he actually used the phrase " safe and special place " unironically!
Trump is beta
Trump and Pence paid good money to see Hamilton, getting booed at the whole time isn't something someone should have to deal with here. Also, "safe spaces" at university is for people too fragile to hear a differing opinion.
>Trump sent Pence to the theater in the eve of his settling the whole Trump University thing, then tweeted to ensure people paid attention to escalated the resulting fiasco.
Really makes you think.
>Also, "safe spaces" at university is for people too fragile to hear a differing opinion.
Muh irony
>implying he wasnt using it ironically
the madman knows how to lay the bantz
triggered dat nigger
Pic related.
samefag has to bump his own thread on his phone
am i the only one here that believes Trump didn't write that? it sounds like something a woman would write. Probably Ivanka.
A different black gave the cringe-worthy "you better not genocide us!" speech.
That black's Twitter feed is full of "muh police brutality against innocent black men!" propaganda.
Thank goodness Pence helped expose the divide between white America and the brown masses.
You now realise wanting to build a wall is wanting to make the whole of the USA a safe space. This is spoken to all of you.
Not shoving the libtards own rhetoric back at them as bants.
nigger cant believe people can have reasonable opinions
He's intentionally pushing the Left's buttons.
Trump literally campaigned on making America a safe space from Mexican rape culture and Islamic misogyny and homophobia you fucking shitlord
This will ensure that the letter elite further insulate themselves into a bubble.
This is a win for us guys.
These faggots want no interaction with anybody of a different ideology. They will eat themselves and never understand why they lost
>not realizing theres a difference between debating opinions in public, and being loud and disruptive in a theater.
Anyone who makes noise in a theater should be shot, regardless of political opinions
Dude he fucking said "Apologize!" At the end of it, something he was badgered with during his entire campaign, it seems like sarcasm.
>These faggots want no interaction with anybody of a different ideology.
I can see how your economic anxiety is making you so open to interactions with people from different ideologies.
What a fucking cuck. Give me a fucking break retard and fuck off to your "non-college-educated" shithole.
>illegal immigrants
Oh cool, it's this post for the 40th time today... Check the catalog, you fucking faggot
As if he didn't use "safe space" on purpose to make SJW's flip their shit.
And now the left is attacking the idea of safe spaces. 42D chess. You'll never get it.
It's called "mirroring". It's a sales technique wherein you use someone else's vocabulary to build rapport with them, and persuade them you are reasonable. This is not Trump being "beta"; it's Trump hacking beta brains.
420D chess blaze it faggot
>>getting booed at the whole time isn't something someone should have to deal with here
>whiteknighting for two grown men
weird faggot
the theatre has never been a safe space just ask lincoln
"look at me look at me"
thin skinned manchildren tears are the saltiest
>paying money to watch a show and getting bitched at the entire time
>Crying on campus because the presidential candidate you wanted to win, lost.
If you can't see the difference between the two you're certifiably retarded. I feel like you might be shitposting, but here's your (you)
Well ever since Lincoln the theater has been a neutral space...
stop replying to these threads bakas
the great meme war may be over but the remnants of ctr and it's allies still remain...don't feed them (You)s
>Daughter ends up next Chloe Camilla
>Getting gangbanged and treated like human trash by niggers
>Makes stupid orgasm faces on camera
>"My human sexuality degree empowered me to make these vids showing womens' hidden deeps"
Why would he do this? Demanding an apology from them just empowers them to say no.
Fuck this presidential crybaby new fag. This is America, where we reserve the right to troll you to fuck off and die.
anyone wearing a tall hat blocking the view of the people behind them should be shot.
>falling for satire
Libtards cannot see the irony.
>safe space
Whoever runs Trump's twitter is the master of memes.
>place where people go to get away from politics
>Safe space
>place where libtards go so they can't hear opposing opinions
you mean the Mad Man himself?
>Whoever runs Trump's twitter is the master of memes.