

>500 years


thats how old america is you moron

>expecting niggers to know maths

In its quest for tolerance the radical left has become very intolerant. Wabbit season? It's white season.

Hey. We weren't on our asses. Swinging that whip around is hard work.

>muh white genocide

>everything is made out of cotton

>500 years
it was 6 million you fucking antisemite

look at that primitive face


Really makes you think

>implying that nigger can read any of those books

They were too lazy to vote in the election, I hear

You dumb faggot, it was 60 gorillion.

>Implying any of us was alive then
>Implying this justifies being a lazy piece of shit in modern times
>Nigger logic

Nobody stacks books around them like that, christ. All it does is waste table space for shit like your notes, or a laptop, or other people who also was to study. Nobody ever check out that many books anyways.

>13% of the population did 100% of the work

muhfugguh my grandfather was born on a plantation in 1933 and got lynched 4 times when he was only 8 years old, now pay up

my bfs parents probably were lynched by racist white redneck drumpftards


is that pornhub's header?

>1776 was the official date of independence
>Before Chattel slavery the primary source of labor was indentured servitude
>Chattel slavery was only around for about 200 years of it and really only exists in the South meaning most of the build up due to slavery is in the South
>The South (and with it most of what Chattel Slavery actually created) is burned to the ground
>The industrial revolution in the US occurs and now instead of owning niggers we pay Irishmen pennies an hour
>Most of the real industrial labor was European immigrants from Germany, Ireland, etc.
>The Chinese also build the railway
>Meanwhile blacks fall into the sharecropper trap
If you genuinely think that black people built the US alone, you should be culled for the good of the world. You are a net negative on society.

no they just did most of the work
while whites sat back and cracked whips at them

fucking racist rednecks

meanwhile the only reasonable work they're doing today is murdering themselves at a fast rate

Fuck off retard, morpheus was an allegory for those being tourtured, and the guy calling him lazy was the tourturers.

God damn you are dumb.


Holy shit this nigger is a literal monkey.
Goddamn it burgers, not even full blooded africans or haitians I see around here are that simian like, where the hell did you get those ugly monkeys ?

Browns and blacks cleaning and farming is nowhere close to white men wearing hardhats making blueprints to actually building skyscrapers

>500 years

Again you should be culled if you unironically believe that this is how the US was built. They did not do most of the work. They picked cotton, then most of the benefits of Chattel slavery were burned to ash. The industrial revolution was where most of the work occurred. You are either a moron or you are baiting. Either way you need to put up against a wall and shot.

they built the whitehouse you fucking racist

youre an idiot drumpf supporter
america wont be like nazi germany
he wont do it because the world hates him


Okay good you are baiting, I was seriously concerned for a second because of your persistence.

Sad truth. So lazy that they crossed to ocean to get "slaves". I mean this is hilarious.

If you are giving blacks credit for creating the US, you mind as well give credit to the rest of the farm Animals.
Don't forget to thank farm animals for making this country what it is.

is bait

>anything i disagree with is bait
fucking idiot drumpftards




This is what race mixing does. And I mean race mixing between black groups. They are already monkeys. Combine a load of them and the monkey traits are made even more apparent.

The US has created Uruk' Hai niggers

>picking cotton in the south
>built the country

Also only 1% of whites owned slaves at the peak of slavery.

That's a satire page

shit I forgot my house and my car was made of cotton

thank you King Tyrone Ubunga Tut

Blacks didn't build shit. They were a major part of the South's agrarian workforce but after the civil war... it was the white man building and designing much of the infrastructure.

White Man... the engineer, architect, and construction worker of almost the entire white man infrastructure.

The only thing niggers built in America was our crime rate. They reduced everything else from our national IQ to our employment rates.

They don't understand numbers. It's useless to point that out.

Eli Whitney, Samuel Slater, Elias Howe, etc. The list goes on of historic white inventors that created the booming industry of America. All niggers did was pick cotton, and they still should.

People don't get what build is...

- power grid... white man
- dams... white man
- highway system... white man
- healthcare system... white man
- economy... white man
- air travel system... white man
- airports... white man
- larger corporations... white man

People who say that "black built" the country don't know shit.

They can't grasp what the white man has accomplished.

>picking cotton
>hard labor

Tedious, yes.
Hard, nah.

- laid all the foundation for that stuff to exist, invented electricty, invented the concept of dams ... black man

The United States of America is 240 years old.


>Black slaves built US
>by picking cotton.

Well holy shit user by that logic wetback berry pickers are building our country right now.

The chinese arguably did more getting put to work on the railroads. That actually did contribute meaningfully to US development.

Niggers didn't build shit in the north. And they sure as fuck didn't have time to build anything after picking cotton all day.

- concept of dams... Eurasia. White man/Chinaman tech.

ayy man, don't forget havin big dicks. li'l white hos had to deal with tiny white dicks til the bbc started fuckin them right. nah im sayin????

thats not funny
my bf is black and he doesnt talk like that

They didn't?

