What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Scott Adams believes we may well all be in a simulation, none of "reality" is real
This is un-disprovable
"Facts", therefore, are social constructions themselves to an extent
Every persons opinion is based on what they think are facts
Every "fact" is defined according to others opinions
So to dismiss their opinion as not based in fact
Undermines the very idea of what (Scott Adams believes) facts and opinions are

Basically mental gymnastics so that Scott can claim whatever he believes is by default a fact.

I would assume he means that if you're trying to convince people to your cause, you have to realise that you have to tailor an argument to their own biases and outlook. An argument from your worldview, no matter how factual, isn't going to get you anywhere, because that's not how people work.

For example, the best way to destroy the left would be to take their little cult to the extreme, and sidle more groups with "privilege". Because in their eyes, privilege is the only reality, and would cause any group which becomes stained with this original sin to be shunned and pushed away.

You can make as many and as well sourced infographs on the reality of racial differences as you want, but all a leftie will see when he looks at it is "blasphemy".

Similarly, to the left, calling us racist, the equivalent of heretic, and thus discounting us as not worth their time, will never do anything to bring us to their point of view. Because we don't follow their scripture.

It isn't a statement about trying to convince people

It's a statement about the nature of reality

>these people are practicing levels of mental gymnastics so severe that they involve bending FUCKING REALITY AND THE UNIVERSE to dismiss an argument

If there's more context to it, I could see that, but he could be talking about the human reality of how everyone is predispositioned to believe their own narrative which causes them to reject/accept information on an emotional level rather than a logical one.

AKA. if you're looking for debate on 100% logic and provable grounds, you need to get real, because you're never going to get it.

Is he trying to kiss ass to leftists for some reason?

>100% logic and provable grounds, you need to get real
Scott Adams is saying that this doesn't exist.

That you need to recognise that you're dealing with humans, which are irrational, emotional creatures, not 100% logical robots.

Considering your opinions to be 100% logical and unbiased in itself would suggest a detatchment from reality.


How would be fare against Ben "facts dont care about your feelings" Shapiro?

a hypothetical scenario

person a:

>all jews need to be hanged because muh white genocide, muh george soros

now a sane person b is going to dismiss it as a madmans talk, not worth of his time. however by not confronting person a's bullshit it will alllow the bullshitter to get more people on his side, usually young, unemployed people who are very naive.

the point is, even if its total bullshit it needs to be confronted and publically shamed or else you will allow bullshit to become reality. (by trying to ignore it).

a crazy ISIS guy can believe all kinds of weird shit and none of it be based on facts or logic and still kill you dead.

are brains keep us alive and try to get us to reproduce.
they never evolved to see reality, reality is not necessary for survival.

He's saying that most of what we think are facts are just illusions, and either side of the "argument" are perfectly valid personal hallucinations.

One person can be this retarded.

Two different topics all together. Scott doesnt really deal with political arguements.

You are retarded, that's not at all what he means, Ahmed

either this is a really shitty way of saying that people form opinions for illogical reasons with some bullshit "look how smart I am" tacked on, or this guy is just a total dumbfuck

tl;dr: I find this guy annoying

Basic scepticism. Filthy pleb.

>are brains keep us alive


>they never evolved to see reality, reality is not necessary for survival.

Reality is very important for survival.
For example if you hallucinated all the time wouldn't that detract from your survival?
Physical realities we are especially well designed for, that's why we have color vision. You can just deny that black people tend to be more violent, everyone understands this on some level because white people don't tend to live in an area when black people move in. White people's friends are 99% white as well. Even if it's contradictory to the leftist meme of "everyone has the same potential" they at some level know there are personality and other differences.

Like how could they not realize this? They may even say it's a difference in culture that leads to the violence.


we rarely make decisions based on facts. If we only paid attention to facts then we wouldn't argue about what to do because we just do what the facts say.

There is emotion behind it all and it's much more powerful than facts

he probably means that to most people the subjective truths are more important than facts, no matter how autisticly obsessed you're about the facts

Someone holding an opinion is a fact in its own right

Reminder that Scott Adam's robs the cradle with a jungle Asian. He's a wife less yellow fever pervert with no place in Trump's America

we have half the country that thinks we elected a second Hitler. thats a hallucination.

>even if its total bullshit it needs to be confronted and publically shamed
>and publically shamed

And you were doing so well too.

Huh well there goes any respect I had for him

That's because they actually watch mainstream media and have liberal people in their life who convinced them of this. This is human mob mentality at it's finest. You would rather riot than accept the people you trust were mistaken or lying. They are still going based on something that looks like "facts" to them but are trusting the wrong people.

Your an idiot (but maybe because English isn't your first language?)

What he is actually implying is that you can't dismiss OPINION just because someone doesn't have the facts right there to back it up. We don't know everything about "REALITY" so you have to be able to discuss things that might not have had a team of people focusing on it to create "FACTS". It's almost the opposite of what you wrote.

Call it the white mans imperative then. We like the game. We don't want to be bugs.

If you ignore a persons opinions becuase there not based on fact and expect these opinions not to affect the world then your a nigger.

How can opinions be based on facts. Facts don't need your shitty opinions.

I don't even know what he's saying.

Before gravity was accepted it was just an opinion/theory/concept on how things went up and came back down.
It was based on no facts other then some crazy guys thought on how it works.
Anyone who can't understand this does not live in reality.

As a lawyer, my motto is: "you can argue the facts if the facts aren't true."