Isn't Hamilton supposed to be about the founding fathers? Why is the cast almost all non-white? Can an American make some sense out of this? Is America really this cucked?
And why is Mike Pence even watching this travesty?
Isn't Hamilton supposed to be about the founding fathers? Why is the cast almost all non-white? Can an American make some sense out of this? Is America really this cucked?
And why is Mike Pence even watching this travesty?
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>Is America really this cucked?
No, just New York and other liberal cities.
>Why is the cast almost all non-white?
In this case it does make sense to cast non-whites because it's a rap musical.
That was the point.
Lin Manuel Miranda literally said in the casting call that whites shouldn't bother showing up to audition and liberal media was sucking his dick over it for weeks.
If not for that, nobody would have even heard of this shitty play.
What does the tolerant Left mean by this?
Yeah, how dare we bar actors from roles over race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grow the fuck out of the alt-right already.
It's updated for the modern audience. Get with the times.
Brown Washing American history.
>Isn't Hamilton supposed to be about the founding fathers? Why is the cast almost all non-white?
The Founding Fathers were anglos, not whites.
>rap musical
sounds about as bearable as a root canal enema
It was slaves (i.e. blacks) who did all the hard work in building America
Hi, CTR.
How you holding up??
>And why is Mike Pence even watching this travesty?
The real question.
>It was slaves (i.e. blacks) who did all the hard work in building America
But rural American contributed incest and meth, so they got that going for them. Which is nice.
lol In the Heights won four Tony awards, go back to fucking your sister you backwoods hick
>It was slaves (i.e. blacks) who did all the menial physical labor that required absolutely no brain power at all while whites engineered their cities and towns, engaged in politics, and shaped the nation.
I died a little on the inside.
Are playwrights so unimaginative nowadays that they have to vandalize classics?
The only good thing about Hamilton is Daveed Diggs.
top kek
Still pwning all the blacks and browns, so we got that going for us. Welfare treating you ok, son?
>Still pwning all the blacks
Yeah, you pwn them with your vagina.
>NON-WHITE men and women
>and women
Have they gone to far this time? or is friendship with white women officially over?
I first heard about this play from my liberal sister. She told me it was a play about our founding fathers. That sounded nice, but I was suspicious since she's a total leftist and yet she recommended it to me.
But whatever, I thought I would give it a chance. Maybe it would be like the musical 1776: Historically accurate, entertaining, and patriotic.
So I start watching and immediately I'm confused. Why are all these black people rapping? Why are they pretending to be the founding fathers? Is this a joke and then the actual musical will start after this?
The more I watched, the angrier I got. Between the historical revisionism, the obvious pro-immigrant political agenda, the way they shit all over Burr and Adams, how they portrayed Lafayette as a huge fag...
I couldn't finish watching this utter garbage and left to go rewatch 1776.
>lol this faggy SJW musical won 4 faggy musical awards from a bunch of fags lol go fuck yourself
You retards aren't William Shakespeare, you're just a bunch of cucks putting on shitty plays.
Im pretty sure the writer is half jewish.
I remember watching some PBS thing on this.
oh the ironing
>Im pretty sure the writer is half jewish.
Unlike Ivanka Trump.
She's 100% Jewish.
Mankind's time is up. Just end it. Make the Jews initiate their Samson option.
What is pence doing that has them scared? Why are they accusing him of shit?
this is fucking racism why do we tolerate this ?
It's a "reclaiming of American history by a multicultural cast."
To be honest it isn't so much revisionist history as it is a rap about Alexander Hamilton, really.
Ironically enough, Hamilton was in favor of the electoral college so there's that.
holy fuckin shit if a fuckin African Mexican trans queer Jew alien reptilian wanted to act as one of the founding fathers in a fucking play that's fine - They want to be a true patriotic American, this is exactly what you shits care about.
Hamilton was a Caribbean mulatto working for the House of Rothschild.
Based Vice President Aaron Burr kicked that shit to the curb with his Glock.
I would never even consider that shit.
One of the main reasons trump was elected.
