>Land of the free
>Can't pump your own gas
You can...?
You can?
I think the only state I know of where you can't is New Jersey.
It's dangerous to pump your own gas desu
Ive literally never had anyone pump my gas. I pull up, put my card in the machine, pick the grade of gas, and fill the car. Everytime
>Land of freedom
It's just meme.
>New Jersey = entirety of America
hmm really activated my almonds
What the fuck are you talking about?
You went to Jersey or the other shithole that makes it illegal. Something about protecting the sanctity of the service jobs of your spawn or something.
>Paying at the pump
What is your major malfunction?
oregon n jersey you cant. funny thing is gas is still cheaper in oregon than california despite the pumping service!
Go to New Jersey and it will always be either Juan or Muhammad pumping your gas
There are a couple states where self-serve is not permitted. I have no idea why not and I can't remember which states.
That's the only way to pay at Costco
I just think it's funy you americans have some of the most crazy socialist policies but don't have the only one that really matters wich is public healthcare.
>gas is pumped by attendant in oregon
>pass through indian reservation
>have to pump own gas
Literally savages.
It's actually not illegal AFAIK. I typically pump my own gas when I'm in Jersey anyway, because I don't feel like waiting for the attendant to come over to me. And they don't mind because it means less work for them.
New Jersey is one.
I repeat myself, what the fuck are you talking about?
I honestly didn't know some states had mandated pumping services. Pretty strange, desu.
Why would I walk inside to pay with my credit card?
We have the freedom to make dumb laws.
It's just rent-seeking "job creation". It's an excuse to give pedros and jamals a minimum wage job where they stand around at a gas pump.
wrong they are all pajeets and the minority are Muhammad's
Why would you buy gas with a credit card? Why buy anything unless you're in a major emergency with a credit card?
Nice butt
>Go to New Jersey
>Pull over to fill up car
>No one around, also forgot you aren't allowed to pump your own gas
>Get out and start fueling up like usual
>Lock eyes with some guy in the store
>Chimp mode activated
>Runs out and starts yelling at me
>Wtf fuck off
>Literally rips the pump out of my car without "unclicking it"
>Gas is going everywhere
>Maximum Chimp Mode
>Ended up having to pay for 5+ gallons of gas that the chimp fucking sprayed everywhere on top of the 10 gallons I managed to get in my tank
Fuck New Jersey, and fuck their turnpike.
>changes from gas pumps to healthcare
LOL wut?
We literally have the best healthcare on earth, obama fucked it up with obamacare.
Making healthcare mandatory screws everything up because it creates a false unlimited demand for it, now they can charge whatever the fuck they want for a pill, like Shkreli did. Capitalism is the only way out. Make the companies compete to lower prices to make healthcare affordable for all
oregon and new jersey doesn't allow you to pump gas, you have to wait some dude to do it.
Easiest way to build a robust credit record. A lot of card carriers also offer discounts to your gas purchases.
That is one of the things I miss about New Jersey....not having to get out of the car during the winter to pump gas.
>spanish education
things that never happened. I pump my own gas in Jersey all the time and the most the attendant said to me is "yo, you aight? You got dis? Aight mayne"
individual state rights to establish gas safety laws are socialist now?
>Best healthcare
>You break your leg
>Pay 40000 dollars
>Get cancer
>Pay 3 million
Yeah. In Jersey apparently you can't, which freaked me out the first time I stopped for gas there. No idea why they do that but it was awkward and annoying. Hate full-service shit
>going to new jersey
That's not gas safety lol
Maybe you burgers are too dumb to pump your own gas without blowing up the station but to me it just seems like a socialist policy to keep a useless job in the market.
You can in California of all places.
Too bad you also have to be 21 to buy tobacco and have to wait 10 days before you can pick up a gun you bought.
>MFW Oregoncucks will never know the true freedom of being able to pump your own gas
>break your leg
>wait a month for correction surgery
>your body has already spent a month healing the leg in the incorrect position
>limp for the rest of your life
I would rather take the bill, mate.
you what
New Jersey is quite cheap also. It was under 2 dollars a gallon until the recent hike of 23 cents. It's around 2 20 now which still isn't awful
HAHAH! Good thing we all are now forced to have socialist insurance! It now costs $40k, thanks to obamacare, but I can go to the hospital right now for any reason and I can get care without waiting!
are you expected to tip these people or what?
Why do people from Canada come over to the US if they need a major operation?
There's like only two states that don't allow you to pump your own gas.
It's not a "normal" thing anywhere
>are you expected to tip these people or what?
Maybe idk, I didn't. Just said thanks and left
that's also a top notch law
>Be 18
>Can't buy tobacco
>Can't buy alcohol
>Can get recrorded sucking 10 black cocks for a hundred dollars
Nice country you have there
>27% goes into helthcare
>Srill no free healthcare
you are getting ripped off goy
Because I get 3% cash back on gas with it? Why would I only use a credit card in a major emergency? I've never paid a cent of interest on any of my 5 credit cards because I only use them to make purchases I can afford.
You forgot
>go to war
>can't drink
>can't rent a car
It is pretty dumb.
