Sup Forums relates to him and likes him? This place thinks Kilgrave is a great and interesting villain too lol.

ultron was activated by an external sourse

It could have been good

Everytime I see this tumbnail I think it's T'challa talking to Tobey Maguire

side note: would love to see Tobey Maguire in the MCU in some capacity

Wasn’t the original plot laid out for the film that Thanos put the Ultron subconscious in the Gem as a security measure if Loki or anyone try to mess with it?

>cap, tony, and bucky are the main characters of this movie and spend the remaining time trying to kill each other
>bp is a side character and easily captures the villain and thwarts his suicide attempt

t. Non comic book reader

Is he old enough to be Uncle Ben yet

Man, that would have been even stupider than what we actually got.


That was Stark and Bruce's fuck up every one else was upstairs having a drink

How is he a man-child? He lost his entire family. He kind of deserves to be mad at the Avengers and in getting his revenge.

What changed T’Challa’s mind about wanting revenge? I mean, besides plot convenience. Who has ever let go of their desire of revenge for no reason?

>Who has ever let go of their desire of revenge for no reason?

he saw what the quest for revenge did to the Avengers and Zemo and was like "I don't want that"

now that i think about it Black Panther kinda carries this theme on with Killmonger.

Tony went on a murderboner for Bucky which is what T'Challa was doing. He realized that Zemo was behind his father's death and killing a man who wants to die is just giving him what he wants. T'Challa doesn't want to give him the satisfaction.

If Black Panther had made a callback about the whole revenge thing in Civil War it would have been great

>revenge against the avengers
>killing innocent people to do so
And there's the problem

>T'Challa doesn't want to give him the satisfaction.
Yeah it’s a much better idea to let him live so he can inevitably escape and hurt more people.

It’s because in his own movie T’Challa has already gone through a mature development. He was dealing with self problems while in Black Panther it was because of his surroundings. T’Challa wasn’t a wooden plank in Black Panther, when he learned about what happened to Erik and he confronted his dad. He was very emotional about it.

>how could you leave an orphane like that???

>so he can inevitably escape and hurt more people

wtf are you talking about? MCU Zemo isn't the Joker. He has no means of escaping prison and there's no reason to believe he would try to kill more people. If he had the chance, he would probably commit seppuku

Relatively speaking. He just dims in comparison to the rest of the cast.

>literally saying the message of the film is good

This is the MCU. I'm actually surprised Zemo lived.

Man an Avengers movie that's Zemo and the Masters of Evil vs T'Challa and the Avengers would rule so hard

He should have let the guy kill himself.

>inevitably escape
Prisoners really don't escape that often, especially from max-security government agency prisons.

If Zemo was even trying anymore. T'Challa saw Zemo wanting to commit suicide already after seeing the Avengers divided. T'Chall was like "no man, you aren't taking the easy way out of this. You will live out the rest of your life, maybe find some atonement and shit." I mean T'Challa wanted revenge but after seeing what it did to both Zemo and Stark, he's like "nope, I'm out."

Wasn't it implied in Black Panther?

Man, that must have felt bad. Imagine growing up idolizing your dad then you come to learn he did awful shit like kill his own brother.

Of all the villains to live, one of the dumbest ones, who's only that character in name, was the one that did.

Well, to be fair, it's not like it was straight up murder.

It's stupid but it actually explain why Thanos is so annoyed in the post credit scene, in the context of the movie.

>Shit, they destroyed my firewall. Fine, i'll do it myself.

His revenge was making him live the rest if his getting tortured by an irish manlet. "Letting him luve" would have really been more poignant if he was actually trying to survive. As it happened, its basically the same as killing a person who wants to live.

Stane died, Blonsky's in Alaska (and who knows what Ross is doing post Civil War), Vanko died (Hammer's in jail), Loki is surrendering to Thanos so far, who knows if the Red Skull is dead or not, Killian died, Malekith died, Ronan died, who knows if Ultron really is dead or escaped in the internet though they claim he is, Cross died, who knows what Dormammu did to Kaecillus, Ego died, Vulture's alive and in prison, we think Hela died from Surtur but that's debatable, and N'Jadaka's dead.

3 out of a lot of villains who are alive ain't so bad of a number if you really think about it.

Sorry, meant 4 (5 if you count Hammer, 6 with Ross).

>who knows if Ultron really is dead or escaped in the internet

That would be neat. He could be the villain for BP2, trying to stole vibranium to make a new body. He could be the serious, non-quipping comics Ultron so the fanboys could stop bitching

Isn't said Irish manlet currently an ally right now with T'Challa?

>Loki is surrendering to Thanos so far
No way that isn't a Clever Ruse ™

I will never not be salty about the way Crossbones lived just long enough to die five minutes into the next movie.

>wanting to get rid of the best scene in the MCU

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Yep. I dont remember his name though, but I know ive seen hum before.

Everett Ross. No relation to Thaddeus Ross aka the guy who pretty much did both Hulk and Abomination.

Yeah. It was kind of a mis-step to introduce Everett Ross in the same movie where you bring back Thunderbolt Ross and give him a prominent role.

>early 40's
not just yet

nigga what? he panther clawed his little brothers guts

But his brother was being an asshole who deserved to be panther clawed. He was going to kill that other nigga

"I didn't kill your father."

"Then why did you run?"

Attached: e7309ce91974e30f30cdeb9117d01d18.gif (500x219, 1.99M)

Yeah, the method of killing was brutal, that doesn't make it murder.

>>"Vengeance has consumed you. It's consuming them. I am done letting it consume me."
Is this a joke? Cant think of any lamer and more cliche way of saying that retarded trope

Neither will Frank Grillo.

Yeah? He should be.

how come every time stark fucks up, the other avengers get blamed for the fallout??

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kek someone is jelly that his gf got a spontaneous orgasm from dat scene

>"Vengeance has consumed you. It's consuming them. I am done letting it consume me."

>Ok team, we have to kill Klaue for what he did 15+ years ago

>we don't need to capture a criminal just because he commited those crimes a long time ago

what did he mean by this?

He killed like thirty people, it's not a matter of revenge, it's a matter of law.

I really like this image, can I use it?

Tony made the robot dude

He was an active criminal trying to sell shit he stole from them you retard. His first scene is him shooting up a museum.

Something was OFF with Boseman's performace in BP. Like, he LOOKED ugly too. It was weird as fuck.

would have been more kino imo if steve and bucky would have shared a kiss. thats just imo you understand. not some objective fact or anything. just a slight peck or maybe a hint of tongue action.

After Scarlet Witch Mindfucked him

She just gave him a paranoid vision, he did the rest by himself

Also Zemo has no way of knowing that. all he knows is that Tony made a killer robot that wiped out his family and hometown.