Why is this continent as poor as Africa and India? Does this continent have no mineral or territorial potential to be world powers?
Why is this continent as poor as Africa and India...
>Why is this continent as poor as Africa and India?
it's not
>poor as Africa and India
wtf lol
The United States financed coups d'etat throughout Latin America
Apart from the fact that the UK has always interfered in the affairs of the continent before the 20th century
Spain and Portugal colonized it
It has the natural resources and the potential, its just corrupt as fuck.
Mexicans, monkeys and niggers
They tried several never tried before forms of socialism that were almost sure to succeed, but then the evil white cis men interfered and destroyed socialism before it could blossom.
>Why is this continent as poor as Africa and India?
Afro-indian spotted
your level of education is showing nigger
>Average anglo colony
>Average Spanish colony
Check m8 anglo scum
Florida gave the god emperor the presidency
>Why is this continent as poor as Africa and India?
I though Switzerland has top tier education.
It has, but from our level of wealth even EU countries are Africa-tier. So his point stands, south america is an africa-tier shithole
One word: socialism
socialism and population that dont behead politicians and take the government
1. lots of niggers
2. corruption
3. USA meddling
4. soviet meddling
>it's socialism I swear not because we are jungle niggers!!11!!
>The United States financed coups d'etat throughout Latin America
So before the US interfered, it was a modern civilized group of countries?
Muh retarded "empire".
Dominican Republic destroyed Latin America. That's why.
are you stupid?
>no mineral or territorial potentia
> South America
American Education.
Also OP, south America is not as poor as africa.
Brazil was once one of the biggest empires in the history of humanity and almost a first world country. Then we lost our monarchy and the jews finally took power of everything.
jews =/= socialists
You try getting off your ass and working when it's that fucking hot out there. Everybody is literally just sitting around waiting to not feel hot at any given time.
socialism = jewish conception
Actually yes
Get your shit together swizz
I never understood Sup Forums obsession with race.
run my shitskins.
>1 post
>self loathing argentinean
is there a more buttblasted continent than south america?
>its somebody elses fault.
Never fails. Just like a nigger would.
What about niggers? All they cry about is race. If niggers and others alike would stfu and learn their place. We wouldnt have a problem.
Don't blame meddling (((amigo)))
That really means nothing. Brazil would still be a currupt socialist shithole.
It's near summer here
t. a literal moor.
bc there's no whites there
The end of socialism is near here. The right is growing, calling for less state
Less State = greater decentralization of power = less corruption
south america is preparing for world domination
Solar Atlantean Reich led by avatar of Inti; Inca-Aryan metaphysical warfare has been perfected for 500 years at underground andean shrines....psychick powers unmatched, they're the descendants of atlantean heroes, their weapons forged at El Dorado (Omphalos for the next satha yuga)
keep dreaming the kek'ers have tapped into chaos magick and will domainate.
Argentina was really rich.
Brazil was an agrarian society, less violent than today and without the starvation that started with the coup d'etat.
>Less State = greater decentralization of power
LOL The banks will milk this country dry.
There is a reason why the owner of Itaú and his party (NOVO) supports the privatization of everything.
doubt it....rumours have it that mt. Uritorco is the actual axis mundi. opening for sacred undeground city ERKS possibly located there....frequent sightings of ayy lmaos and elves strongly backs it. some associate it with Hades/Niflheim but I have reasons to suspect it is an ancient hyperborean colony
Probably because you are not white and have seen how other races behave in comparison to you.
>Does this continent have no mineral?
texas was not great because of spanish, but because of americans
oh and btw, if we are going to talk about all spanish colonies, what about equatorial guinea and bolivia?
Not full but pretty much, and with a setted way to progress. Depending the country is 50% USA intervention + local corruption's fault or unironically racial causes (ie Bolivia that is 70% pure indio).
In our case, your jewish overlords and the anglos didn't like our closeness to Europe and specially Germany so they did their part to assure we got ruined, starting as early as 1930.
That's only a part though. The rest is local corruption.
On a good side USA supported giving Brazil a seat on the UN security council which would've given more importance to the continent, but the UK and the USSR opposed it.
some of my best friends are hispanic, but argentina sucks ass
how's life in SC? Is it hard to find jobs?
