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I used to be skeptical about the whole 12D underwater backgammon meme. I used to think he was just a little extra media savvy than most people, but after he fucking won, I am now a believer.
Very possible. ANd probably very likely. Notice the twitter trends are about pence and that stupid fucking play
Jesus I didn't even think of this
L O L trump has an IQ over 150 there are simply too many times this sort of thing has happened.
He couldn't possibly have staged it. Even Trump doesn't have that kind of foresight.
He used the situation well though.
why the fuck would pence go to a black person play where they are destroying the names of our founding fathers, and just happened to do it the night before Trump settled his court case
he's actually a fucking genius
>implying turning your opponent's move to your own advantage isn't one of the great strategies of 12 D interdimensional RPS champions
Trump is a scumbag, but a smart scumbag. Also not Hillary.
I'm more than satisfied.
This has happens way too many times for it to be a coincidence.
This, there's just too many coincidences. It wouldn't even be his biggest coup, remember when he leaked his own tape where he pretended to be his own publicist?
i forgot what the point of doing that was. Why did he do that again?
30D Starcraft drone rush
Just watch this:
He might be the smartest president since James Madison. The media is still under estimating him and losing
Wait? People talking about Trump University again?
You lost the popular vote.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! The confusion in that room is amazing! Just look at their wheels turning in their brains trying to figure out whats going on
This. Theater in general is full of fags and degenerates. Why would Mike "Turn Fruits into Vegetables" Pence go to a play, in NY of all places. 3D move by Trump to get attention off of Trump U and to show how ridiculous the left is that a VP can't watch a play in peace.
cry moar
>3 million illegals for hill
No, Trump won popular vote.
thank his jew son-in-law for that. he is the real brains of this whole administration and will be the brains of making america great again. Donald is just his masterrace spokesman with other world leader manlets
Wat is happening
>trump got him the tickets
Anyone explain please, what is this all about?
He settled a business lawsuit in controversial fashion but was able to bury the story because he started a feud with some retards on a Broadway play.
I don't put anything past him since the Miller incident.
Pence went to a play called Hamilton, which is black people playing the part of the white founding fathers. At the end of the play, one of the actors went off on Pence talking about buzzword bullshit.
Meanwhile, Trump settled the Trump university case, paid off the plaintiffs $25million.
Trump made a few tweets about the Hamilton play being unfair. And the media starts having a fucking aneurysm about the play but forgets about Trump university which should be the bigger story, but they care more about muh feelings, so they covered the black play instead
why did he leak the tapes though?
He literally has a huge part of his first book where he describes how to play the media
How the fuck are the media still getting played?
I don't remember exactly but there was some retarded story that the news kept playing over and over that he was able to squash by releasing these tapes
boom, gg
That's pretty cool.
But now I feel uncomfortable, as if Trump has been tricking us the same way he did with this case
Couldn't ask a better VP.
Jew media keep biting Trump's bait.
i wish aall those people were ded
Trump U. case got settled, but to scuttle the new cycle on it, Trump sent Pence to go watch the Broadway Show Hamilton expecting Pence to be treated like shit, then started a twitter war with the Hamilton cast, creating a new story about a feud between a PEOTUS and a bunch of actors.
Mother of god
Only if you count non-citizens and dead people.
Ever since the entire mainstream media got on board with the neoliberal agenda, literally only arguing over things like how fast societal norms should change as the plutocrats plunder the West, they have discredited all opposition by declaring themselves to be the only reputable sources.
They didn't have to be smart because they had a monopoly. In fact, being stupid was no impediment to career success; look at those cunts like Bill Kristol who were so wrong about every-fucking-thing still making bank by going on TV and being wrong about things.
To get in on the action as a "journalist", what was required of you was not particular insight or investigative skill. Instead, what mattered was that you were a reliable acceptor of the neoliberal consensus, willing to shill for a particular interest, with a class-snobbery contempt for poor white people and an instinctive urge to appease poor minorities. (This is because many of them are desperate to believe they are good people... they know deep down they are actually cunts but if they are very careful about being on-message PC they are able to convince themselves that they aren't terrible).
