Prove you're not a solid liberal
Steadfast Conservative
Hard-pressed skeptic
Solid Liberal
Same here
That is some weirdass conflicting ideology...
Jaded cynical Millennial outsider
if the shoe fits
I'm waiting for the centrist strawman smuggie.
Young Outsider
Where are my hard-pressed skeptic bros?
Steadfast conservative, but this chart is too black and white
what a shit description, I'm not even poor
golden one, is that you?
Steadfast Conservative reporting. Anybody who is anything other than that is a cuck and needs to return to /plebbit/
I got the same but I'm not really conservative.
I just think that gibs should stop and environmentalists are freaks. That's all for my "conservatism". I could run as a socialist on this platform over here.
Steadfast Conservative.
>Next Generation Left
Just fucking kill me.
It said I'm a steadfast conservative even though I don't think that I am.
Lol, white male shitlord reporting in.
>Le Sup Forums is only satire meme
>Young Outsider
>This relatively young, largely independent group holds a mix of conservative and liberal views. And while more lean toward the Republican Party than the Democratic Party, Young Outsiders generally express unfavorable opinions of both major parties. They are largely skeptical of activist government, as a substantial majority views government as wasteful and inefficient. Yet many diverge from the two conservative typology groups – Steadfast Conservatives and Business Conservatives – in their strong support for the environment and many liberal social policies. Compare groups on key issues.
>strong support for the environment and many liberal social policies
Fuck the environment. I just want the government to fuck off telling people what to do
>Steadfast Conservative
most question are BS though.
I mean really, choose between
>muh muhrins
>muh diplamacy
I would chose both, have a strong army, but first try to solve shit without need for action. A strong military is a diplomatic bargain chip on its own.
Steadfast Conservative = Real American
>another choose one or the other quiz
I expected a bit more from Pew, honestly. Who nuanced views here?
This guy gets it.
My thoughts exactly
I have a job
we got identical results
Got this, even though according to the numbers I disagreed with them on most issues aside from government inefficiency and anti-immigration.
Deeply financially-stressed and distrustful of government, Hard-Pressed Skeptics have reservations about both political parties, but more lean toward the Democratic Party. In general, they want government to do more to solve problems, but have doubts about its efficiency. Hard-Pressed Skeptics are among the most cynical about the ability of individuals to improve their lot through hard work. These attitudes may reflect their distressed financial conditions: Hard-Pressed Skeptics have the lowest average family incomes of any of the typology groups.
Business Conservative
All the steadfast conservatives have that result.
t. Steadfast conservative
Faith and family left
Is this a bad thing?
Nothing wrong with classical liberalism.
>put things that fit with my fascist ideology
>faith and family left
It makes sense.
Business Conservative
Steadfast Conservative
this poll is BS anyway
Well, this is me [unsheathes cock].
Worst ideology IMO.
>gives free stuff to dindus
>well-regulated corporatism
>"holier-than-thou" religious attitude
Steadfast Conservative
12% of the population
Literally Hitler.
What a stupid quiz. It's entirely based around the false dichotomy of the Republican and Democratic platforms.
In some earlier thread today I got libertardian. Proves that most of these tests are pretty shit if they can fluctate this much.
Same here
I always get slightly in the green area in that other political compass test. I think this one at least reflects my real views to an extent.
engineer, not surprised with the result
All aboard the cuckservative train, no stop for the next 4 years, destination: winning.
I got young outisider
This is a worthless quiz. My answers to most questions are 'both' or 'neither'.
These polls always give me shitty results since US is so much more fucked up than Finland
It's particularly telling there's no result aligning with libertarianism.
who else /minority/ here
blow me cuqs
>The good old "Speak softly, but carry a big stick"
Has there ever been a better way to go about diplomacy as a great/world power?
Steadfast Conservative.
i made it to question 7 before i gave up on that bullshit. neither answer is appropriate in many of the questions i read
its basically all or nothing with no consideration for variables. 100% black and white
what did they mean by this?
I just like the environment
Young Outsider, what I thought I was gonna get.
WTF does steadfast even mean? Does it have something to do with Texas and food?
>Not poor
You obviously didn't read the part where it said to choose the one that is closest. They can't both be closest, and it doesn't matter how far they are.
Steadfast Conservative reporting in
Steadfast conservative
apperently im a steadfast cuckservative
If I vehemently disagree with both options, or if both options are so vague and far-reaching that their truth is functionally unknowable, then the quiz is worthless.
>you have to believe in what i say or else this quiz is pointless - A FUCKING LEAF 2016
I had the same feeling, the test is not really good.
Completed your retarded test. Where is my cookie?
Actually, it's worse than worthless. It actively conditions people to believe the short-sighted and narrow-minded views of the major political parties.
my fellow middle aged man with baseball bats.
I'm an anarchist.
So what does this make me?
I don't want to gun down gays in the streets or take out the national parks but I am up to DRAIN THE SWAMP and make america great again.
Steadfast conservative
You have to be pretty cucked to score faith and family left
A cuck who wants to have his cake and eat it too
They're the "Jesus was/would be a socialist/communist" types
>young outsider
>nationalist/conservative views on issues that are global and international
>socialist views on issues that are domestic
sounds about right to be honest
Hard-Pressed Skeptic.
These tests are always too "this or that" to give better answers.
this is a horrible test.
fuck yourself OP you cock sucking faggot
Here's a question - given there's such an incredible spectrum of views about things, why is it that incredibly different people with diametrically opposed views to one another operate within the same political union?
What I mean by that is that why does, say, San Francisco desire to be in the same political union as people from rural Kentucky, Alaska, and Wyoming? And vice versa.
It seems very obvious that neither of them stands to benefit, since the only outcome of that is that one group gets dictated to by the other. Wouldn't it be better if unlike people kept out of political unions with one another?