Chile is not so bad, because we godly Norwegians gave them Salmon.
Didn't expect other reply. I'd like to say that only your government and kike lobby are evil but seems that the average american is genuinely retarded and deluded.
the continent is made up of european prisoners and their relatives
hope that explains it
Thanks based nordic bro.
Also Salmon has omega 3, which increase iq and reduce heart attacks.
Too bad, 80% of our sea food is sell to chinks and japs.
Australia too
It's terrible, stay right where you are.
Can you explain why?
If you were to choose from the three southern states, which one would be the best?
>Too bad, 80% of our sea food is sell to chinks and japs.
Meh, Norway can sell to everyone else :)
(we have a big salmon production)
Anyway, are there mostly Norwegian companies producing salmon in Chile? (we are preddy big in that field).
Economic recession is closing some factories and the tourism isn't going well also.
I'd say PR is better because is close do SP, because of that is more developed.
How's Chile? Being a Texan I have an affinity for your flag. Pinochet was pretty based, is the country cucked since his departure? Wondering if Chile would be a worthwhile backup plan for when the kikes destroy America.
Is it really 56?
South America wasn't baptized by mountain kikes as a safe haven for their jewery.
Also the ameriniggers made a sport out of fucking up all countries south to keep them dependent on uncle Sam's tit
Nah, it's more
I still root for SA, but their track record ain't so good
can you guys help me explain to this guy why he isn't white please
Our tard woman socialist Bachlete is fucking us AGAIN
Since I've last been there before she was elected a second time the value of the peso went down again.
Im pretty sure I read somewhere that Argetina used to be western european tier, until they went full socialist retard shit and became what they are today.
I think it was the early 1900s, when they were great.
Look up the "Resource curse". Almost every resource rich country is an absolute shithole.
Not a single Spanish colony is a 1st world country.
The worlds mose powerful nation, Israel.... I mean America was a British colony.
America = British
Canada = British
Australia = British
New Zealand = British
lel. well I think this pic i saved was supposed to highlight poland, but the decline of Argentina is still shown.
And then you freed your slaves
it was actually wild capitalism, not socialism, that destroyed this country
up to the late 60's it was pretty good, and that was after 20 years of Peron and social democracy
then the USA-sponsored coup happened and from 1976 onwards we've had different shades of globalisation, liberal capitalism and crony capitalism
Why you guys care so much about SA we don't annoy anyone, USA problem is with Mexico and Central America
50 million Mexicans and 40 million niggers live in your fucking country the white race is going to disappear in this continent
You are western countries full of resources and a population that doesn't contribute to sciences or progress or strength of the West.
Should anything happen to USA, SA is at risk.
Brazil has a lot of tropical wood. If they invaded Warri, they could have had a monopoly on it, which would have improved their economy by a lot.
>troops on the ground in Brazil
lol what?
>Why is this continent as poor as Africa and India?
Except they are richer and have better countries than Africa and India.
>hurr durr
We aren't part of the western countries, we barely contribute to the world, but we still do. If you want to hate some country hate India, China or Nigeria
I thought South America was Eastern Europe tier or just below.
>no mineral or territorial potential
my country only has grass, cows, and a fistful of Finns planting/chopping trees like ants
and we're doing way better than anyone with oil/minerals in this continent
it's all about race
whiter countries will do better with less
Delet this
Nigger, dont make me start with all the contributions of argentina to the world.
Go back to your hockey game eh?
Fucking leaf
Guess who's the richest country in South America?
Falklands because the Anglo race is civilized and naturally successful.
>francophone sphere
Pretty much
Provided the U.S. didn't exist or laid off it would be doing better but then you have to consider other super powers would have attempted to move in
i should probably just steer clear on my opinions on the SA economy. The US clearly had a big impact., so I'm not sure how i could distance myself.
Domestic policy is still very influential(see venezuela) but yeah we've probably done some shit.
J'avais oublié les Îles Malouines.
What their status in UK?
pic related
forgot the pic
some of these countries are not where i expected them to be, or even knew about