What does Sup Forums think about him?
What kind of genre does this guy belong to?
Is he redpilled?
I think he's pretty funny and does interesting stuff, especially the stand-up comedy and his TEDx talk is brilliant.
The Sam Hyde Question
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He's cool.
You're right.
He's redpilled as fuck and if you weren't a simian highschooler this would be obvious.
Adult night? what is the alt-right is that some sort of bookstore?
He's ok. But it's pretty cringey that he asks supporters to falsely accuse him of mass shootings in order to get media attention.
I unironically want to sniff his sack.
hi sam
Based. He has the potential to red pill lots of normies like milo, pjw and others, he's just got to find his big break
In the meantime, his niche group of fans are still pretty steadfast
I dont find him funny and his fans seem a bit obnoxious but i supposed hes "redpilled".
yea comedy. but there's many comedians out there.
he's definitely not mainstream. i'd say he is part of the Sup Forums-type of humor. the kind of stuff that's ACTUALLY edgy, not these faggots who try to be outside of the norm but end up just being a little bit non-conformist.
no, it's brilliant. he should actually do more offensive stuff himself, too. (not illegal)
he's okay i guess
well... his image is kind of based on his obnoxious, absurd behaviour so he'll never really become mainstream i think. but he's part of this new wave of Trumpism.
World Peace is probably the most actually revolutionary and new show adult swim has put out in along time
it also made a bunch of people mad
It's brilliant if you're 14
HI shlomo don't you have some shekels to fraudulently acquire
He's our guy'
Hey Sam, your show is aight
I appreciate that it's there
Samuel Hyde (c. 1861)
This man may be more powerful than we thought
>Tim and Eric for republicans
There's a place for it I guess, it's just not very original.
>Is he redpilled?
Season 2 when
>tfw no friends like Sam and the gang to troll libs with
Or a Tom Greene for conservatives. It's not awful, but there's definitely a lot of better comedy out there.
His comedy transcends all modern humor
every thread.
ok we got it pal. you're a triggered numale or something?
He's a genius. 99% of his "comedy" is just saying objectively true shit that people aren't allowed to say, and he says it completely deadpan while adding just enough exaggeration to give people the cue that they should laugh, but the core of everything he says is redpilled as fuck.
I can't remember which ID I was using for that post, but no. I'm not triggered. I even have a moderate chuckle at some of his stuff. He's just a middle of the road comedian, nothing special. It's not like pointing out Yale students are privileged is some sort of earth shattering bit.
u talk like a fag
I think he brings up some great points and communicates them effectively.
Thanks user. I bet you're really handsome.
I need new content
except you wouldn't have the balls to say 1% of the shit he says. so stop being a pretentious cumslurper please
So comedy is just about who can say the edgiest stuff in public? If you think that's funny, then go ahead and keep watching him, I don't care. In fact I hope it makes you happy and brightens your day when you get a laugh from watching.
I prefer comedians with routines based in wit, word play and being clever. But to each their own.
Can we still be friends?
Another beautiful and intelligent post. Well done, user!
The comedy you like is trash and not as intellectual as you think
I like intelligent comedy. Things like Louis ck, David Cross, Amy Schumer. Sorry if that's too highbrow for you.
thx for posting this user i didnt know him
>louis ck, david cross, amy schumer
confirmed bait. move along, lads.
I like his politics.
I find his comedy more stale than a week old naan bread
I like Sam
Was it amy schumer that put it over the line? I thought that might be going too far.
Right? Especially after an intense squatting session. What is it with this beefcake?
he's funny and shares humor with this board, but people too often mistake him for a thought-leader
It was actually David cross that gave you away there
yep kinda
but the rest was pretty convincing
Strong, smart, funny, and handsome in that order.
he's a hyper-redpilled mad genius
anybody who says differently is just doing so to be an edgy contrarian
maybe contrarian
he's what happens if Sup Forums goes out into real life to spread the word. we need more guys like him.
First time I've genuinely loled watching a cable TV show in a long time.
He's a kike
wtf did i just watch
He is redpilled, and I love him, but he is sometimes a bit of a faggot. The way he said "I thought of it first" in his new video made me want to kill myself.