Basically she is brainwashed by her backwards hick family
How do I covince her that she voted against her gender interests Sup Forums?
Basically she is brainwashed by her backwards hick family
How do I covince her that she voted against her gender interests Sup Forums?
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Get off pol
By letting me fuck her in front of you that will turn her into a leftie right away
you dump her so that she can go on to meet an actual man instead of dating a numale fuck boy like yourself.
By making america great again and gestating white children
Give me her number, faggot.
Ill handle her from now on
Just cause you handle the Johnson.
fuck you filthy trap
I actually lift heavy ass weights , ride dirt bikes and drink beer
Far from a numale
>gender interests
Are you a cuck? Because chances are she's fucking a real man behind your back.
Sure you do
>Drinking the liquid jew
tell her to advocate for Marine Le Pen instead
Why is voting against your own interests a bad thing if you think it serves the greater good? Isn't that what's known as sacrifice?
You're going to be single again soon.
What kinda fag shit is this
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahHa. So how does it feel to taste someone else's dick every time you kiss her you fucking cuck? BTW leddit is down the hall and to the left
Women shouldn't have their bodies regulated by the state , statist scum
>drinking something as heavily estrogenic as beer
>and drink beer
Numale confirmed.
Hire a black bull to tame her.
What are ass weights?
>ride dirt bikes and drink beer
user i think you might be the backwards hick here
No, no, OP please stay and take the red pill.
> You're here. Forever.
Fuck her harder, the ol' gal deserves it.
A great deal of women disagree with you, why are you imposing your masculine opinions on them?
>gender interests
>im a big guy
Enjoy your LARPing, scrawny nerd virgin.
Whats estrogenic in beer?
Just let her have the bbc she craves due to your not really having a cock based on your LIKE of Clinton, and let the girl live a little. She deserves better than a faggy liberal eunuch.
Are you sure you aren't a Canadian because you are a massive faggot
Neck yourself m80
>drink beer
Goodbye gainz
fake and gay
Why would you fucking come to Sup Forums to ask this? Or are you really stupid?
try cutting off your dick
I mean you aren't using it anyway
Hops, but so are wheat and barely. If I recall correctly, hops is even worse than soy.
>lift heavy ass weights
>drink beer
>everyone shitting on beer
Get the fuck out of America you communists.
>i ride dirtbikes
Go drink a Monster you fucking faggot
Wheat is estrogenic?
For real?
Humans have been eating that shit since forever
That doesn't make you not a numale.
Having cucky liberal ideals makes you a numale.
>Drinking the plebs beverage
So much shit is estrogenic, desu senpai. But in order of worse to not so bad:
Isnt it because of the toxins they use against plagues?
What's the problem with beer user? I mean light beers and ipa's sure, but a good porter or a well made stout hits the spot.
Pic subjectively related/not related.
Plastic is a much bigger concern than any of that shit.
The measure of women's 'success' is now just how much they can act like men. How is that in their interests? The more they try to emulate male behavior, the more they will realize that we're not privileged at all. It was, in fact, they who were privileged this whole time.
They're actively abandoning their biological role as women, and seeking to do men's activities. Meanwhile, they outsource their womanly responsibilities to poor women. They pay other women to raise their children, to cook, to clean, to mend their clothes, etc. And while they do this, they actively drive down the cost of labor, thus ensuring there will NEVER be a path back to normal womanhood... or manhood for that matter.
Men are becoming less valuable in the workforce as well, since the employers now have 2x as many people to pick from, so demand for labor goes down - and with it goes cost. It's simple economics.
They have already destroyed our way of life. We're now just riding this civilization into the dirt. Thank your girlfriend for trying to stop this. It's too late, but she tried.
Nobody that "rides dirt bikes" says that they "ride dirt bikes"
False flag
>third world country
>calling someone else a pleb
The taste i believe
If i want something alcoholic just for the taste and to chill id drink wine or something similar
Or else id just drink bourbon or whisky to get piss drunk
Whats up with millenials and vodka anyways?
These are phytoestrogens (admittedly not nearly as bad as mammalian hormones, within meats and other animal products,) which are inherent to the plants, regardless of -icides.
However, the -icides (e.g., pesticides, herbicides, et al), are generally considered to interfere with hormonal balance, and are known as hormone disrupters. This may or may not have anything to do with the xenoestrogenic nature of the chemicals but could be from more nuanced interactions with our physiology.
what episode is this from?
>not wanting to have loads of cash in a third world shithole
You dont know whats like to live sonny
>even remotely first world
Beer tastes good, user. Wine is for women and faggots.
>liberals always talk about genders and races being equal
>always talk about the divisions and constantly trying to pin people against eachother
U guise i am totally not a numale i drink beer and ride bikes
>Basically she is brainwashed by her backwards hick family
Her real boyfriend totally got to her.
Literally fucked her straight.
>even remotely first world
Yeah huenigger, the country with the highest GDP in the world is not a first world country.
weights that make your butt tight and smooth
Depends heavily on the beer
Overpriced wine is for faggots and women
Just so they can brag about it
In the end some cheap wine is just as good
easy by fucking killing your self nigger.
>heavy ass weight
>dirt bikes
>far from numale
How old were you again?
>china is first world
WeW lad
just move on
she's probably inbred anyway
Voting to keep your race strong, united and successful is absolutely in the best interest of women.
It's even in the best interest of minorities.
Because if(or when) the white man falls, this world is going to go to shit, even here.
If you believe otherwise, you're a fool.
I will disagree with other replier, GOOD wine can be enjoyed, but for me wine is meals or occasions only; though, the stereotype is wine for women and faggots and stereotypes exist for a reason. Beer has taste, but yes if i wanted to get shitfaced i would reach for the liquor first.
Kill yourself scum. Or go help your buddies burn down cities so we can do it as a matter of public safety.
If women are to stupid to remind their partner to wear condoms and rely on abortion clinics as their birth control, they shouldn't be allowed to do very much of anything.
congrats. libs dont give a fuck about violence towards minorities or any genders that supports trump.
Most of the women I know are staunchly against abortion.
At least, for themselves and in their social circles.
Only whores and trash people want to abort their children.
Decent, responsible human beings take care to control their situation and embrace it when they get pregnant, planned or otherwise.
Out of all of my siblings and cousins, I'm the only one without kids.
My gf wants to but I'm insisting we wait until she finishes her degree in about a year.
Give me her email, I'll redpill her for you.
>GDP per capita of USA: $57,220
>GDP per capita of China: $8,239
>GDP per capita of Brazil: $7,447
I don't drink beer and don't need to. I don't smoke and don't need to. It's all degenerate and I see what it's done to my family and others I respect.
you can suck my dick from now on
>I actually lift heavy ass weights , ride dirt bikes and drink beer
Lel kiddo, I doubt you're old enough to do any of that
Convincing her to 'vote in her in best interests' from your perspective seems to mean 'voting against white men's best interest', which is in fact, voting against her best interest and yours.
You're just too ignorant to grasp it.
But stick around, do your research, develope a little pride in yourself and our people and maybe you'll begin to understand.
Haha fuck off faggot
Look up Redneck Revolt.