Do you believe you have free will, or do you consider yourself a robot controlled by your genes?

Do you believe you have free will, or do you consider yourself a robot controlled by your genes?

its a mix of the two.


Depends on which part of the brain is being used.

How exactly can free will exist? Isn't it all just cause and effect?

Of course we have free will, we have no choice

I see a lot of assertions and little else


>you're not an extension of the laws of physics acting upon molecules that came together and formed the elements and primordial soup necessary for the creation of life, which then mutated and traveled to different locations and climates evolving different traits to help them survive and pro-create

>There is nothing that could be considered god that caused that

>there are no rules that you can follow to make sure in general you and your neighbors live good lives

>free will isn't synonymous with self awareness and having the ability to fuck up instead of being driven by instinct mostly

Free Will because I'm not a cuck like you

You aren't going to find the answer that you're looking for, because no-one knows what conciousness is.

I'm a robot controlled by my memes.

Does anyone really believe that if they went back in time, assuming the same circumstances, that they would ever of made another decision or choice?

Our thoughts cone from the food we eat. Our brains are like computer processors just reading the information passed through in our blood stream. Relatively speaking, we are robots, but our thoughts do not control us either. So you can go against your thoughts, or the bacteria living in your brain, which causes anxiety and stress. These negative feelings co e from the organisms in your brain releasing chemicals which trigger these emotions. And vice versa, if we continue consuming 'them' we get a huge release of endorphins.


I think the outcome would significantly differ.

If you went back in time and thought the same way you did then there would be no logical reason why you would do anything different.

>no-one knows what conciousness is.
That's because conciousness isn't a real word.

Sub-atomic outcomes are not predetermined so that alone would create a different timeline.

You brain uses sub-atomic particles, so it's likely there's some uncertainty in how it operates, too.

>muh cause and effect
Sure, if you want to define "free will" in such a meaningless way and pretend that there's no valid distinction to make between the behavior of inanimate objects and self-aware being. If you want to go down that road, you might as well go tell physicists that there's no such thing as chaotic physical systems because it's all just cause and effect, same as a rock falling to the ground. Basically all these arguments are just giant strawmen.

I also like Mass Effect, but only the first one

I think people who believe in free will have better life outcomes.

So there are values more important than the truth, basically.
