Who is attending the Rally Against Trump protest in Toronto?
Who is attending the Rally Against Trump protest in Toronto?
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A bunch of idiots.
Shit that never happened: the post.
So she admits to assault and battery online? She can't be this fucking retarded.
nevermind, thought it was a white girl for some reason. Anyone report it to the FBI yet?
>Who is attending the Rally Against Trump protest in Toronto?
homosexual leafs and their scumbag leaf sjw friends who like abortions and thing the leaf is actually on a par with the USA
Anyone who attends these rallies deserves to be visited by the
The electoral college system is rigged against democrats. People should revolt.
Very low energy turnout
I hope Garrison cleans it up just like he did Baltimore.
but they are welcoming hate by hating hate
Oh yea, totally rigged against democrats, and not for them.
Totally. Literally, and stuff.
I hope you realize that its fucking raining and that noone is basiccly gonna show upp
Mods it's time to get rid of the Canadians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had a similar experience. Was walking down the middle of detroit and there was this small group of 4 or 5 white supremacists crowding around a scared group of young black youths running a donation drive for starving aleppo people. These racists surrounded them yelling "HAHAHA NOW THAT FUHRER TRUMP IS ELECTED, THE NIGGERS ARE GOING TO HANG!!". I boiled with silent rage and walked up to them slowly. I pointed my finger at the ring leader and stared at him with death in my eyes and said "Listen, bullies. Donald Trump is not the President-elect in our hearts. He cannot break our spirit, and neither can you. Omae wa moe shindeiru".
The leader looked at me shocked and said "Wow that even rhymed" before got into my Tenha no kamae and collapsed his face with my Ganzan Ryuzan Ha. I tried to warn the others not to attack me, but they were too late. I struck their pressure points with precision and finished them with my Hyakuretsu Ken. They exploded into masses of messy flesh.
The innocent doe eyed youths grew angel wings and ascended to heaven as they thanked me. I do not like violence and would do anything to avoid it, so I walked away slowly with my head down smiling as a twinkle appeared in my eye. "That's for you, Black Jesus".
>slaps the shit outta "white man" for saying derogatory term for afrikans
>"i dont see color we are all one race"
>except white people fuck them
Thanks Nigger Jesus