Reminder that the real problem is women.
Reminder that the real problem is women
MGTOW thread
the real problem is the jew faiths of islam christianity and judaism
>still mad after 200+ years
Women have no power on their own
The real problem is emotionally weak men who are enslaved by women.
Betas create a weak feminine society
Yes, the vaginal Jew.
>women have no power, you just need to MAN UP
>definition of man up is "become appealing to women and serve them"
Yeah they have no power alright. They just control your soul and eat it when they want.
Women are supposed to be controlled, not appeased
What does mgtow have to do with the revolutionary war? Pant-shitting spaz.
It's all an illusion. When you are in contact with women, they hold all the cards.
They are not hindered by justice or logic. They lie. They steal. They hide behind "weakness." And they wield the power of the state to destroy you.
Women are demons.
This. Our women our our responsibility
Women have no power on their own.
They are objectively stupider and physically weaker than men.
Smart cultures have always controlled their women.
We are not a smart culture anymore.
the real problem is the media promoting "alpha" culture
the real problem is not giving a fuck about the other person's suffering and the general lack of compassion on this earth
the real problem is using people as stepping stones
the real problem is the spinelessness of modern culture
the real problem is the fact that beating on people lower on the social ladder than you is considered acceptable and not abhorrent
the real problem is the fact that women are taught to be whores
>the real problem is human nature
this is not human nature
not one fucking human being is born evil
They weren't a problem until jews created and pushed feminism.
You are very naive.
It's not evil, it's survival.
hahaha its the survival of the fittest ya dumb cunt, pick up a biology book autist
But trump won white women
you are very blind
in abundance, no man would be evil
in hardship we should help our fellow man
but you would rather run away from your own conscience
how can a material being have qualia?
would a machine truly ever be capable of grasping the blackness of black, or would it just see a value?
your mum is sage
Is this way
Reminder that white women voted for Trump.
Reminder that women overwhelmingly backed the Conservatives in the UK until Labour had
(a) totally abandoned socialism or even being vaguely left wing
(b) steeped itself in the blood of iraqis
Its not their fault, we are to blame just as much as the fucking kikes for letting it go this far.
Beta mentality.
You are a loser and your genes will die out.
Go your own way already and leave the rest of us alone. MGTOWers are faggots who are so terrified of women having power that they choose to be celibate rather than have to ever speak to one. And somehow, in their minds that is something to brag about.
Only until we engineer you into obsolescence, roastie.
Reminder that real problem is
who influence
>Mass media and education with anti white
hence creates
>white knights
who agree with
>Female vote
combined with
>Media going full out with anti white male
which results
>Nu males
who tolerate and grovel around
>women being feminists
Jews are the seed, and if you still think it women, then you should maybe go back to your containment board of
>women do all the work ruining everything
>it's totally the Jews
thanks Belgium. for a non-country you're alright
>being terrified of something insane and cruel who destroys lives on a whim with the backing of the insane police state she created
Sounds reasonable to me.
Operation MAMA, Make Americans Men Again
the moist jew
also the only problem is white women
>children get the right to vote
>elect someone who gives them '''freee''' sweets. but says war with Iran
>the whole would is ruined
Literally what you sound like if you posted in steroids text
Our ancestors knew this.
We got soft.
We forgot the hard lessons.
The loss of life in relearning this lesson will dwarf all others.
>this represents all women
I mean, all nu-males represent every male, right?
I think that only older women should be able to vote.
>women are children! you should never make them grow up!
It's actually (((you.)))
Yes, it's totally the jews and white knights fault for allowing women to vote.
Leeting women vote is like letting children vote. Hating/blaming women is like blaming children.
What can't you not get through you lard filled brain?
Old* White women voted for Trump, ya dingus.
>No, see, women are just children!
You're just a Jew plant. 53% of white women voted for Trump.
ann coulter is based you shouldn't use a picture of her when talking shit about women
And, did women as a whole not?
Remembering that turnout goes up with age, it seems highly likely that "women" as a category would still tip over to Trump - even if young women didn't vote for him, turnouts would balance it out.
Old women, faggot.
Plus, good looking women with Alpha boyfriends/husbands would of voted Trump, like their bf's did.
Also, alphas do't take shit from their women, hence why their women are happier.
Give women's rights a slice of of salami, they'll swallow the whole sausage whole.
Stop letting young women vote, and we can start improving ut society. Of curse, we can't do that while there are jews and masses of white knights
>Women with a grown up mindeset finally stopped voting like idiots.
You can't keep up with this 3D chess.
>le alpha meme
Now that's childish.