Is this cultural appropriation?
Is this cultural appropriation?
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For them, not living in huts and bleaching their hair with cow urine, is cultural appropriation.
yes, do i care? no
I love how they always choose the lightest-skinned black women they can find that can still be called black
I guess but who cares about leftist garbage?
It's nigger fantasy.
Like lord of the rings is to white people.
Funny how poor liberal people will pay a grand to go watch this dumb shit and then they whine about white america making them poor lmao
>"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but it's okay when we do it since we were never in a position of power!!!"
They look goofy af, like a pet in a funny costume.
Yes. It's an open mockery of this nation and it's founding fathers.
Who cares though because niggers are fucking stupid. They actually think they built this nation. Hilarious.
No because whites stole this whole fashion from Africans in Somalia in 1634.
I seriously wish all of you Butt mad whiteboos would open a history book once in a while.. Oh right they are write. By whites and fail To even mention how blacks dominantes the seas and undermined the British empire by a mile.
Are there actually any niggers living in Sweden? How often do you see niggers
no only when white people do it
"A story of America then told by America now"
What a shit
America now is all nonwhites, and the "british" are all whites. They see whites as the enemy holding them from their freedom and they're not afraid to admit it. Thats the symbolism here
>haha le niggers rite guys xD
They are just as swedish as me and everyone Else, we don't have this inferiority complex where we identify by color.
Our entire strength is we accept anyone as swedish, save from a few insignificant white oldies who need To die desu.
People of different color actually Treat this country better Than anyone else, and so they shall rightfully pry our dead hands open and inherit Sweden.
You Will see, in 100 years Sweden Will soar with well Being.
Ebin troll Sven :DDD
i give it a 10/10
fuck that this is better
I guess it's more of a matter of I don't really care. No one person owns a culture. There should be no culture police. The idea of cultural appropriation relies heavily on collectivism and I'm an individualist.
of course it is but niggers won't admit to it because only white people can appropriate culture, right?
It's just hamilton propganda for federal government control over the states, federal reserve currency...and big government which hamilton preached about.
This stuff gets to me, big time.
I come from a family of Oxford history professors and man, in Britain we have had many TV shows making some negress a medieval queen or some shit.
History is supposed to be the one constant and unchangeable thing in our lives, yet people attempt to corrupt it for a political agenda.
Just look at Egypt, these negros really believe that the Ancient civilisation was completely black, despite little/no evidence to support it.
Except I would actually pay to watch Doggosaurs
We need to prank them
It's more of a parlor trick where trained chimpanzees are dressed in clothing to amuse new york jews.
its shitwashing. like whitewashing but worse
So the answer is no, you rarely see niggers.
My fucking sides
You can bleach hair with urine??
if it wasnt theyd be wearing skins and living in mud huts. Cultural appropriation doesnt matter and the people who say it does benefit from it the most, double standards much
Hong Kong dropping the truth bomb
Strictly speaking, if a nigger is doing anything other than dying of AIDS in a mud hut in Africa with a bone through his nose while wearing a loin cloth, he's culturally appropriating white people.
Romans created public urinals to collect urine, which was used to "bleach" fabric and make the classic white robes you see wealthy ancient Romans wearing.
If this keeps up, maybe fifty years down the line, people will finally believe us when we say that American slaves were enslaved by other blacks.
Currently writing a rap musical about the Underground Railroad starring Anne Hathaway as Harriet Tubman and James Franco as Frederick Douglass
>collect urine
>leave it in the sun for a day
>urine turns into ammonia
>TADA, hair bleach
t. negro scientist
well bethoven was black so no. there were blacks were this type of cloathing.
Some would even pay you for your piss.
Hamilton was a nigger.
Kek, fpbp
Why don't they use real hispanics instead of mestizo trash?
all those people in that image are disgusting globalist puppets
just look at them
their whole faces scream whine and more whine about right wings politics, blacklivematters, oppresion, etc
Who dressed the slaves? Are democrats making up thier own gay ass version of history again?
>He was from Nevis
>nothing but nogs in Nevis
yes, absolutely, but white people aren't niggers so we don't care. at least I don't care
>thier own gay ass version of history
they've been at it for a while now
>Sup Forums and Trump supporters
>concerned about art and theatre
Lmao, don't worry your monster truck rally is probably still nigger free
I love when SJWs create ideas like cultural appropriation or mansplaining, it helps pushing people to our side. Or away, at least.
>Hip hop musical
>Historical accuracy
>Not having black people
nah its only bad when white people do it. this applies to anything you can think of, white people are just supposed to work pay taxes and shut up.
it fucking better be, desu
based dane
Can you imagine the uproar if Roots was remade with a white cast?
I remember this hilarious thread on int where this American black guy believed the memes and actually bought a ticket to Sweden, thinking that women would throw themselves at him.
Nobody would talk to him, he was too autistic to go to clubs, and he didn't even speak the language, so he just complained on Sup Forums in his hotel room alone.
hilariously not to be taken seriously crackheads
The should have made the British all pakis.
Can you imagine how many nogs and progtards would masturbate into critical dehydration at every scene where a black owner whipped white slaves?
>literally MUH DICK
Whites could respond with, "we understand you now, my nigga".
Individualism itself is a Anglo-Saxon construct (sometimes fetishized and exaggerated by Jews). It requires an Anglo cultural context to even exist. Libertarianism for example has no equivalent in other cultures.
Realistically, though, we might be better off if major news outlets can be penalized for lying about shit and then not clearing it up the second someone disproves them. I'm not even talking about millions of dollars per infraction--make it so that every person who reports on the falsehood before a retraction is issued gets $20 or $30 bucks out of it. People will be absurdly incentivized to fact-check everything and after a few weeks of losing millions (pocket change) in these claims, news outlets will start trying to be sneakier and more selective about which narratives they push--which will only draw more attention to them as being narratives rather than actual news.
lord of the rings is f-fantasy?