I wouldn't expect a spic to understand. Carry on.
because the wind sends them there?
it's all for retired people and gibsmedats
everyone else who has a job already gets health insurance through their employer
Jerseyfag here. This state and one other one are the only states where you can't. I heard not too long ago that they were thinking of getting rid of it soon anyway. It's a double edged sword. In summer it's annoying because I just want to get gas in my car and get back to hanging out with qts by the pool, but in winter it's convenient because Jersey gets pretty cold and you get to sit in your car and just tell the fuel durka to fill your tank. Feels comfy man.
Wait, you can drive at 16 but can't rent a car at 18?
>Why would you buy gas with a credit card?
why wouldn't you buy everything with a credit card? our credit got ruined when my business partner bulldozed his other business into the ground. our company went under.
finally got debts paid. got one of the secured credit cards. after about 6 months, they increased the credit line past my security stake. use it for everything; gas, groceries, bills. pay it off every month. credit shot up to normal levels from poor rating in just a couple of years.
Driving age varies based on state
If you're under 25 rental car companies are going to charge you a large fee because you're considered high risk
Stupid because you already have to carry insurance to rent a car, and credit cards like Amex and Visa signature provide rental insurance automatically.
You can't rent a car until 24-26, depends on the state. It is because of the insurance jew charging more for people under 24.
Oregon is that way. its a make work program.
t. Oregonian.
you get adult things in stages
>16: drive a car
>18 tobacco and firearms
>21 alcohol and handguns
>25 lowered insurance costs and car rentals
>>Can't pump your own gas
lol wut?
For me it sucks because my gas tank is fucked up and it always stops in the middle of filling up so I always wind up pumping it myself anyway. I just let the Indian put my card in for me
Does anyone have the full picture?
That's not socialism lol
Pumping gas is a skill over there?
So you can shot porn before renting a car and drink alcohol? Is this considered normal? Does no american find it strange?
>>Best healthcare
>>You break your leg
>>Pay 40000 dollars
>>Get cancer
>>Pay 3 million
Getting your news from Michael Moore
>interesting things never happen to me so they must never happen!
>So you can shot porn before renting a car and drink alcohol? Is this considered normal? Does no american find it strange?
I don't think it's normal, but I also don't see why extreme violence in TV shows like The Walking Dead is okay but showing a nipple is only allowed on HBO and Showtime
I've rented cars when I was 21. It's funny because even the people at the rental car places think it's against the law. But you just tell them, no I'm allowed to rent a car. They look some shit up on the computer or talk to a manager, then they just charge you extra. But you can rent a car
no stranger than being able to walk into a gun store and 20 minutes later walking out with any amount of guns and any amount of ammunition
>Mandatory pumping gas goon in private gas stations
>Not socialism
Pick one
Gotta give the brown people a job.
We all find it strange, but it isn't so simple as a law that says these things. Two major contributors to the insanity are
>Overreaching Federal Government
>National Insurance Cartels
It is just a mess, but people are waking up with Trump being the next President, so there is hope. Just need a major culling of legislation passed over the past 4-5 decades.
I hate driving through New Jersey, thatblaw is so fucking stupid and lacks and modern practicality. We ain't in the 50s any more
Most fucking expensive overcharges in the history of the universe results in fucked face morons chanting "U. S. A. , "U. S. A.!
our doctors are all illegal immigrants now, the hosptilas staffed by robots ( literally).
the corporate profiteers run the enitre shit show.
There are actually a few towns with young white teens working at gas stations. Not usual but it happens.
Yes you can. I just pumped my own gas an hour ago. Arizona btw
Damn, that must get annoying having to explain to every Pajeet that you need to pump your own gas.
I stopped at a truck stop to get gas one time and the dindus on duty were in the convenient store doing groiding off so my buddy hopped out and pumped it, but other than that time, I've always waited for the durka to do it.
Why are you obsessed with policing people's bodies? Isn't the age of consent like 14 in half of Europe?
t. Joe Pennsyltucky from Bucks County
>t. Person who has never taken a basic finance class
having sex is different than porn
I'm all for lowering the AOC and legalize prostitution but to outlaw porn
It's to prevent people stealing gas, also the mafia was heavily involved in new jersey gas stations and money laundering which also has something to do with it.
Yeah in new jersey
That's how shit the USA has become.
Back in the 1980s, nobody had to pump their own gas.
>thinks 2 states make up the whole country
It's a bait thread but I had to.
2/10 bait, made me reply
This some weak bait thread? I pump my gas all the time so I don't know what you mean by can't pump your own gas.
New Jersey is cuckland. They can't even carry handguns in their pockets. What a bunch of FAGGOTS! THE GAYNESS OF NEW ENGLAND SPREADS LIKE A VIRUS!
not knowing your own country laws
american education
to let some state do that law is just stupid and you know it
I am 30 years old, I have never had someone else pump my gas and I have lived in 6 different states, visited most others.
Granted I have never been to Jersey or Orego, the only two states that require it.
I feel a little bit better about not being able to pump gas here in oregon at least we don't have black people, most of the gas station attendants are old guys and teenagers
>and I have lived in 6 different states
Running from the law?
>Hate full-service shit
It wouldn't be so bad if it was actually full-service (refuel, clean windshield, check tire pressure and fluid levels), but pump-service only is fucking retarded.
Yes We Can