Never before have I seen such a leddit using fag fail so hard at being funny
Niggers are retarded. News at 11.
I fail to see the problem here.
It says "no prior theater experience necessary", which automatically excludes whites because they are massive drama queens.
They did it to lend sympathy to Trump's cause. Everyone knows a guy like Pence walking into a Broadway play is basically the same as if he walked into a den of jackals. They knew he would be singled out and harangued. Now the whole cast of "Hamilton" looks like bullies, exactly what all these rioters are bitching about. He's currently playing the media with the Mitt Romney thing, too, and by default, Romney, himself. Mormon Jesus will either get a pitiful offer or none at all, and they'll all be left with egg on their faces for making such a fucking fuss over it.
Ashkenazi=/=anglo convert
I apologize, you continent destroying fuck, can't wait for you to fuck it all up again soon.
He was jewish.
Alexander Hamilton was a gay black man like most of the founding fathers. Racist revisionist historians changed them to a manly white men because they are racist and homophobic.
Looks like Pence wasn't the only one whose safe space was invaded.
Hopefully Trump will tweet about your suffering too.
>mfw Hamilton was a strong supporter of the Electoral College
It's a liberal circle jerk.
Niggers rapping while pretending they could have been founding fathers.
It's just a continuation of the niggers are just like us fantasy land they like to live in.
Literally nobody cares.
They are constantly forcing this shit down our throats. Marvel especially, Jesus fucking Christ faggots Giganigger Heimdall are you fucking kidding me you god damn globalist fucks?! The most proficient military strategist is Samuel L. Jackson? Mordo is a fucking witch doctor?
Fuck you globalist scumfilth raping our culture and heritage.
Almost no whites owned slaves you stupid bastard Cucknadian. The slave population was minute compared to the white population. They picked cotton and lived in way better conditions than goatfuck Africa.
oh man yeah I'm sure you've read a ton of Shakespeare
We need to take back the goddamn history from these lunatics.
t. Mahmoud van Neigerstein
The play is designed so inner city niggers who don't want to learn anything can relate to a part of American history
Fuck, do you think Trump sent Pence there knowing this would dominate the news cycle over his Trump U thing
stfu sweden, you don't show shit about merrica
A social justice jihad.
No he didn't
Your raceb8ing is adorable
Can we get that spreading on twitter? That he was for what they hate
Here's the real explanation:
Almost no one in America actually watches this shit. The ticket prices are astronomical and the showings are extremely limited. The reason why it gets so much attention is because the audience is largely composed of liberal media and political elite nerds. They then go on to write about it and ride the creator's dick when, in all actuality, a hip-hop historical musical is seen by pretty much 99 percent of the country as a corny episode of Schoolhouse Rock for children in adult bodies. It appeals to liberal elites because it packages America's history in "multicultural" form, so they don't have to feel uncomfortable about how the founding fathers were white slave-owners, and they can pretend to be interested in history in government when what they're really interested in is appearing cool and smart to each other.
Pence probably went to see it just to see what these liberal faggots were making so much fuss about, or alternatively, Trump deliberately sent him there and then created a controversy surrounding it in order to distract from Trump University.
The tickets for this performance were sold out in 2015
Like Turks do all the work in Germany.
also won a Grammy and was nominated for a Pulitzer. and that's just In the Heights. now go check Hamilton's wiki
you're trying real hard to ignore a very large and influential portion of the world
good luck with that lol
That's the 'oh aren't we so clever' meta irony of it.
Btw king George is still white, so the bad guy is white, the good guys are black... You best start bealive get in cultural Marxism boy. Meme magic should have taught how powerfully these 'messages' can be
>And why is Mike Pence even watching this travesty?
THIS. That's all I wanna know.
pence went to see it to get bood.
Now everyone is talking about that while Trump settles his Trump university case.
I'd say the geniuses who wrote the constitution and fought the British had more to do with the US success than the blacks picking cotton.
Playing a founding father in that play is the closest any of the cast will cone to fatherhood.
