This is my Grandfather
>He immigrated to the U.S. Back in the 40s LEGALLY. His reason was because he needed to earn money for his single mother, and nine brothers and sisters. Sent all of his checks to Mexico
>Christian who strongly believes in traditional values.
>Loved Donald Trump from the start and had told me multiple times that he cannot wait for the wall.
>Strongly believes in the Family unit and is still with my Grandmother. >Loves this country and actually yells at illegal workers at a local Mexican restuarant for them being here.
What is wrong with other races if they are based pol?
What's wrong with him pol
He has to go back. You as well.
>What is wrong with other races if they are based pol?
Nothing wrong with him, what's wrong with you?
He's a legal citizen. He can do whatever he wants to do with his money.
>bong completely misunderstanding what the maga movement is about.
this is why you almost lost brexit.
Immigrants who are legal and actually behave well isn't any problem. People who live in the hood and act like niggers are the problem
>He immigrated to the U.S. Back in the 40s LEGALLY
So whats the problem then? Don't tell me you actually swallowed the lefts bullshit about wanting illegal immigrants removed actually meaning all immigrants
Legal immigration is fine with us.
There's nothing wrong with a migrant that enters your country legally, has skills to provide and earns their way into society.
We only hate illegal immigrants that don't assimilate or take part in the host nations cultures or support the economy by joining the workforce.
We aren't racists.
I realize I sound like a tool from what I said, I just wanted to be clear that he was legal. Hes one of the most inspiration men in my life and has taught me how to truly work hard
Based gramps.
Hes a true American, this is the type of immigrant that makes American great. Why would /pol have a problem with him?
I think he was expecting all you faggots to be racist as all hell cause you are in nearly every other thread. dropping slurs like they are your favorite words, maybe don't be so hypocritical and not generalize races or anyone for that matter
Nothing, He's my grandfather. He's 84 so this could be his last election and he was so happy on Election Day
You're lucky you have electoral votes their, burgershart.
Maybe if you weren't such a cuck, you would excell in the MAGA movement and push our Races rights more instead of being as I described... a cuck?
I can't wait until you faggots get pushed out.
>b-but muh legal spics and nigs who will push me out of work and stuff
Hang yourselves in shame for keeping your eye off our goal or for never actually having the IQ to find the right goal.
Sounds like a fine gent to me mate.
Calm down nigger
Did he ever speak Spanish?
>What's wrong with him
He's a nigger.
>immigrates legally
>doesn't commit crime
Who would have a problem with that?
>implying it's the same people in every thread
>What's wrong with him
Literally nothing. Stop shilling.
Heard some coworkers talking the other day, one a white US citizen (born here), and one a mexican immigrant. The white guy asked about Trump and the immigrant went "i don't give a fuck, I'm an American". Was pleasant.
Stereotypes exist for a reason, cuck
>Stereotypes exist for a reason
Go brush your tooth.
Nothing wrong wth him, but why does he have an image of a faggot printed on his glasses?
as long as you are white or native american, you have a right to be here
and i believe mexicans are half white and half native american, so they would be fine bruh
i just don't want more chinese or niggers coming in, because china is going to be a problem down the road and nigs gonna nig so we gotta keep them out too
>implying there isnt fucking racism everywhere here
Bullshit. He is supposed to spend the money here or he is an economic refugee. He definitely has to go back
How is he supporting the economy if he sends his checks back to Mexico? He's no better than an illegal.
>Sup Forums is one person
We all use racial slurs here, even the non whites.
Some people on here might be legitimately racist but most Americand on here don't have problems with legal immigrants. Its illegals and chinks and poos who overstayed their visad who have to go back.
Besides, racists and white nationalists have a right to say what they want too, no matter how fucked up it is. The moment they start acting violently on it is where there will be problems, thank God for the Second Amendment
Calm down Mahmoud
>all blacks are niggers
>all turks are muslim
>all jews are kikes
The only thing this aplies to are muslims, every muslim is a bad apple.