Does saying Drumpf make you feel better?

He's a legendary rapper named KRS ONE.

it makes him angry
and thats good because hes an idiot racist

How does it make him angry?

Economically speaking slavery hurt the United States. Black people didn't build anything. Chinese did.

>500 years
We wuz future niggaz living in 2276

hes a tiny dick tiny hands racist drumpftard

hes racist so he hates germany and german names

yoooo, ur nigga fuckin stupid. you aint sposed to date white bitches, only fuck dem. go tell him he fuckin stupid.

Next gen

>When your trolling is this bad

Youre more than likely a troll.

Just a reminder though, Jews were the ones that spearheaded the Atlantic Slave Trade during colonization and pushed all the blame onto whites.

Rabbi Marc Lee Rafael documents it.

Chinese didn't built it either. They were labor.

The builder is the one with the idea, the plan, the design, the vision, and the one who executed. The Engineer and Architect, the people who organized the workers and gave them directions... those guys built everything.

Without the builder telling the workers what to do, nothing would have been built.

disagree != troll
fucking racist drumpftard.
drumpf wont be like hitler or moosealini because of congress though
in 2018 drumpf will be powerless. if he makes it that long

picking cotton really built this country.

I have no idea why blacks suffer from delusions of grandeur.

soon to be 6 gorillion

KYS nigger faggot.

And they would have been building Africa for 500 years if the OTHER AFRICAN TRIBES hadn't sold them into slavery to the Europeans.

Yup, some of the BIGGEST SLAVERS were others blacks.

now that has to hurt...


It's like claiming the typewriter or MSWord wrote a novel.

The typewriter, the printer, and MSWord just make it possible to put text on paper.

The one who wrote the novel is the guy who came up with the words.

Hello, black man! Yeah see, thing is, the only reason you're not wiping your blood-encrusted asshole with tree bark, the only reason you aren't the starving cleft-lipped son of a witch-doctor pygmy, the only reason you can begin to conceive of higher education, is because we so graciously gave you a chance to benefit from the system that has shaped the greatest minds of our time and led to the advent of modern technology. We won't be dumbing down the coursework just because your genetic lineage consists of several thousand years cooking up mud-patties in a dilapidated dirt hut. Who knows-- if we had left your dung-smeared great great grandfather to his hocus-pocus, it may have alchemized some miraculous african renaissance, but we weren't about to wait for your clueless cannibalistic ancestors to discover a commitment to progress and civility in a rapidly advancing world. Next time the white man's system disappoints you, we're happy to wave you off at the pier as you boat over to the congo and create your utopia in the hellish corners of the earth that your eternally disappointing bloodlines maintain

If only we could get rid of all the white folk, we could start to reach the level of Zimbabwe.

picking cotton doesn't build a country

>we made them work hard in the past
>therefore none of them are lazy today
yup, that's how that works

troll cuck. who is laughing now...take a big breath cuz it's going to keep on hapnin for 8 more years sucka.

How else do you think Jews created Hollywood and Wall Street and The Federal Reserve?

Plantation earnings.

They were expelled from Western Europe between 1492-1496.

you agree with me don't you?

Yoooo, my nigga from da north, how da fuck u be dealin wit dat cold - i thout only dem white pussies live in da ice?????

hell yes i do cuz i am you...why wouldn't I? See how dumb you sound OP?

They where beasts of burden on a construction project, interchangeable with a draft horse. Did horses build the white house?

>sugar cane

face it, burger. you're only where you are today because of niggers

If whites and kikes didn't tell you what to do, you would be eating each other and still living in mud huts.

That quote makes no sense.

Blacks are considered "lazy" because they performed very bad as slaves.

It's why my ancestors replaced the lazy black slaves by much harder working Indonesian slaves.

It's relative. You must make your insides colder.

I lost

Most slaves were actually white. The idea that blacks and only blacks were slaves is propaganda.

Nigger-rping over. I keep it 45-50 in my house to keep it comfortable and wear t-shirts and shorts when there's snow outside. Any time I tell a nigger this, every time he'll say "Fucking crazy ass white people. Only white do crazy shit like that." Does crime go down in Detroit in the winter?

KRS 1 is a smart dude and I seriously doubt he made that statement. He is anti nigger for the most part. He doesn't blame whitey for black problems. He disapproves of gangster rap.

>Black people built this country!
>The white man is holdin' us down!

If blacks could build America while the white man was holding them down in slavery, why can't they build up the countries in Africa where they are free and the white man has no power over them?

Blacks aren't lazy. They're just inept.

The guy in OPs pic is actually smart and did not make those comments. Are you seriously this naive?

white men keep blacks in africa down intentionally for oil
global warming is gonna shake the fuck out of us

This. As far as actual infrastructure and economic development go poor whites and Chinese did a lot more than wewuzians