Problem with relying on no competition as basically their strategy is that they overplayed their hand. They got sloppy, their lies got more ridiculous and their opinions got more stupid and they got caught out one too many times.
Trust has collapsed in them, but they haven't come to terms with it yet. It is quite pathetic, really. These so-called mainstream journalists exist in an echo chamber of other journalists and so-called mainstream politicians and don't listen to what people outside of it are saying. So in their echo chamber, they did nothing wrong and the hunt for a culprit has landed on... fake news on Facebook! Which is unbelievably stupid of them because a very real problem is indeed fake news, but it's THEIR fake news.
tl;dr because they are fucking idiots who are totally out of touch with the real world
They only read authorized good-think.
To control the media narrative
Who remembers what dumbshit was in the news at the time but it changed immediately.
Throughout the entire process he kept the MSM talking about retarded shit and then spread his real message on social media
He truly is the Grandmaster... how does he time to think out all these genious ideas?
I know a few 150 IQ people and they don't come anywhere close Trump. He's mindblowing beyond my normie comprehension.
Any proof that Jared is the true Master Persuader? He would have had to teach all his knowledge to Trump. Trump is without doubt extremely fast thinker and he knew the techniques well. Jared couldn't be on the stage debating instead of Teflon Don.
Jared is without doubt extremely smart, and two (or more) brains can think on more things than one brain, so there's no doubt he could be behind some of the things.
Yep. His books are worthwhile reading. It's all spelled out right there; the way he thinks about situations, the tactical direction he prefers and the reasons he will play it straight or be wiley, to appear to be stupid when it will benefit him, to jump out ahead of bad media and introduce his own spin before the news companies have a chance.
Don't be put off by negative reviews of his books. His detractors have been spamming those with low ratings for the past two years.
I could accept 50 or 60 times, but NOT 61! that is too much
seriously though, why?
Top tier analysis m8
Yeah budday
you guys are over thinking this. nothing to see here
t. jMill
keikaku doori
I keep hearing this word, wtf does it mean, and why is everyone suddenly using it?
just call them the sjws
Meme master
>None of us even remember the controversy
Proof the man is a genius.
I love this pic, just the sheer look of mischief
I firmly believe that this picture is responsible for Trump getting more Hispanic voters than Romney. How can you be scared of a man who takes a pic like this?
What happened to Pence in this Hamilton? (its a theatre if i've understand correctly)
High IQ doesn't neccessarily mean high social intelligence. Trump has the social intelligence nailed down; normies are easily played.
>High IQ doesn't neccessarily mean high social intelligence
it does if they train themselves properly.
high IQ will always mean at the very least you have the potential for high social intelligence.
Shitskins said "hey you whiteys, you best not be upplian to our moosic play." Just blatant racism, But you know, every cuck will defend it saying us whities oppressed their privilege to star in the play or something.
they're NPCs tbqh fampai
Degenerate jesters ridiculed the Vice President elect.
It's a musical where black people pretend to be the founding fathers and rap about their political beefs or something. It's very progressive and filled with gays (because theatre), so Mike "Con Edison's homo medicine" Pence goes. At some point the cast introduces him, calls him out in the audience, and say they want to read him a brief message from the theatre company. The audience starts booing Pence like crazy, and Pence leaves.
Yep, and it was a stroke of genius too. Proves once again he's a master of 24d space tiddlywinks.
Everyone's going on about Pence and the cucks in the Hamilton cast on social media and news media and who's talk about him actually settling Trump University?
He's done it again. The Romney story as well just the bury it into the headlines.
I read this like it was a KND mission name and I don't know why.
neoliberals want to privatize (liberalize) social programs so companies can enjoy better profits from price regulated markets
but hey, as long as our people run the government, we might as well push policies that guarantee business for us and protect our profit making potential in countries we haven't complete control over yet
hence optional wars, trade agreements designed to protect or augment corporate profits (synchronize IP law; preserve tax havens; push ISDS provisions that give us a means to fight back against local govt regulations; etc), and doing everything in our power to support groups that share our interests or are willing to play ball in other countries, and get rid of those that aren't
Thanks, basically another example of liberal """tolerance"""
/r/ing the "it's not a chessboard, it's your grave" persuasionpic
>After Friday evening’s performance, at which Vice President-elect Mike Pence was in the audience, several dozen of the Broadway musical’s cast zeroed in on Pence during their curtain call. Brandon Victor Dixon — the actor who played Aaron Burr — stepped forth and cut through the applause.