But even muslims can be muslims in their own fucking countries.
>the slurs aren't just for a spook
>generalizing groups of people isn't accurate 50% of the time
>Sup Forums is one person
Only storm weenies actually think all other races are demi human, in general people Sup Forums just think all tacos, bombers, and apes need to assimilate to western culture and stop fucking up western countries
>implying that's bad
There's nothing wrong with other races however they must completely assimilate to the culture of the host country and they must be a minority, because if they become too numerous they just turn their new country into the one where they came from.
Basically common sense immigration policies that are now "racism".
He does with my Grandmother but he's very Americanized and doesn't celebrate any Mexican Holidays. My Grandpa on my Dutch side did not teach my dad because he wanted them to assimilate easily here. Both sets of grandparents are still alive and are very patriotics. I'm lucky to have them.
Forget Trump being the master of the Art of the Deal, the globo-kikes pulled a master move on you faggots.
>unfettered illegal immigration to displace whites
>white genocide continues
stereotypes are fucking pathetic! so is that word and fetish 'cuck', really all using that word does is reveal all your fucking ignorance and lack of respect for women. so tired of seeing it like its an actual insult ppl are hurt by? jesus y'all are beyond stupid. I'm glad some of you are smart enough to respond to OP with some hypocritical respect at least
I beg to differ. It's just arabs who are the batshit insane extremists. Asian muslims tend to be relatively peaceful.
he's here legally, doesn't commit crimes and works (and i'm assuming he pays his taxes)
so nothing is wrong
i don't believe they should assimilate because our culture fucking sucks man
we literally worship negro ball players and rappers, and half our population believes that men can become women just by saying so
not to mention the god of america is consumerism, all people care about is buying name brand bullshit, no one goes to church anymore, at least the mexicans still believe in god
i really don't want to ruin them, i think we will though, lot of latinas end up in porn to get easy cash
>What's wrong with him
Also, his right tit is bigger than his left tit.
His tits are literally lopsided. Like a MtF transition gone bad, which makes my captcha especially delicious.
dem tittays
wow 1.4 billion people who all want a caliphate? didn't know you went out and asked them all props to you faggot
yeah fuck you thought police, get your self loathing to another board
Hahaha that was pretty funny
>we aren't racists
>>He immigrated to the U.S. Back in the 40s LEGALLY.
holy fuk how old is that thing
Because he is afraid that when CA becomes mexico, it will ruin it like it ruined his family.
Tldr mexico a shit country that mexicans in usa don't want it to happen to usa.
going by that logic all Asians should be fine bc Native Americans are from Asia
okdoke mr paki
You have maybe 1% muslims in your country and you probably never met one.
I went to school with them and know them all my life.
There is not a single decent one in the world.
He later built two apartment complexes by himself that were worth millions.
judging someone for the fucking pigment of their skin which they had no control over and has zero proven connections to intellect is the most stupid way to think.
He labors for a company requiring labor in the United States to serve citizens of the United States. He also needs money to survive so I'm sure he buys food, pays bills and travel. I'm also pretty sure that he pays tax, if he's a legal migrant.
My dad and I are from Puerto Rico and we both love Trump.
>voting for low energy candidates
I never understood what was so wrong with being a minority in a white country, my dad used to tell me he'd rather be a minority in a white country and keep it that way than be a minority in a haji or nigger country.
I swear niggers and beans have no idea how great we have it and yet they're working actively to destroy it all for the rest of us by making beans the majority.
I don't want that
not really, because the other asians stayed behind
plus, they already have nice countries, and don't need to immigrate here
you're a faggot, watch the documentary '13th' on netflix and you will learn more than you have ever known about the treatment of blacks here
Our culture is not the marxist drivel you see on TV, western culture is far broader than that. It's the ideals of liberty, righteous, and achievement that eggs on western cultue to becoming a dominating force in the world
Right now western culture is being undermined, and it's definitely not just regular folks like me and use causing it
We need minorities to learn about actual western culture, the culture that made these countries great, and they'll be fine
good ol zionists killing everyone without a leader's face
>What is wrong with other races if they are based pol?
