Why pol is against organic food?

Why pol is against organic food?

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I'm not.

>not drinking raw milk though

Kys desu senpai

>drinking another animals milk

Lol wat? People still do this in pre-2017?

>falling for the organic jew

I got something organic in my pants for you to suck on

Ikr, my mom keep a fresh jug of her tit milk ready at all times. How else are you guys getting your good boy nutrients?

I'm not against it but,
>Animal milk
Cashew milk is where its at.
Hell, there are even some vegan recipes that are absolutely amazing

It's the """"""Lifestyle"""""" that turn people away.

Holy shit it's the current year and also going to be the next current year eventually! Fuck me! How can arguments against it stand a chance?

Because Monsanto said Glyphosate(the main ingredient in Round Up) is safe to eat when it is present in almost all our food.

>caring about organic

Most importantly you should NEVER eat the GMO-jew

Same as you. From your mom's tits.

>Is Sup Forums one person?
The world may never know.

>vegan wants to milk nuts
wow what a surprise

There's no benefit to killing your customers. You lose money that way.

Pol is not against organic.

Only low IQ people are.

Enjoy getting growth hormones intended to turn a 75lb calf into a 600lb cow?
Seems to have worked wonders for you.

Cuz it's gay


Milk from humans is really nice to be honest, tastes really sweet

just buy from a market like Kroger that actually has decent standards for their dairy.

>Raw milk is considered healthier
>Selling raw milk is considered illegal in US by the dept of AG
>Dept of AG is made up of people who worked at the big processing plants

If you want to see corruption in government just look at banking and food policies.

milk makes you masculine

I'm not. Breast milk is goat

On the contrary, you actually make even more money from bad health by just making vaccines that have glyphosate in them and invest in stocks in the pharmeceutical companies.

>White Mountain sells White Organic Milk

das raciss

>still not getting it
Let put this in simple terms Jamale

That's is the only reason it exists.
To turn the new born calf into a full grown bull.

Humans are the ONLY animal on the face of this entire goddamned planet that will drink another animals breast milk.

Drinking another animals breast milk is NOT HEALTHY.

>falling for the health jew
There is literally no difference between the regular shit, and organic. Organic vegetables come out of the same fields at the same time as the regular shit. They're sprayed with the same pesticides. Organic milk Is just regular milk, it comes out of the same cows as the regular shit.

Oh, you prefer "free range" chicken? Doesnt exist. Show me where there are resort farms where chickens roam free and they keep up with demand and production and shit...

It's a meme to suck more money out of gullible hipsters

That explains why my milk addiction as a child gave me kickass strength and muscle bone growth

gods consume the world around them. Animals are made to serve us.


Only worms eat from the dirt

Because it is 100% marketing bullshit, that's why.

It's for cucks and the scientifically illiterate.

Fucking hate how the word organic has been misused too.

Because if leftists and liberals are for it, they're against it.

It doesn't matter if it's logical or not.


All food is organic you fucking moron. Non organic food would be rocks and metals.

God dammit marie.

>Humans are the ONLY animal on the face of this entire goddamned planet that will drink another animals breast milk

Hey I know you're busy making sweeping generalizations, but pic related


Go buy a bunch of organic food and at the checkout tell them your name is Trump. BTFO libtarsd haha fags

>bovine growth hormone has an effect on the human body