Any of you want to start a communist revolution in America?
Any of you want to start a communist revolution in America?
I will smash you're skull red scum
it's an auto correct thing. Fuck you anyway pinko
I want in at the top levels so I can control the purges and who gets burned.
I want to start a communist revolution in Saudi Arabia
We can organize a rally in the blue states to get some on our side, then expand to the red.
Fuck off
go live in fucking russia neetfagcommie
Better dead than red
Did the alt-right buttfuck you guys too?
let's get it started
fuck off
coming from a girl that never lived in a communist country, but has orgasmic ideas about how cool it would be. no sense of history, locked in mom's basement, grounded for coming home late. loser. what does communism mean to you? redpill me.
Not really
I will come and help if a movement starts to form
>Basement revolutionaries
Do you know where you are?
What I see as communism wouldn't be getting shit for free like so many young democrats want, I see it as everyone earning only what they contribute. No one would be unemployed in this society, and no one would work less than the state demands for the benefit of society.
Fuck off commie
Follow your leader commie scum
Jesus Christ
You got a better system than free market capitalism?
I'll totally listen if you do. And don't give me any state capitalist bullcrap. That shit never works.
Sorry Comrade, no room for religion in these parts.
fair answer, but that's an unrealistic expectation of what really happens under communism.
When the gov provides all the work/incentive, the gov has all the power. The only way to keep them in check is to not give them all the power.
If they have all the power then they have no reason to check themselves. This is when people start to suffer, and the gov could give a shit, and nobody can stop them.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Don't forge that. They ain't here for you. They're here for them.
Doesn't it seem more natural and logical for human beings to work together rather than compete for their own personal needs? We are social animals after all. Communism is this cooperation, while capitalism is that competition.
yea let's do it
I'm here to help with the revolution
that's not even an argument you retard lmao
Marx and Engels themselves that political struggle would be preferable to civil war in developed countries.
I have the exact same shirt as the kid to the left of the greenshirt fedora faggot.
They were probably gay.
Real Communists like the Trotskyites you lot expelled understand that nothing short of global revolution will bring about Lucifer's empire.
kek fucking kill yourself faggot
The problem is that capitalism is so heavily ingrained in society today that it would take a revolution to topple it.
Hell, you guys had a communist revolution and still ended up with capitalism. The Soviets merely exchanged private ownership of industry to state ownership; the fundamental economic system was the same.
I'm not sure if Sup Forums made me a bigot and think that every leftie post is bait or every leftie post truly is bait.
Either way, you people sound like enormous faggots, even the stalinist ones.
You all are going straight to the gulag.
>Hell, you guys had a communist revolution and still ended up with capitalism.
No we didn't, 1917 was a nationalist revolution. The communists ended up in power because they were the only euroskeptic party at the time.
Please, it is part of the magic formula required to allow the 4th Reich to Rise.
>Shit economy.
>Nationalism rising.
>Communists attempting control.
All we would need then is a x military person of low rank.
So how about a communist society working like this:
Every baby born is assigned a career by the government, and their schooling teaches them how to read and write and basic necessities of course, but it focuses more on educating and training them for their career, be it an engineer or nuclear scientist. By age 20 they're already professionally trained.
The government decides how much each worker needs to produce a day by dividing it up among all of the workers, for example if by the end of the year 9 million tons of steel need to be made and their are only 17 million steel workers in the society, the government calculates how much each person needs to do a day to achieve this goal. If someone does not meet this production quota for the day, they do not receive resources and the government doesn't waste them on that unproductive worker.
The Bolsheviks were still a part of it, so there was some element of it that was communist even if they were overshadowed by Mensheviks at times.
1917 was anti-nationalist. The whole idea of the Bolsheviks was to instigate a global revolution to eliminate nations.
It's the same as what the criminal merchants have always wanted.
Now that right there is some quality humor.
I think it was more of a class warfare issue. Do not forget nearly everyone apart from the Russian nobility was almost medieval in living standards and culture.
So what happens to the retards, the elderly and the infirm in this example? There ain't no retard going to work in a steel mill.
It's true that America is in dire straits right now, as financial oligarchy overwhelmed the governent and didn't receive the same beatdown as with Standard Oil dismantling or FDR reforms.
The important thing, however, is to understand that all means must be utilised. Right now Bernie Sanders and Progressive democrats still have a chance, and anyway, they are much more sucessful and relevant than college cosplayers of Russian revolution.
>Hell, you guys had a communist revolution and still ended up with capitalism.
It also shows that revolution isn't the bestest and concrete path to success.
Life's too good here for any revolution.
Even us millenials who went through a shit education to graduate in a shit economy with shit experience in shit are better off than our grandparents or their grandparents.
We'll probably, eventually, be better off than our parents too.
It'll just take longer.
>tfw sub 80 iq jamal is schooled to be a nuclear scientist
>tfw 120 iq white guy is schooled to be a plumber
what a retarded idea
>1917 was anti-nationalist.
No, the whole point of 1917 was to not die for globalist European interests while being ruled by an ethnic German.
>The whole idea of the Bolsheviks was to instigate a global revolution to eliminate nations.
Yes, except that the Bolsheviks were carried to power by the nationalist tide, not the other way around. What their ideas were mattered very little in the end.
>Do not forget nearly everyone apart from the Russian nobility was almost medieval in living standards and culture.
Total bullshit. Russia was in economic/social depression in the second half of the 19th century, but don't blow it out of proportion, please.
Bernie Sanders was yet another foolish state capitalist; I would never vote for him. Trump was far more pro-worker
Socialists are all idiots that fail to realize that capitalist societies work best as they were intended to work; you cannot modify them with social programs and expect greater efficiency and greater level of opportunity for all workers
Any real change must be through the establishment of a new system entirely.
>people with predispositions toward other industries placed in potentially inappropriate industries where they will likely under perform
>people with learning or mental disabilities having their career path decided for them before diagnosis
>government entirely in control of a system where they decide how much they require of a citizen despite not all citizens being able to produce at the same level in the same industry
>large window for abuse
>people denied their very liberty
and then what of large population spikes or sudden, unexpected famine due to natural disasters that adds a scarcity to "resources"?
I-I'm here to uh t-take you to the gulag.... plz come with uh me
we will destroy the right wing menace
fuck the alt right and fuck u
Stem cell and organ harvested.
>No, the whole point of 1917 was to not die for globalist European interests while being ruled by an ethnic German.
>Yes, except that the Bolsheviks were carried to power by the nationalist tide, not the other way around. What their ideas were mattered very little in the end
Good points. I agree. But on the other hand, like your Putin and his interest in martial arts, the thing is to take an existing force and push it off target to hit your enemy rather than to try to stop the force. Judo, I think it's called here.
Your other points are also very good, and I hope that we continue as a platform against common enemies for now.
Sure. Just replace white board with an AK and a few comrades
kek this is why you'll never get there. pretty sure most commies have retard stem cells already...that explains a LOT.
Don't forget
>Politicians in charge of who become politicians in the future
>Choose the children of all of their friends
>Political dynasties in power indefinitely
Communism is dead in the 21st century.
Fascism is now.
>Any of you want to start a communist revolution in America?
Only if you stand in front of me when the shooting starts.
>Start a communist revolution
You shit clowns have been "starting" your precious revolution for the past fifty years.
Stop jerking off to your william ayers photos and join reality.
We'll start a revolution alright.
There will be no white males allowed in out communist society
Nope. Everyone I know with left leaning views is a fucki g emotional child who believes they are entitled to everything in life. I'd rather work my ass off for humble but above poverty earnings than be part of a movement with liars, professional victims and lazy entitled special snowflakes .