I saw the show couple weeks ago
Like someone already said everyone evil in the show is white
King George is by far the funniest character though
I guess its cool with all the was interesting
Good way to get normies into history again
It's a musical, retard
There's no dualogue, you can get the entire story by listening to the cast recording (which is available for free)
You could diwnload and listen to it right now instead of theorizing. You really have no idea what you're talking about.
>Can an American make some sense out of this?
No. It makes no sense.
>And why is Mike Pence even watching this travesty?
The play is supposed to be about American history. If it wasn't such a fucking chimp parade it'd probably be relevant for a Vice President.
its just liberals circle jerking themselves with fantasy, because in reality we all know what happened. I say let them have fun, at least they're trying to love america.
Because the founding fathers were black you dumb dog-fucking sister-sucking cracker.
becase usa is cucked
this lel
>it's a rap musical
Are you saying white people can't rap?
cool blog man
CNN just """reported""" on the Hamilton event.
>Trump: Pence was "HARASSED" at Hamilton
They deliberately avoided showing the first half of the clip where Pence walked in and everybody was booing at him. They also only showed part of the actor's shitty speech and claimed that Pence was still in the theatre to hear it.
Thanks for the explanation. I figured it was another way to troll the regressive leftist cunts.
#boycotthamilton is the number 1 hashtag today.
Maybe nigs are so eager to play founding fathers because they can't find their fathers
because diversity is more important in a multicultural society.
>And why is Mike Pence even watching this travesty?
To destroy it apparently.
You guise, booing as bad!!!!
Stop booing the future vice president, you guys!!!
Respect sanctuary theaters!!!!
A lot of liberals are using it too though.
FUCK we blew that game
Ground control to my sides
fucking kek
The theater is no place to make anti-white animosity so obvious.
>No, just New York and other liberal cities.
Essentially meaning all major cities.
This is why we need to nuke all major cities in the western world. Let's start with Stockholm pls.
every high school and university drama dept. nationwide is filled with turboSJWs, so of course professional shows are too, what do you expect
I have read a load of Shakespeare's works and I agree with this
What percentage of Americans bother to listen to recordings of musical plays? I'd wager it's probably far less than one percent. Recordings like that aren't for people who haven't seen the play, they're for people who saw it and liked it so much they want to listen to it in a non-play context.
It's why I want to live in mountainous western Montana. Get away from the bullshit
Here, have this.
How is it "your" history?
your ancestors weren't dragged to America and forced to build all the infrastructure. Americas history belongs to people of color more than anyone else.
Hamilton has been described by Michelle Obama as 'the greatest work of art in any medium I have ever seen'.
Other liberals have said similar things. Hamilton is a life changing experience. Hamilton exceeds the hype. Hamilton is the greatest cultural event of our age. Hamilton-mania is gripping the United States!
Of course, since Hamilton is a consistently sold out Broadway show, it's unlikely that more than 0.01% of the population have ever had the chance to see it. The rest of us can only imagine the mind-bending, unbearable ecstasy Hamilton induces.
Alternatively, the only people who can afford to/are able to attend a show are the people who write play reviews for liberal publications. The kind of gibbering simpleton who genuinely thinks a diverse 'rap musical' about the founding fathers sounds like anything but hot garbage. Anyone who thinks such a concept sounds thought provoking in any way should kill themselves, immediately.
Have you seen anything from the show, any of the lines? We're literally talking these levels of cringe;
The people that love Hamilton so much are virtue signalling spastics who would honestly think diversity makes things really good, and that using rap (a mainstream music genre with 40 years of exposure) is somehow groundbreaking.
>What percentage of Americans bother to listen to recordings of musical plays?
Hamilton is structured like a pop album, not a "standard" musical so there's a lot more normie appeal.
Black did not build the god damn infrastructure.
Whites built the fucking nation I don't even understand how this is up for debate.
>virtue signalling
Yeah, Sup Forums really needs a new buzzword.
This one's played out.
Wasn't Montana all lit up by one of those Russian nuke maps?
Hey Achmed, why would you even know what that is, or do goats use tampons?