>Sup Forums thinks there is something wrong with this
Sup Forums thinks there is something wrong with this
They wouldn't be successful if they couldn't screw over their employees
If you work full time at walmart, that's your own fault
Profit margins of Walmart are tiny, even if you give all the revenue the salary raise would be very little
>le whitelash man
fuck off CNN
He's just saying that since he doesn't feel comfortable going to whole foods anymore after the white-lash bs comment.
How does this make any sense? They're a business and it's not slavery. Just find a better paying job if you don't like working some entry position filled by a bunch of kids usually.
Wal-mart can pay its employees whatever they want. If the employees find fault in it, they can quit.
>Sup Forums actually thinks it's good for the US tax payer to have to subsidize Walmart's labor costs because they refuse to have self sustaining business model
so sick of this shit, full time walmart workers CAN afford to live by themselves, they are just shit with their money and buy things they don't need instead of food
>user thinks that working at Walmart should be a lifelong career choice
I used to hate Walmart like ten years ago because of da liberalism. I swear the one I go to wastes money or something. They have a billion black domes on the ceiling, which may or may not have working cameras, but they also have screens everywhere. Not just screens with cameras(that say "YOU ARE ON CAMERA!"), but then these big screens up high with graphics that are Christmas themed right now. I can't help but wonder, who is that for? Who looks at that? It's up like ten feet high. Idk if they are worried about customer shoplifting or employee theft. Idk if they changed worker policy but I'd be they have some disgruntled employees. I'll still go there because they have everything and 'Merica.
What are welfare cliffs
That literally has nothing to do with what I said. The tax payer is subsidizing every Walmart employee, regardless of they worked there for a month or their lives.
Walmart should get more robot. I'd shop there even more if they had robots.
Why does Sup Forums have such a contempt for poor people when you most of you are poor NEETs as well?
Because they do get paid not to work and large employers are served by the part time horde.
They're temporarily embarrassed millionaires
Just IMAGINE, if you will.... just for a moment...
IMAGINE if during the 2008 election, a white reporter at CNN had tried to justify Obama's victory as a "black lash."
IMAGINE the shitstorm. IMAGINE how quickly he would lose his job.
>every Walmart employee gets welfare even if they're working there for a month
Citation needed.
>When most of you are poor NEETs
This is actually a meme, there are a good amount of self reliant independent people on this board who also just happen to be autistic
Well I don't know if Walmart could even afford to pay more than they do. Also, if they could, then yes they should pay their workers more. The question is, how would you enforce it for Walmart but not even business? Hint: you can't
Sup Forums shouldn't give literal racists like Van Jones a platform.
Not every employee, but enough of them do to be quite the burden on the government.
The amount of class cucks this thread is going to attract will be absurd
Van Jones' spergout after the election was so delicious
I don't. He's 1000% right
Well damn, you've convinced me. They should fire all the people on welfare that work there and they should all just go on full welfare instead while they look for a "real" job to put on their resume. Good idea.
As a tax payer I am not ok with Walmart making profit off of taking my tax dollars as essentially a way to pay their employees.
If you don't get that, then you are dumb and should be purged from our society.
If you do understand that and agree with it, you are scum and need to be purged from society.
Looking bad for you son.
Do y'all even know how hard it is to get on 'welfare'? Do you know what programs you'd apply for? Because 99.9% of the time: You aren't going to qualify because its been cut and reduced to zero or near zero in most places.
The issue could be fixed by robots.
Maybe you should educate the people who are middle aged or whatever who decide to make that their lifelong career choice?
Walmart jobs are for high schoolers and college kids and retirees and looking to make an extra buck. No healthy, able bodied person, particularly anyone between the ages of 30-65 should be working at Walmart and be taking welfare, but it's not Walmart's problem if they are.
Why don't you walk over to your local Walmart and tell them all they're being shitheads and they should quit and find a better job?
employees steal WAAAY more than customers
The taxpayer is subsidizing walmart employees because they work less than 30 hours a week. They are too lazy to work full time. It's no different than any other form of welfare state leeching, except somebody out there is getting something productive out of it.
>"Don't be a welfare queen you scum! Get a job!"
>Person get a job
>Job has shit pay so still have to be on welfare
>Raise awareness about shit pay so person can get off welfare.
>Solution:"Get a better job!"
How much are you asking Wal-Mart to pay? They already pay above the minimum wage. If we forced them to pay more, Wal-mart would respond by increasing prices and employing less people. Then everyone would have their living standard affected by the higher prices at Wal-mart.
China does need your money.
A lot of the time most people can't get 40 hours a week if they beg for it. You realize if they're working more than 35hrs/wk, Walmart is obligated to provide a healthcare plan under the PPACA. So guess what, wage workers aren't going to get more than 34 hours.
