Civil Engineer here

Civil Engineer here.

My entire firm just announced that when Trump's infrastructure plan is implimented that a Mass Bidding War will begin for contracts on infrastructure.

They will be mass hiring CAD techs, Engineer techs, Wastewater Engineers and more.

In the board we saw a profit growth of possibly 178% in 4 YEARS if Trump actually does this. If you aren't in construction or infrastructure as a career I'm sorry but We all are getting pay increases soon.

Thanks Sup Forums for fixing our economy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Civil engineering is the whitest branch of engineering.


This asian womyn will tell you differently CTR

>civil engineering

Literally the meme tier of engineering. Only thing worse is software engineering (not engineering). You should have just studied a sociology degree with that soft brain of yours haha.

t. Petroleum Engineer

Wtf I am now a civil engineer

>tfw hvac

Well of course it is. It's the most 'civil' of engineering fields.

No shit, companies have been preparing for months now. Whoever gets a sizable contract is set.

He's not going to implement this plan.

Also full of women for that government affirmative action.

>petroleum engineer
>literally government welfare: the engineer
t. electrical engineer

I can't wait for my stocks to go up in 4 years i'm gunna be rich

yep. we cant pay for it. unless the fed cooperates and magics money into existence zimbabwe style in which case the dollar will achieve peso status.

I'm a construction attorney. I love it.

>he thinks we won't MAGA

There's no reason he can't implement his plan.

How is he going to pay for a $1 trillion infrastructure investment?

Railway Engineer here. Can't wait!

>trying to justify the easiest branch of engineering

Cutting your shitposting salary.

Its a jobs program,
pretty text book expansionary fiscal policy. unemployment will probably go down a bit with the stimulation.
Trump looks like the golden boy.

>White construction workers

Graduating this May as a Civil. What's my job outlook looking like?

>easiest branch of engineering
>not Industrial

>tfw got my survey technician certificate just in time

Leveraging the national debt

>keynesian economics

didn't knew that Sup Forums so economicly ignorant and communist

If Mexicans are so much better why do they not stay in Mexico?

>tfw CAD tech and might come and help to MAGA

>Civil engineering is the whitest branch of engineering.

All modern engineering is based on white western civilization and its science and mathematics from mechanical to electrical and including civil. Only lying revisionist pseudo marxists claim otherwise.

stop blowin smoke

get back to work

too much to be done yet

It is bad overall but for a construction lawyer in DC, very good :)

In mexico we have to cheat our way to the top.

Honest hard working ones never get anywhere.

>t. Petroleum Engineer

Try doing that without computer modeling.

Hint you can't. Lucky you have those software engineers.




Fuck off ahmed

We're full

>In mexico we have to cheat our way to the top.
>Honest hard working ones never get anywhere.

You should go back and change that then.

>he doesn't realize Austrian economics are a meme



its logical surely? expansionary and contractionary policies. But I actually have never been exposed to any other economic theory. NZ is a hivemind

How many times have we tried this?


just fuck my shit up senpai

>Thanks Sup Forums for fixing our economy.


Chemical engineering major here, expecting to graduate in 2 years.

Already have a job offer from chevron

Wtf I'm white now

>construction boom for four years
>afterwards mosr personell get laid off like every major govt contract

Great senpai. Just do your co-ops, internships and do a ASCE contest. You will be in a Job within a week


Cuck pls go and stay go

Aerospace Engineer here. I'm already with NASA, thanks senpai. God luck.

Aerospace Engineer here. I'm already with NASA, thanks senpai. Good luck.