You should be asking what is wrong with individuals from other races if they're based.
I'm not happy with how he spent his money but he came here legally so I don't have a problem with the dude. Well I mean I do have a problem, you're not supposed to support the economy of another country but I can see why he did it.
t. Black stan lee.
Shit bro. My dad is the exact same, except in the 80s. Your grandad is based as fuck.
Nothing at all.
>he cannot wait for the wall.
He will wait forever.
>Christian who strongly believes in traditional values.
>actually yells at illegal workers at a local Mexican restuarant for them being here.
A "christian" that hates his own brothers and sisters instead of showing the love and light of Jesus. Yeah, right.
>Loved Donald Trump
>Loves this country
But not God. I hope he repents as soon as possible. He shouldn't love anything of this world.
kill yourself you fucking nignog
I have actually traveled to Iran and have never experienced so much hospitality in my life. Barely had to spend money on food and places to stay. Im white as hell too.
Faggot standing with your legs crossed, crushing your fucking balls. Grow a pair wetback.
Nothing. Why are you going out of your way to make this a big deal?
You care way too much about what others on an anime political discussion forum think.
>Im white as hell too.
Oh look, another "white" American.
>What's wrong with him pol
>He immigrated to the U.S. Back in the 40s LEGALLY
this is the most stupid person here! nice! did you not pay attention in class when you were taught about us slaughtering millions of them? taking their land? putting their children in abusive schools?
Nothing is wrong with him.
Sup Forums is a Christian board.
Gee I wonder why, does it have anything to do with the outrageous levels of crime, indecency, and hedonism they exert on others as the reason that they are treated like shit? Nah, it's just because their skin is dark.
Actual racist probably make up 20% of the people who mistreat blacks, the rest is their fault perpetuating their own damn stereotypes
>Jesus was a nice guy
>l-let bygones be b-bygones!!
When will this "Nice Guy Jesus" meme die
but you are wrong, music and movies are a big part of culture, culture is not just about the things you like
plus one of the downsides of liberty is that it can be easily hijacked, they use our ideals against us, it's basically what the marxists have done since the 1960s
for instance, muslims using our first amendment as an excuse to practice their anti-western religion, and jews using our first amendment to brainwash young people with their movies and music
and illegals using our 14th amendment to have anchor babies here and get citizenship easily.
I bet I am paler than you faggot, get an education
I have never heard of a more pathetic reason to like someone other than standing cross legged in a pic and having a slightly darker fucking skin tone, faggot
i dont think the race thing is really a hate issue as much as it is a want for society to accept racial realisms.
your grandpas probably an above 100IQ based guy, but that doesnt mean that the rest of latinos arent statistically less intelligent then europeans
ITT: white genocide denial
That's a fake MAGA hat....
Race is not only skin deep you idiot.
>That's a fake MAGA hat.
That's ok, it was a fake slogan to begin with.
You did read the bible, right?
im looking in the mirror right now and seeing a very pale man lol your pic proves no point, the drug war was the worst atrocity in the US in quite some time, maybe you should get an education
We have lost it. Only the faragefags are still holding on, everyone else is glad because we were worried at how fucked we would be outside.
>dat MAGA cap.
I don't know, OP. Seems pretty based to me.
Face it, the Iranians were so nice to you because they thought you were one of them.
pretty sure reagan had the same slogan, he was a TV guy too lol
>Sent all of his checks to Mexico
Get out normie
I am one of them! when you pay attention in class you will learn that there is one race on this planet, and its the human race! okay little faggot?
Don't worry op, he won't have to go back.
Besides it looks like trump will end up just deporting criminal illegals anyway. So as long as your gramps isnt a rapist, he's good.