Nigger demonstration in Lausanne, Switzerland

>600 people demonstrated Saturday afternoon, saying "Black Lives Matter"

Some nigger chimps out in my Canton, gets killed by the cops (after he wanted to stab them) and now we have niggers doing their BLM shit as always, obviously supported by (((the Left))) and other such commies. I know my city is a commie shithole but why can't you keep your BLM nigger shit to yourselves, burgers?

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What would William Tell say today if he saw the gruesome condition of our Confederacy

You should be glad this happened though, it reveals what utter apes all niggers are, unsuitable to live in your mountain utopia.

BLM is everywhere now, just like every aspect of the American social justice movement. Thanks to internet we can't escape from it.
At least you've got your FASS90 at home if the needs to take a pavement ape down arises.

>Black Lives Matter
less than fecal matter

Deport all of those who are not citizens.
Cut welfare to those who cause any trouble.

You gotta him Soros some props. That takes some skills.

Soros is a master genius. He is spreading his agenda globally.
A small international clique.

>BLM in fucking Switzerland
the ride never ends

Where does Soros live and is bounty hunting legal there

Oh common how did Soros pay them?
Omg Please, it was so peaceful here....
Get your shit done romands!

I ddint heared anything about that escaltion or the murder of a black guy by police in lausanne.

I've seen your niggers and they're straight out of Africa. You morons were stupid enough to open your countries ass so wide that it let 25% or over of it's population become non swiss. That's probably one of the highest if not the highest out of any European country. Don't blame America this time-- your liberal cretins who sit around smoking pot and have that one token black friend to rebel against mommy and daddy brought this on. The new generation of Swiss are lazy low test imbeciles and by adjusting your culture to massive standards of comfort and complacency you fucked yourselves over. Fix your own country, cheesehead.

That's a good one. We can even mainline it.

Black lives matter less than dust.
Black lives matter less than white.

I'm sorry.

>be new to Zurich in 2011
>sit in Tram14 on way to main station to go hiking in the beautiful Swiss mountains and pay into local tourism economy
>black kid is jumping around being noisy n shit
>old Swiss lady is visibly annoyed
>nigglet keeps being annoying
>old woman has enough and goes:"please go back to Africa and never come back"
>people are visibly distressed
>burst out laughing
>people are in shock that someone found this funny
>get off tram, board train, go hiking whilst humming a tune

He would be at least happy about its minor "independence" from EU.

Why the fuck is there niggers in Switzerland? i mean Muslims probably, but niggers?

wtf is this shit, if anywhere its here that nobody bothers them.

What makes these niggers think their worthless lives matter?
You could kill all niggers over night and nothing would change, except that the world would be a better, safer place.

It was in Bex. Some negro was chimping out (as usual), so the police came. Being a nigger, he ran towards the cops with a knife and got shot.
If it happened in Lausanne, the commies' reaction would be 10 times worse. God I hate this city...

Too bad it was in the French part of Switzerland.

Still have a bunch of tear gas and military smoke grenades

In case you didn't know.

>At least you've got your FASS90 at home if the needs to take a pavement ape down arises.

Do the niggers in Switzerland get guns as well?

lol they all look like autist.

>intentionally living in french part of switzerland

Why are they in Switzerland?

To rob and steal.

You're a dawn swiss, can't you just shoot them all?

Try Yverdon-les-Bains lmao.
We have 60 of them in the center of town selling drugs all day every day and no one does anything.

Just going to leave this here...

Shit leaks from France


We feel your pain brother.

Just remember: When it comes to chimpouts, it is more about the race than the place. I bet half of those protesters couldn't point out the USA on a map.

Good luck. I'm not too worried; you have excellent gun rights.

We wuz Heidi and sheiiiit

I dare say that I'm a little aroused over this. Nice.

we should have kept them in Africa, greed is why the pool of humanity is now tainted with black ink.

Obviously there won't be peace on Earth until every last nigger is dead.

swiss is down too... holy fuck