Not all heroes wear capes
Not all heroes wear capes
Arrested for being a Trump supporter in France.
I hope they get bombed again.
>Wearing a faggot weeb shirt
Deserved it. Everyone here likes Trump but if you're a faggot weeb out in public you deserve to be beat like the faggot you are
They will precisely because their policies lead to Muslim's bombing them. They are arresting the solution.
>That anime shirt
>manifestation against Trump in Paris
Is that what it says? Because that's fucking retarded.
Yes, happened today, mostly by Americunt living in Paris.
Yes I said I was going to attend it unironically but 99% of my friends said I was a true warrior
So then I pretend I'm pro Melanchon and I get to fuck a shitload of leftists QT
Which is fine to me anyways
Yes it does, and yes it is. Those people seem to be mostly native English speakers, and they were brought by a large number of privately owned buses.
They are paid shills, Soros probably has got something to do with it.
>anime shirt
oh my days
Faggot weeb
je suis based shitskin
>french cops take him away
they'll be losing their jobs when le penn gets into power
wait you can get arrested in France for being a Trump supporter?
>he reset his router to hide his absolute butthurt
That's for his own good.
He could end up beaten up
It's called humour faggot
actually it was to "protect" me from the antifa
they are like "we got that, keep your protest, we are going to spank him", they are cool lads
Can't wait till the next terrorist chops off every French penis and rapes every French woman with a long blade.
Fuck France.
>there will never be another season of railgun
just end my life
18-25 maitre course
kill me already
Whoah this is literally you?
Can you post proof? Not trying to be an asshole, I just want to make sure it's really you before I start sucking your dick.
Calm down my dear Estados Unifod, that was your compatriot who protest against Drumpf in Paris
Is Antifa really something considerable there? I thouhgt they were biggest only in brittain and germany.
In Paris yes.
see this
Isn't France the one full of those feminist who get naked and write on themselves?
They're no doubt antifa as well.
Good taste
That's exactly the place
I think france is one of the biggest antifa country
>Misaka t-shirt
He should've informed them that Sup Forums was a board of peace and I think they'd have carried him on their shoulders all the way to the Bataclan
Yeah well most of them are a bunch of no balls shooting up drugs with pozzed needles.
Hero frog is amongst us!
What's your csgo rank?
what the police say when they arrested you?
Dirty weeb
Reminder to any other faggots on this site that you are first after the globalists on the day of the rope if you own any anime shit.
top kek,... thanks for pointing that out sempi
Ballsy, dude. Glad the cops were cool.
I love your country and your people. Would happily take up arms to help save them. I've traveled there dozens of time and lived in Beausoleil for a few months.
What's the average French person feel about immigration?
>I love your country and your people.
He's not white though.
You forget Hitler himself was a weeaboo.
Based frogger
Glad to know you're making France great again
How can Barron play 5D chess with 2D girls?
Red a best
And we love you back bby.
I think French peeps are opposed to immigration because only shitskins immigrate to our country but we wouldn't be opposed to White immigration.
basically nothing, just told me to leave
Railgun was shit.
You heard me, slave.
God bless you for exercising your right to free speech.
>windows 10
>explorer bar on top
I thought the french had taste
That's rare
Basically silver. No wonder they didn't take you seriously.
>those white busses
Geez, wonder who was behind this 'manifestation'...
lolno. I built an AR specifically to protect weebs. Im killing as many alt-right faggots as possible.
I'm used to being insulted here so it's new for me
anime is redpilled
Good luck
I bet you're a butthurt chinaman.
>Being this upset over people liking anime
Come on chap what are you going to do throw your cup of tea at us?
He hails from the holy land of the frog! Kek has spoken
Not all heroes wear capes
>Not all heroes wear capes
Liking and watching anime is fine.
Owning anime shit and worse wearing it around in public while you thinking about your slime girl hentai and try to speak in broken Japanese is fucking degenerate.
>Pic related is what happens when you mix cartoons with real life.
is this the baguette who said he'd take his trump merch and go to their protest?
cause if yes, then hes a Sup Forumsack he was posting this morning
here is a vid made by op
(in french)
it is you top kek just scrolled down and saw this post
you have earned keks favor with this
blessings of the frog be with you
is their is a furry, it doesnt count
plus they all look like weak cucks
it should have been a mudshit doing this, with black or very brown skin
And for once, the Frenchman wasn't a complete faggot.
Europoors can't into freedom, user
Nice cherry picking.
I don't see how it effects your ability to live either way.
It's no different to me owning Nazi shit and wearing it around in public whilst thinking about invading Poland and trying to speak in broken German.
Stay safe, man.
Tu devrais apprendre à prononcer khey, ou ne pas le prononcer du tout.
Mais bien joué.
here in euroland
people tend to like being functioning adults more than wearing weeaboo shit because muh anniemay muh individuality
so only people who do anime shit are 100% degenerates - further cementing the public perception that only degenerates wear anime shit in public and further making normal people not do so
On dit quais sur le forum
A french user, in a thread earlier, promised to visit the manifestation and delivered. Someone posted a video on youtube
I'm planning to do this when he comes to Berlin
onee jamal
>Furry is there hurrr durr they must all be furrys
>I own 10 hentai DVDs, A hieko 7 inch dildo from my favourite anime wakatuki suko, 3 wigs, 11 posters, a yekemiko bed set, 6 anime shirts and 2 cosplay outfits but atleast I'm not a furry furry
Nazis are degenerate according to modern society.
Don't you see how you're just like the Leftists shaming Right-wingers?