Instead of Trump's trillion dollar infrastructure plan, why doesn't he cancel out the $1...

Instead of Trump's trillion dollar infrastructure plan, why doesn't he cancel out the $1.3T in outstanding student loan debt?

It would be a bigger and FASTER economic boom. Educated white people would start having babies immediately.

holy fuck are you seriously this dumb

Tens of millions of gainfully employed white couples postpone or hold off altogether having kids because of crippling student debt. No better way to encourage white breeding than by canceling out college loans.

Even lefty radicals would be on their knees for Trump if he wrote off their student debt.

any infrastructure plan will also create work. Paying off outstanding student loan debts will just create educated NEETs.

Tens of millions of educated people breeding, building houses, furnishing houses, buying cars, investing would create mucho work.

Only if those with valuable degrees are paid off.
In my fourth year now, EE, I've had a total of 2k in student loans that I paid off after my second year. Work hard, put in the effort, and don't treat college loans like free money, buying expensive clothes and a new car.

>USA still exists somehow
>US students debt now amounts to 3 times the world GDP
>USA not a meme

How about going to work instead of wasting your time on your african studies degree?

It should be cancelled for all the STEMlords and tradies, every gender and woman studies faggots gets to keep their debt.

Would be funny

>muh women studies
Maybe if you guys had actual education.

FUCK "students".

Those dumb motherfuckers are stupid enough to go into debt for their shitty liberal arts degrees, then they deserve to be wage slaves for 30 years to pay it back.

"Students" are worse than niggers.

well they're dumb enough to take on 1.3T in debt

I'd be okay if he cancelled the student loan debt of anyone who completed a STEM/business degree or went to a technical school (machinery, agriculture, building trades, etc) and are currently employed in their field of study.

If it's a 'humanities' degree?
Fuck them.

If the students started getting degrees that mattered they'd be able to pay off their debt.

How about college student go a degree that they can use instead of a liberal arts degree.

kills yourself braindead libshit

The people dumb enough to get useless degrees should be allowed to die off and fail. Enabling them is only reducing the quality of our future stock.

An economics degree is a humanities degree. "Marketing" is a business degree. Marketing is a worthless made up concentration at all but like two elite colleges.

>Instead of Trump's trillion dollar infrastructure plan, why doesn't he cancel out the $1.3T in outstanding student loan debt?

>instead of investing tax money in infrastructure for construction jobs and infrastructure improvements we desperately need
>why doesn't he kill all universities?

>No better way to encourage white marijuana use than to tell them thier actions have no consequences

Cancelling out their debt doesn't suddenly make them able to support a family.

>rather than employing tens of thousands of Americans with good jobs and performing necessary maintenance on our nation's infrastructure, we should crash the US banking system to give the retards who took out $200,000 to learn psychology a break they didn't earn
Great idea!

>giving money to lefties, especially radicals, having any effect other than them wanting even more and being even more aggressive in their demands
oh, how naive you are

>Trump should pay for my poor decision making and useless degree

LOL. Fuck off.

kek confirm student loan forgiveness

I come from an ex-USSR country with "free education". Can confirm this You will just have more college-educated McDonalds workers.

I honestly don't understand how you go into debt
if you're smart enough to get into an ivy you're basically taken care of regardless

It's all the people going to an out-of-state school that is no better than their local school, they just want to go for the experience, but instead get higher tuition.
Then they never get a job, they probably take an easy major that requires an hour or two a night. Don't forget an apartment and a car if they're lucky.

What's the thought process, how does anyone think this is a good idea?

Yea, let's take away the debt of people who have already shown a tendency to not think things through before doing something. Oh, shit! More debt overnight! How'd that happen?!

I love how triggered the poorfags on this thread get when ever there is talk about benefiting the educated. Am I supposed to feel bad that you decided to drive a truck instead of go to college? lol

There's already loan forgiveness in place under Obama. Trump promised an even better plan. I'm going to get like $120k written off under Trump's plan. And guess who's paying for that? You blue-collar retards. So thanks for the shekels. Your butthurt is a bonus.

They're both worthless degrees, idiot.

I'm sorry I didn't make a comprehensive list of exceptions.

I'd rather improve the roads, airports, electric grid, pipelines, and parks than give more worthless pieces of paper to low IQ psuedo-intellectuals.

Give me one reason why I should have to pay for someone else's liberal arts degree.

Uh, no. About $1T of that is idiot libs who got fagstudies degrees.

Jobs are better. You actually get something for them instead of just enriching banker kikes.

>muh debt
>muh worthless degree
It is not the rest of the countries fault you can't pay your fucking bills. Kys

>It would be a bigger and FASTER economic boom. Educated white people would start having babies immediately.

clearing someone's debt won't give them income. Finding them a job will.

