>Transgender marine, 20, who enlisted while living as a woman will soon become one of the first to be recognized as a man by the U.S. military
>Aaron Wixson, 20, enlisted as a marine in 2014 when he was living as a girl
>Lance Corporal came out to his command as transgender earlier this year
>Wixson is undergoing hormone treatment within military's health system
>He plans to have surgery to remove breasts before treatment ends in 2017
Transgender marine, 20...
what a waste
looks like a trap tbqh
probably has to go for the lesbians, that face will never pass for a man
Should get a section 8 discharge instead. It should be honorable, no reason to put this person down. But they shouldn't be serving with such an obviously fucked up head
But she was so QT.
There should be laws against his crime against humanity just as there should be laws requiring twinks transitioning into transgender women.
Twinks are gay but transgender women are okay because their penis is feminine.
Send (((him))) to Syria or Iraq
Poor thing was reasonably cute too.
She's gonna get raped in no time, maybe it's the leaders playing a cruel trick on her because they dislike her, I can't see how this will end well.
So now they let mentally ill serve in marine corps.
This, had this been literally just 10 years ago she would've been medically seperated or her command doing everything in their power to get her kicked out.
Fuck, they're fucking with my Marine Corps.
We need Mattis for SecDef to bring the standard back already
So does she shower with the boys?
I really, REALLY hope that Trump uncucks the military. It's getting to the fucking point of ridiculousness. Just ask any serviceman about the anti-rape and anti-bigotry powerpoints they have to sit through these days.
If he can kick ass, who cares. But if they get captured by muzzies, enjoy being a sex slave for the rest of your life. Looks like a boy, and has a pussy. They'll love it
Hot before and after desu
Will she be held to male standards and then fail them?
She knows that the military doesn't care if you are male or female right? Right?!
Better have to do the men PFT
when a totally fine looking girls wants to be a male it's time to consider your society
great, now a bunch of faggots will join the military to pay for their medical transitions
kiss the US military superiority goodbye
>Sup Forums doesnt want androgynous army boyfriend.
Id still smash if he kept the masculine pussy
>yfw your tax dollars are paying for this
She can cut herself until she goes through menopause, doesn't change her biology.
Will she have to pass the the PT test to male standards now?
Actually kinda pretty in original photo. Sad
Is it a """""""male"""""" now? That haircut is way the fuck out of regs, where the fuck is its 1stSgt??? fucking new corps I swear fuck this
liberal logic everyone
its mind boggling.
>Marine sees his friends blown up and has to a hard time for a bit copping with it but still wants to fight with his brothers
>Wants to completely switch everything natural in there body
so brave, officer material. I guard-fucking-te this abomination will get preferential treatment and at least one automatic promotion to display the new face of the Corps.
ok. As long as he/she whatever can pass the male standards, thats fine.
They're going to prop up a female with a bunch of testosterone and hormones? This is actually better than just a regular female.
Carry on.
Also this
Which she won't. Standards were lowered in all branches for women. Women are objectively less capable physically.
Why does the military even have male and female standards?
Surely there should be one standard that everyone has to meet.
My fucking taxes
The bonus is she gets to get jacked up on testosterone and steroids. It's effectively making a not so weak woman, assuming she takes those types of things.
the rationale is because the vast majority of military jobs aren't actively involved with combat. The ones involving direct combat have uniform standards.
I will totaly root for russia.
Fucking trannies, why do we tolerate their shit?
The military should never have to abide by this shit.
I think they had different standards because in some branches women could enlist but weren't allowed in combat roles.
>Wixson said he struggled growing up before he was diagnosed with gender dysphoria because he always wanted to dress as a boy and loved playing all types of sports
>Wixson said his family and military colleagues have been supportive of his decision to under the gender transition
because there are the stands that need to be met to be combat effective. AKA Male standards. But women need to feel involved but are totally incapable 98% of the time so we have o give them a separate benchmark. Thankfully they self segregate themselves to paperwork jobs or radio in command centers so the physical requirements don't matter to much anyway
I was an infantryman when we had those power points and stuff, and it was pretty silly. When it's being delivered by somebody who doesn't give a shit about it and thinks its only use is to imply that we want to fuck each other in the shower, it's really not too bad. Ymmv
> girls can't wear pants
Literally a mental illness.
Why is it trannies always have these weird restrictive notions of what the sexes can and can't do?
Because otherwise they wouldn't be trannies.
Yeah, but then there'd be like five women in the military.
weakening the US military is job #1 for the leftist cuck regime. Oblacka was the first wave to weaken us. Hitlery was the final killing blow, we slowed them down by 4 years. we have exactly 4 years to mount our defense or we die.
4years to kill off leftist cuck infiltration of the great nation. an impossible task to be sure. but we must try.
> their penis is feminine
No such thing. The dick is a dick, just accept the fact that you''re a faggon
Nothing like having a mentally unstable person watching your back in a life or death situation.
Sexual assault in the military is actually pretty bad.
Would liberate/10
All these trannies need to die by fire.
They have no purpose on Earth but degenerate and destroy.
to be fair, half the dudes i met in the infantry were mentally unstable to some extent.
Les seuls bonnes trans sont les MTF...fuck les autres lesbiennes...
A rare reverse trap.
>hormone treatment within military's health system
This is precisely why avoiding taxes whenever possible is each and every one of our moral obligations.
The dog to her left is also flaunting its ass.