>“You know, we have a guest in the audience this evening,” he said to audience laughter. “And Vice President-elect Pence, I see you walking out, but I hope you will hear us just a few more moments. There’s nothing to boo here, ladies and gentlemen. There’s nothing to boo here. We’re all here sharing a story of love. We have a message for you, sir. We hope that you will hear us out.”
>As he pulled a small piece of paper from his pocket, Dixon encouraged people to record and share what he was about to say “because this message needs to be spread far and wide.”
>“Vice President-elect Pence, we welcome you, and we truly thank you for joining us here at ‘Hamilton: An American Musical.’ We really do,” Dixon said to further applause. “We, sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir. But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and work on behalf of all of us. All of us. Again, we truly thank you truly for seeing this show, this wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men and women of different colors, creeds and orientations.”
A little condescending but the company tried to be pretty professional about it. Secret service probably got anxious about the crowd, though. Then Trump memed control of the news cycle.
Neoliberalism = big business gets to do what it wants; distract idiots by starting arguments over normalizing degeneracy and calling anyone who is against it a Nazi; anyone who has a problem with this is a "conspiracist"
It stopped working this year.
>just call them the sjws
Problem with doing that is that it gets normies to stop listening to you. They don't use that term themselves and if you don't speak their language, they dismiss what you have to say as they have been trained to.
Honestly more angry at the Shitlib Booing Crowds than Hamilton. I like Hamilton it's a good musical.
But seems like they got played. That or Trump is the luckiest person to ever exist.
"classical" liberals believed the best way to create a business friendly environment was to limit government power
"neo" liberals believe the best way to create a business friendly environment is to harness government power
do you happen to have the hole thread?
You shills cannot stop, can you? It's like watching s person who's addicted to lying pathologically.
it is hard to say to what degree neo or classical liberals honestly believe what is good for business is also good for the little people - despite the negative ramifications their policies actually have upon them - or honestly don't give a rat's ass (on account of pure selfishness or what they perceive to be the stupidity or degeneracy of the little people) as long as they make more money
Media has one god, like every other business - money.
If CNN would refuse to cover Comney opening investigation on Clinton again, Americans, regardless of political affiliation would switch channels to Fox which would surely cover it, which leads to CNN loosing ad revenue.
Same goes with Trump playing them. The Miller tapes generated several news cycles that people wanted to watch, what would they talk about instead? Biggest pumpkin competitions somewhere in deep south? Come on.
Pence bought the tickets more than a year before there was a settlement date.
You're all retarded
God damn now I'm going to need to google this shit because I have no idea what happened.
Read on demise of Trotskists in Labour and you'll understand who they are.
>someone like Pence has to buy tickets like normal people
>meanwhile NYC theatrefags are seeing it twice a month
See: It's from an article on it and is basically a direct transcription of events. (Curtain call is the end.) Pence listened to the speech, but from the hallway.
that bit where you just have to start asking th esame question over and over because they won't answer is pretty spot on
I'm just observing that they keep adding the prefix neo to things, and then defining the new thing, when really it seems nothing to do with the old thing
>it gets normies to stop listening to you
kek, like they ever listen to us anyway
but your explanation does kind of seem quite good.
neo-liberals are nothng to do with being liberal, just like neo-cons are nothing to do with conserving?
that sounds long and boring
I was just wondering why everyone is using this newish term
you described a jew
Nah, Trump believes that every country is better off when we are focusing on ourselves and competing on technology and trade. Russia will be fine, but you had better start making Russia great again.
>Those two accounts that always bicker with each other over a t-shirt every time Trump makes a tweet.
Are they bots or what?
Shill Detected.
The media just can't help but be played like a fiddle by the God Emperor.
>Are they bots or what?
I don't know but they are fucking annoying.
Knawm sayin
How dare you Sir.
How many digits will it take for you to see the truth?