You realize the infrastructure plan is going to make kikes filthy rich off the financing/bonds for the next ONE HUNDRED FUCKING YEARS?

College-educated unemployment rate is miniscule. These folks have jobs, often good jobs, they just have no way to afford a house, kids, new car.

What if
Just a thought
Instead of playing the bond shell game
what if
hear me out
we just
hang on listen
what if we


A degree in humanities isn't a real degree nor is it education. A humanities graduate can't do anything a high school student can't.

yeah okay I know you hate bank jews but are you seriously going to advocate just telling them "lol oh well i guess you can't collect your money hahaha fuck off"

Sup Forums has some of the worst economic ideas i've ever seen.

If you give your buddy 200 dollars to help him fix up his truck and then the fucking government comes down and tells you "he doesn't have to pay that, we want to boost the economy!" how the fuck would you feel

No. If you're middle class, there's virtually no grants or scholarships for you. So, you go to the local public U for like $18k-25k per year.

>good jobs
>have no way to afford a house, kids, new car
Doesn't sound like they're good jobs then.

Driving trucks is based af. Free place to stay, get to see the entire country. Work all you want, no one telling you what to do besides the DOT which don't give a fuck about legit drivers. Plenty of lot lizards in each town, fresh out of high school and willing to suck/fuck for a $20 rock.

Drove trucks for 5 years, saved up enough money to buy a house and business in the process.

>tfw no mortgage on either property
>tfw never have to worry about anything ever again
>tfw my business thrives on poor economies (liquor/wine sales)
>tfw the more of these stupid fucks go bankrupt the better i do

Economics from UChicago is one the most elite degrees in the country — especially in conservative circles.

>take a $30k loan for school
>major in underwater lesbian choreography
>graduate, can't find a job
>can't pay off debt, no job

It's around 9k a year unless you're at a UC school.
There are also plenty of scholarships, you just have to actually apply.
mcnair is one that a lot of people get, that you're almost guaranteed to get if your parents didn't go to school.

>tfw community college in my area is $10k annually

I don't think I could handle seeing entire classrooms of entitled millennials many times a week. I'm in my 30s without a GED anyways, far too old to start from the absolute bottom and expect to get anywhere in a career without facing a fair amount of age bias/discrimination.

can confirm that my $350 per month student loan payment is crippling.

own a house? LMFAO

have a kid? LMFAO

get a new car and have a car payment? LMFAO

over half my income goes to rent + loan. very little savings. I'd be better off on welfare

$500-1000 check per month servicing student loan debt.

It doesn't work like that. If you help them it just makes it easier for them to stab you in the back.

What he said. Also, there is a limit to actual growth made by deskwork-jobs, and most of those graduates will only ever work in either an oversaturated market, or in an unrelated field. As in, so very removed from any actual productivity, any of that money really is better spent elsewhere.

As someone who paid off his student loans completely last year, I say to the asshats that thought they could do well by taking out a loan for $120,000 to study screwball comedy, grow the fuck up.

That story is true, btw. I knew a girl who took out $120,000 to study screwball comedy. Which in an of itself should be a screwball comedy. Or one of those German comedies where people take turns shutting on her chest. That's probably what she has to look forward to.

>just hit ctrl + z

So they're better off working at mcdonalds than wasting time at college.

GTFO with your non objective degree

Is living free? Food, shelter, travel, books is easily $1000+ per month on top of $9k tuition.

It's not just tuition. A lot of these students put rent and living expenses on student loans as well instead of working during college (not that working during college is very good for paying even basic rent).

So tack on another $10k/yr to cover rent and living expenses like food. Now you see how dumbass kids are graduating with $80k in debt at the end.

Most community colleges do a 24-credit program where you earn your GED while matriculating at University. Look into it.

>Instead of Trump's trillion dollar infrastructure plan, why doesn't he cancel out the $1.3T in outstanding student loan debt?

Instead of Obama's trillion dollar "pay off Wall Street's gambling losses" plan, why didn't he cancel out the $1.3T in outstanding student loan debt?

Instead of Bush's trillion dollar war plan, why didn't he cancel out the $1.3T in outstanding student loan debt?

Because you don't matter.

>entitled millennials
When will this winter end. If you want entitlement look to the boomers. They are swimming in actual entitlements.

> instead of fixing what's broken, why not bail out billion dollar corporations and the leftist assholes they brainwashed

Just stick to calling him literally Hitler.