Thinking the same thing
Place your order online or at kiosks at the store
Pay online or at terminal
Robots pull items and have them waiting for you to pickup or they ship
No need to maintain sales floor, stock shelves, cuts staff in half or more.
Service Merchandise did this model in the 80s but without robots - still cut staff costs.
Wow its almost as if Capitalism is full of inherent contradictions that will lead to its collapse
Agreed. Government shouldn't be subsidizing the wages of Wal-Mart workers. Waste of my tax dollars
walmart pays people really well compared to other retail jobs, fuck off Van "race-baiting" Jones
I have one locally. Haven't been there. Is it good?
>A lot of the time most people can't get 40 hours a week if they beg for it.
Change 'beg' to 'turn in a job application' and 'type up a resume' and 'dress up for an interview'
Worked at a Walmart while in college
Van "Whitelash" Jones is full of shit.
Most Walmarts pay above the min wage (I was making $12 an hour before I left) and give their employees huge discounts on prescription drugs and other stuff.
A Walmart GM nets $100k+ and an assistant manager can earn $60k.
Worst part of working at Walmart where the customers, and Walmart knew this and treated their employees very well compared to say, Target.
Low prices, good quality, workers get a good salary too
You have to pack your own bags though since Aldi doesn't employ people for something as retarded as that and rather gives the actual employees better wages
You must have no self-awareness. You just pointed out one of the largest flaws with minimum wages. Employers would just cut hours worked in response to minimum wage hikes.
If the workers didn't spend their entire paycheck on new iPhones and Air Jordans maybe they wouldn't need food stamps. Really makes you think.
Walmart is enabled by sellout deals with china which hopefully Trump stops.
Walmart has expanded their health insurance to all employees.
>pic semi related
b-but the evil corporations stomping their boot down on the proletariat...
strawman argument
if you want a higher paying job, learn an in-demand skillset. entry level positions pay less because, by-definition, any bum off the street can walk in and replace you.
So, no wasting plastic. Some markets have those reuseable bags for sale but I never see anyone with them. It's kinda smart, shop at Aldi and use your own bags, because you have no choice!
>If you work full time at walmart, that's your own fault
Walmart is a job, and not a career. I agree with this user's statement totally.
"Full timers" at walmart need to get a grip on reality. IF your employer does not pay enough, you need to find another job. Take the skill set that you have EARNED no matter how small it is and move forward with it.
Walmart (OR Any other minimum wage job) is not a be-all-end-all. Striving for mediocrity is not a way to better yourself.
tl:DR Get another job you bums.
fuck you i love the plastic bags. fucking hate commiefornia. if it's really a huge environmental problem, then just charge more $ for waste disposal, don't goddamn ban it.
nah we'll just vote for the nuclear option.
In Ireland, you have to use your own bags or pay 12c for every plastic bag they give you. Government taxes that shit to cut down on landfill waste and to pocket the money
Sometimes it's the only employment option, especially in rural areas.
When they run all other places of employment out of your community and turn $10-15/hr jobs into unreliable $7/hr jobs, it tends to fuck over everyone.
I think they should be prohibited from being able to build in rural communities where their only competition is small business.
Alternatively: The workers could kill their bosses and take over the means of production.
>2k Deductible
Yeah dude, real fucking generous of Walmart.
> and to pocket the money
corruption is everywhere my friend
Ever heard of these new inventions called cars, trains, planes, and buses? These let you go to any other play across the country. Amazing, isn't it?
Shouldn't you pay me $100 because you're rich and privileged amerifat and i'm a poorfag from eastern europe?
so by this process, all things being equal, everyone ends up in the ceo office of some megarich fortune 500 company? Neat. Crowded though.
So you're saying all rural people need to move to multicultural cities? Yeah, no thanks.
Walmart employs, directly or indirectly, 10% of the US labor force.
That's your argument? That people can move? That's like me saying "why don't you move to another country then?" every time you criticize your government.
See this is a good idea. Incentives. If the government has a right to tax something, use of landfills should be one. Unless you want to go back to burning trash in your backyard.
lol, as if any of these plebs have a clue how to run a multinational business. it they "controlled the means of production" they'd just start stealing product straight from the loading dock.
also, insurance is a racket.
Communist get out!
>itt. People who've never worked minimum wage jobs and are in college right now or went to a nice job straight out of one.
If you can't have empathy for poor uneducation people, at least enough to understand their problems, you shouldn't be in a position of power.
I could easily tell you to get over your problems, I can tell you "just go talk to girls and don't be a retard" with no effort on my part but you would know that that's a massive oversimplification and ignores your problems.
It's really fucking stupid to pretend you know everything about everyone and that you're some bastion of wisdom, and some day you'll realize just how retarded the "arguments" you make are.
Only if they have no real skills and are unwilling to do real work so they have to work so they resort to working at a shitty Wal-mart.
>comparing driving 100 miles to immigrating to another country
What is "real work"?
