Why pol is against organic food?
Why pol is against organic food?
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I'm not.
>not drinking raw milk though
Kys desu senpai
>drinking another animals milk
Lol wat? People still do this in pre-2017?
>falling for the organic jew
I got something organic in my pants for you to suck on
Ikr, my mom keep a fresh jug of her tit milk ready at all times. How else are you guys getting your good boy nutrients?
I'm not against it but,
>Animal milk
Cashew milk is where its at.
Hell, there are even some vegan recipes that are absolutely amazing
It's the """"""Lifestyle"""""" that turn people away.
Holy shit it's the current year and also going to be the next current year eventually! Fuck me! How can arguments against it stand a chance?
Because Monsanto said Glyphosate(the main ingredient in Round Up) is safe to eat when it is present in almost all our food.
>caring about organic
Most importantly you should NEVER eat the GMO-jew