The conservative hypocrisy is real, and their butthurt is exquisite. Fuck safe spaces, this is the real world.

Stay mad, my friends.

I made you. I am your reason for being. This is just a light trolling and you losers fall for it everytime.

Pic related is me basking in your salty tears.


Liberals call for safe spaces as a defacto form of segregation.

Pence just asked people respect the VP office at a social event that usually requires a high level of etiquette.

>denying someone a service they paid for based on their political views
>break discrimination laws while citing "free speech"
kek the liberal hypocrisy never ends

I'll admit, I guffawed at that pic

>unironically support safe space
>mocks someone who just wanted to see a musical by implying they want a safe space

so shitlibs are against safe spaces now?


Seriously, just behave in fucking theater.


Seditious speech isnt free speech. Its 2016, come on.

Implying he isn't pointing out liberal hypocrisy

Some one change this to hillary and bill so I can share it with my red neck friend and him get super pissed off about all the pc bullshit. Then I will drop the original. Hahahaha

Remember: Words don't mean anything anymore

We are all having fun here user. Everyone is a winner!

This guy gets it.

>We are sooo scared Pence. Hear our appeal!
>Pence: You guys got me! We were planning with FEMA how soon we could setup some "fun" camps, but thanks to your appeal to my humanity we will call off our hateful, bigoted, mysoginistic, racist, xenophobic plans."

Theater jews remember this, turnabout is fair play. Those dumb assholes just invited people to stand up in the middle of their display and interrupt.

None of those things happened. You're acting like they took his seat away and forced him out of the building by gunpoint.

>Sup Forums such cucks for trumps they'll defend safe spaces

>five of these threads a minute


I want to believe Trump was alluding to the hypocrisy of calling for safe space for the hilldawgs while harassing Pence, but I think he's just being petty.

Considering that the US has a history of assassinating political figures in theatre I'd also say that the viewers shouldn't be put in the spotlight there.

Does literally anyone know what the 1st amendment (and whole bill of rights) actually is?

He was. It's a poke at muh safe spaces.
Spinning it into "HAHAHA TRUMP WANTS A SAFE SPACE" only makes libs look even more retarded than they already do.

This just further highlights one of our main problems: performing monkeys think they are opinion shapers.
Just dance, clown, no one cares you don't like how the election came out. This is the equivalent of spitting in someone's food in the back of a restaurant.

False equivalency.

Liberal safe spaces are echo chambers, where libs go and bash whites and spout their political views without fear of opposition. A place where liberals can attack, but cannot be attacked.

Normal safe spaces are places where you just chill without attacking or being attacked, where you can take an actual break from politics.

>meanwhile nobody is paying attention to him settling the university lawsuit

You lost, get over it.

What's there to pay attention to? Everyone knew he won't let this shit fester. He's going to be inaugurated in less than two months, he can't have loose ends like that.

>trump made leftists hate safe spaces and support 1st amendment with just 2 tweets

wow really makes you think

>OP's image

Holy fuck a week and a half after the election and liberals are still assblasted.

I find it funny how liberals cannot understand the obvious satire.

>swiss people

jesus christ