Something that produces value more than minimum wage.
We've been here since this was /new/ and we aren't going to go away, and probably grow stronger over the next few months. Deal with it, class cuck
>uprooting your entire life, potentially abandoning doctors, family, friends, community resources, etc
Yeah dude its super easy!
There's this new invention called the internet. You should try it sometime.
A job that you can only get with a 4 year degree.
Man, why won't these people who barley graduated high school and have shitty home lives and had to go straight into just get those?
maybe it's because im high right now, but it honestly scares and saddens me when I meet people who are just content with their current shit job, I've worked with people like that and it's fucking weird to see that they clearly still hate their job but they try soooo fucking hard to follow every rule to a T
I'm personally of the belief that not everyone out there is going to be at the top and that for society to work properly of course there are going to be people needed on the bottom, probably more there than those at the top.
That being said, just because some people are too stupid to get a better job than Walmart (and really, would you want more competition for your careers? Why be upset some people can't do better?) doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to enjoy life, though maybe not to the same degree as those on top.
In any case, they should be treated humanely. I don't beat my dog just because he's stupid. I give him a good life in return for the labor he gives me.
>Alternatively: The workers could kill their bosses and take over the means of production.
Syndicalism doesn't work. Workers co-ops are notorious for their nonexistence because they fail to compete with capitalist structures. Believe it or not, capitalists service their workers in multiple ways. They provide salaries before the sale of any good, provide capital necessary to produce, and assume all risks of entrepreneurship. This is why people would rather be hired than be self-employed or own a business. In a workers co-op, workers wouldn't get paid until they actually sold something.
>Tfw the /leftypol/ invasion makes Sup Forums the red square of the internet
ok. Take away the food stamps, THEN up the wages.
Not the other way around NIGGER. We know your fucking game
Walmart comes, fills roles of previous businesses cheaper and better, people from closed businesses retrain or retool and succeed or work at Walmart on food stamps. Government handouts not being aimed at getting people off of the states tit is the entire problem. It's the fix that nobody wants to focus on because everyone smart enough to see it profits from it. Your corporate middle manager make 7 times the local managers salary because there are people surviving on 7 bucks an hour instead of a labor shortage.
Well if the workers wanted to drive them out they can unionize. Ive been a warehouse worker for 6 years. when I started horrible wages but 4 years ago me and a few contacted a union. it was pretty crazy the whole process and we were threatened by management lawyers came in but we prevailed. Was making 12 an hour now making 18 with dental ,medical and benefits.
>ceo office of some megarich
Is this reality? No, so your hypothetical there is pure retardation.
You don't need to be a CEO to afford a house, car and other amenities while supporting your family.
Walmart was my first job, I now work as machine operator making 18/hr which is plenty to afford a house/car & support myself.
>inb4 math phd user appears to tell us about his 300k job.
Point is, you look for other opportunities and develop skills.
The people who keep crying about walmart are going to be replaced. Probably more than 50% of their staff could be replaced now if all cash registers became automated.
I support a living wage for them but we have to acknowledge the reality that their essentially skilless and replacable, there is no shortage of walmart employees.
Honestly if they'd cut it with the "ironic" bigotry (against minorities, not the rich, obviously), I'd be hugely into this.
I'm of a similar opinion. People have been turned into fuel for this machine that turns labor into pieces of paper for wankers to collect, instead of the benefactors of said machine like people originally came together for. It's getting close to the day when the paper collectors won't need the labor market anymore - then what? A planet of "inconvenient" people that just get genocided because they're not in the "top" group of social darwinians.
I sincerely hope we plan to elevate all people to a livable standard with the advent of the same technology that makes their labor obsolete.
>so still have to be on welfare
No you don't. Stop living outside your means. You don't have a basic right to internet/cable TV.
>We meme Lenin Back to life
>We meme him into the presidency
Things are looking up
if we meme enough he'll bust out of the glass coffin like on the simpsons, right. that's how it works. we get our one.
If you work at walmart then you deserve what you're paid.
>but we need higher wages!
What for? To give more expenses to the companies? Which in turn leads to higher product costs? Which in the end will lead to you wasting more of your higher salary, while others get fired to compensate, and productivity goes down as companies try to use less people to do the same amount of work?
>but we earn too little
No you fucking niggers, brazilians earn too little while paying higher taxes. Americans are a bunch of pamepered cunts who think they're disadvantaged for being in a rich nation.
I've seen fat fuck americans say they're fat because they're too poor, you're just a sorry excuse for a nation if you let these people define your labour policies.
That's a lie lol
Cost externalizing
i don't know how people are so shitty at handling their money
This. I forgot that term though. Thanks Britanon
Self sustained 22 yo male spic
My local grocery store is employee owned. They hire people who have no interest in working, terribly inefficient. I see people standing around on their phones all the time. Collectivism is the ideology of the weak, stupid and lazy