Daily reminder that your fake conservative princess still inserts his penis into the butthole of other men and compacts feces into his bowels until he ejaculates, resulting in brown liquid coming out of the man's butt and all over the bed. They then repeat the process in Milo's butt.
Daily reminder that your fake conservative princess still inserts his penis into the butthole of other men and compacts...
Who's that? Is she a singer or something?
steven crowder
jelly much
really gets the noggin joggin
>inserts his penis into the butthole of other men
That's just blatantly false.
Pics or it didn't happen
Yes, and?
Hello Milo.
I never liked Milo. Seems to me like he used the growing alt-right and claimed himself as one of the spokespersons for his own success.
He never really brought anything new or constructive, just lurked Sup Forums for long enough and then brought whatever we said to a larger audience.
>being assmad over the Based British Bottom Botherer
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And so what of the fucks dudes? That leaves more women for straight dudes, and he also says he doesn't like the left pushing the degenerate side of homosexuality. He's not forcing that shit down my throat (no homo) so I don't mind it.
Maybe OP is an shitter shattered lefty cuck who's upset his gf won't let him prep the bull or something
What larger audience, exactly? He spoke at colleges to conservative audiences to troll liberals, and writes for Breitbart. He's not reaching anyone new.
I literally dont give a single fuck what Milo or any other faggot does behind closed doors.
>thinking he's the enemy of your enemy
>too stupid to realize that flamboyant gays crave attention so much that they'll literally say anything to get it
Flamboyant gays have detectable mental issues 96% of the time, you know, right?
>Seems to me like he used the growing alt-right and claimed himself as one of the spokespersons for his own success.
He's never claimed to be part of the alt-right, let alone one of its leaders.
Before Milo gained the popularity he has right now Sup Forums was not as much of a shit show it is today.
I blame him for the increasing number of people on Sup Forums, they're decreasing the general quality of posts and are a pain in the ass in general
This, he says he only gave them a platform to share their views and only aligns with them on some things.
>your fake conservative princess
>thinking that anyone actually liked Milo
You can actually blame Chairman Pao for cracking down on the edgier subreddits in 2015.
Yet he still shills for our side and agrees with most sane people that being gay isn't natural(at least not 100%) and hates how society mollycoddles the gay community and promotes it. Listen to his talks on his college tour, he's actually not that bad a guy senpai
Milo is completely unlikeable. Even if you were to agree 100% with him he still comes off as a smug, hypocritical try-hard.
daily reminder that you can't refute any of the arguments he presented against your cancerous ideology.
>inserts his penis into the butthole of other men and compacts feces into his bowels until he ejaculates, resulting in brown liquid coming out of the man's butt and all over the bed.
tbqh lad this seems like details one gain after engaging in something similar. do you have any confessions for us?
Only anal with your mom, but she looks a lot like a man so I assume it's the same.
that's not funny that's only bullying
She didn't want you to know, but you asked.
nobody on Sup Forums likes Milo so your argument is pretty much invalid
I'm quite certain Milo is an enema queen.
Daily reminder that a self collapsed gash bleeds uterine chunks and some kind of fish slime and that poop is never there when you fuck a woman ass unless you're fat and have no sense of pressure to go
>poor insult
stop making us look bad in front of the Canadians
Lol too late
He's a bottom, so it's his shit being pushed in and the shitty cum leaking out of him.