/po/ BTFO by strong black man

/po/ BTFO by strong black man
how will we recover?


this is such a 'I'm a black man' act, the voice and costume, it's hilarious. This is a white man (poorly) impersonating a black man.

>white guy with stereotypical nigger hair cut

Poor origami board

do youre homework plebs, he has a light skinned black father

no he is a charlatan


Why come Shaun Kang never grows out his fro?

Except that he doesn't.

Who gives a fuck what this pasty wigger has to say

you cant proved that

And Elizabeth Warren is part Apache

He literally looks albino


nah uh he said his mum said he was a pale black man

That's just his fantasies.

His mom said Shaun is a liar.

>talcum x

Lmao that interviewer follows me on my troll twitter account

>black man

white man trying to pass of as mulatto... sigh.

White guy living out white savior fantasy.

We "Avatar" now.

LMAO he's even talking like a nigger. This guy is the nigger equivalent of weeaboos. A niggerboo.

What in the fuck. This guy was proven to be a liar and a fraud. In fact he was appropriating another culture, one of this worst sins according to the left.

How any one can take TYT seriously is beyond me. This is pure insanity. Keep it up liberals, all you are doing is pushing more people to the right.

Holy fuck.


He's doing a fake black accent to make up for his appearance. I'd recognize it anywhere, my black friend speaks normal American english but can "joke in ebonics" if he really wants to. What a fucking fraud Shaun King is.

this guy is a reverse WE WUZ

>want to fight racism
>pretend to be black

how is that in itself not racist? It's as if he's saying they won't accept his help if he's a white man--

oh wait, they won't


How is he not white?

My black friend went on a rant saying how this guy is a racist and should kill himself

Is there anything more cucked than hating your own race if you're white?

i dont even care if hes black or white but hes such a fraud how can anyone still take him serious


on suicide watch

Look at his moustache he shaves the top half to try and look like that pencil stache black guys typically have. Pretty sure he shapes his hairline for the same reason