> There should be laws against his crime against humanity just as there should be laws requiring twinks transitioning into transgender women.
Pas de fille Allemande pour te mettre sa grosse dans la bouche...
And won't see a minute on the front lines.
>wants to live as a man
that hair is way the fuck out of reg for a male
still gay to fuck tranny boipussy? (nohomo)
A fitting punishment for WW1/2 imo
Incubation of the Jew has its costs.
wrong kind of tranny
this one still has a real pussy
>pumped full of test and super soldier serum
>an elite unit of weaponized trannies
>sent on impossible missions
I'd watch that movie.
Plus gay que de sucer une grosse saucisse de fille...
Can Quebec get its own flag? Maybe just a ballsack with a rubber band tied around it?
a Sup Forumsock can dream
Comment fait tu pour savoir que je viens du Québec...je pourrais etre Albertain, Bubba?
Filling the ranks up with mentally ill people. America's army will soon be nothing but weak morons with body dismophia.
are we paying for this ish? wtf.. DELETE THIS HUMAN!
She would get killed nine seconds in during any legitimate combat. Military hormone treatment needs to be abolished.
With the God Emperor in charge this should change soon
Girls are physically incapable of being Marine infantry. Doesn't matter if they're crazy and chop off their tits.
question - since she truly thinks she's a man, surely she'd agree to be held to the male fitness standards right?
I wanna fug, but at the same time not. I'm confused.
And sarc briefings aren't changling anything. They're a waste of fucking time and money.
One of my sergeants has been in for almost 20 years between the Marines and Navy, he saw all his 3 of his combat deployments as a Corpsman and as soon as he comes over to the green side they stick him in public affairs.
Managed to move to tracks but its a dead end now, hes got a year to pick up staff sergeant or his gets the boot.
Years of valuable combat experience, medical know how and leadership experience about to be wasted, the crazy fucker has at least 10 more years in him, he's just built for that sort of life. He shouldve stayed in the Navy.
Meanwhile this cunt probably is gonna have a garuanteed career with everything handed to her if Trump doesnt uncuck the military
I blame boomer cucks. 100%.
These tranny Frankensteins also bring their severe mental illness to the table alongside their ''''''''''skills''''''''''.
>tfw your wife wears jeans that dont show off her ass and played softball in high school
uh, bros?
It makes me so fucking upset. I served this country and for what? This dumb shit? Glad I got out instead of reenlisting. Feel sorry for the guys that already have 15 years and will have to deal with all this crap. The military is the most diverse place to work in America and they STILL have to push it further and further.
yep.... whole platoon gonna run a train on her
>be white male
>join marines
>get put in a squad with a gay guy , a black and a woman
>you actually see combat
>you die
Is Trump going to do something about this madness? Holy shit, we've become the laughing stock of the entire world. Makes my blood boil just thinking about how my tax dollars are being spent on hormone pills for delusional freaks.
this is what you end up with when you allow your women to join the army
I always brings a smile to my face that the Marines, a place where political incorrectness and racial slurs are commonplace and yet you'll see a bean and a good ol boy being best friends, being offended by it makes you the target because we percieve it as weakness.
I deployed with and was best friends with this gigantic redneck from Kentucky, I called him a sisterfucking, peckerwood dumbfuck redneck and he called me a sombrero wearing border jumping, spic wetback beaner and we always hung out together after work, on the weekends and reacted violently to anyone talking shit who wasn't a friend.
Libtards and progressives can only dream of this level of understanding and tolerance
I honestly think military life strips you of a lot of preconceived ideas that a person has about themselves and others. You learn to better yourself and the value of being able to rely on someone and be reliable. The shit you all deal with together makes a bond that you're strong enough to make fun of each other and see the humor in differences, And at the same time realize those differences don't mean shit when you all want to achieve the same goal.
It really is interesting. I have a friend who got depressed after touring 2-3 times in Iraq/Afghanistan during those big operations following 9/11 and seeing someone in his unit get blown up. Had to struggle for YEARS through fuckloads of ret tape to get recognized as having depression by the VA (they wanted to ship him out again despite not really being fit for front line service again) and only recently got therapy through them -- and even then these therapists like to downplay the severity because they really really hate officially writing you up as having PTSD. Lots of his veteran friends have the same issue. Oh, and he was honorably discharged for said "depression" (aka PTSD) and it took half a decade to get any sort of benefits and VA treatment because they wanted to make it a dishonorable discharge that would bar him from any benefits or post-tour medical care.
Meanwhile this LEGITIMATELY MENTALLY ILL PERSON who LITERALLY WANTS TO DISFIGURE HER BODY AND LOP HER BREASTS OFF AND TAKE HORMONES INJECTIONS TO GROW A MINI PENIS gets praised and immediately fast tracked into medical care for said hormone injections (and will probably get the breast removal surgery covered by our taxes), plus will get promoted despite being clearly mentally ill on top of more media attention to make the services seem progressive and get validation points.
And on top of that they keep removing the 'man' from every named position and making more neutral so things like infantry-person or infantry-marine instead of infantryman.. all in order to appease these clearly mentally unstable wackjobs that can't cope with a title that has 'man' in the name and need their genitalia irreversibly mangled but are expected to handle guns and combat just fine.
if someone is afraid of something as simple as going to the bathroom their gender uses, or if someone is so scared of their p00sie that they want to superglue a Dong on, how can the military expect them to be mentally stable enough to not only protect themselves in combat but also other soldiers?