Addressing the below replacement birth rate is a bit more complicated than this. Forgiving student loans will do jack shit, and I doubt you understand why.

yes, your woman's studies degree should be free... fuck that rot in debtors prison cock sucker. I got engineering degree and could pay back the loans... why? cause its a marketable skill...


>all these mad faggots thinking students are unaware of their debt and don't plan ahead
you retarded fucks truly aren't educated if you think we aren't considering years of repayments ahead of time. it's just one of many responsibilities we have. real universities have real workloads, regardless of whatever stupid shit you have read online.

the trade off to the crippling debt is doing things we want to do. you may love working in a factory with other mundane people, but i don't. i am doing what is necessary to attain a my standard of living.

i don't know where you dipshits got the idea that going to college means getting a humanities/liberal arts degree. are you really this stupid, Sup Forums?



Every article I've read on low birth rate mentions crippling student debt. (And yes, I know the feminist agenda of women pursuing careers is a major factor.)

I went to Portland Community College for 3 years. Just turned 30 this year. I felt like I was almost too old for college, even at 26, but in some of the classes I took, I had people twice my age in with me.

I ended up with a total of 83 credits, but they cut off my financial aid last year. Required GPA was 2.66 and mine was 2.65. Fucking cunts. I guess I just didn't care as much as I should have.

I'm not sure how it is at other places, but my local CC is strict about having some sort of completion required for anything to do with receiving credit.

Maybe the method you described is a bit more streamlined as just taking the exams, which I have taken and failed, twice.

I know. I doubt I'll have any sort of payback of my social security.

Tens of millions womyn studies parasites let off the hook will just create more of them. Better let them work the debt they created off.

also, the easy access to money is the real problem, your not a special fucking snowflake, stop dragging down the education system with the fucking morons that should be learning a trade that is useful, not getting into college and making them lower the standards so the people that are smart enough to actually benefit from it get an inferior education.

Explain low birthrates in countries with free higher education like Germany.

Stop reading shitty articles.

>no free health care
>no free public education
>useless police force
>peru tier public transport

hope roads are fucking mint because if not i don't understand why you even need a state for

>failed it twice

I used to proctor those exams for extra money while I was in college, it's nearly impossible to fail if you've ontained an 8th grade education level. You must be one retarded motherfucker. Good luck.

let those liberals drown

t. reddit

>borrowing $250,000 to get multiple degrees in 18th century wymmyns basketweaving & SJW studies
pick one

If you need to take debt to go to school you really shouldn't be there.

get a part time job. I was a cashier and then a used car salesman in school before I got an internship
if you pay more that $3-400/m you're living in the wrong place.
You can find a cheap apartment further from school or a house and split the rent.
you can make it easily with $150/m on food
>buying books after your first year

If you have a part time job, even if it doesn't cover all of your expenses they shouldn't be a significant burden

t. graduated last year

thanks for the encouragement...

college is now a private mandatory high school
thanks feminism

Colleges and universities encourage predatory lending, they're no different than the title loan swindlers on every corner. Not only that, they're on the government tit more than anyone else.

>(((educated white people)))
educated in jewish intersectionalist feminism

the college culture in america is really like a vacation resort type of thinking. The students get the most expensive programs, are complacent throughout the program and then are shocked to find out they are left with debt.

kys shitbag

>wrote off their student debt

I fucking hate this country

the bigger problem is that the people smart enough to get real degrees should have it all paid for, but most that money goes to dip shits getting bullshit degrees, doctors and engineers should have the shit paid for, the underwater basket weavers should pay full price.

What about multiple majors? It's not hard to do a degree in a STEM subject and a humanity.

>why doesn't he cancel out the $1.3T in outstanding student loan debt?

I think those idiots who took those loans need to face some consequence for poor decision making

Kek that's it mayne

> Paying for people's degrees in theoretical African dance studies
> Guis why is this a bad idea?

>Making that shit just disappear because it's hard

Obama administration have only created minimum wage jobs for college grads. that's the reason why they can't pay off their student loans.

I think of we shut down some military bases. End war in most areas.
Then waived all the financial aid debt....then yup. I know i'd have a god extra $330 a month to save or spend on other shit. They'll get some if it back via state taxes...federal taxes anyways. Might be a quicker way to make some money.

While I would like that personally it wouldn't really fix the issues underpinning the massive amount of debt/increase in tuition.

FAFSA loans should require the school to be the the hook for debt that students can't repay after a certain number years of good faith income-based repayment. This is the closest thing to silver bullet to fixing the problem

How about you pampered faggots work off your debt by filling potholes and repairing sidewalks?

>valuable degrees

I hear there is no such thing, Thomas Edison said so

yes and Reagan legalizing Mexicans in California made the state red for ever... man your good troll or dumb as fuck.