nationalism makes no sense as you can't control where you're born
prove me wrong
nationalism makes no sense as you can't control where you're born
prove me wrong
>immigrants can't be nationalists meme
not an argument
very well
you are not personally responsible for your nation's achievements is the core point
Sports competitions make no sense as you can't control what genetic hand you're dealt.
Prove me wrong.
>wanting to prioritize your own country and people's interests doesn't work because you can't control where youre born
>using a literal cuck as a meme
Your genes built the nation. Individuals matter very little in the scheme of evolution, instead we are more instances on a greater genetic stream. So you should be proud because you are what built the country.
you train for sports contests as well, retard
My parents controlled where I was born, and their parents for them and so on.
Heres a (you). Nationalism is only logical because you cant control where you are born. Why not work in your own contry's best intrest?
>health care doesn't make sense as you can't control what genes you're born with
You cant control not being born a retard either
Whats your point?
being proud of things you can't control including genes makes no sense, as you yourself had no hand in it
>You can't take pride in or want to defend where you live
You train for like 13-15 years for your country.
This is literally the same as saying
"Cows and humans should have the same rights cause how would you feel if you were born as a cow? Or as a bird for that matter?"
Self ownership makes no sense because you can't control which atoms make up your body
I'll be borrowing your kidneys btw
You can move to another nation, retard~
>be born
>in the wrong country
i met a russian immigrant who voted for trump.
he was may more redpilled then most of you.
working in your country's interest=/=feeling pride for your country's history
That's exactly why it makes sense lmbo.
>loving your parents makes no sense as you can't control who they are
this is how retarded you sound
I can't control what body I was born into either but if I have to choose between myself and a pig I'll save myself.
Nationalism is 100% rational. You were born into a nation. Your fate is inextricably tied to your nation. You are acclimated to your nation's values and cultures. Therefore if you do not support your nation and work towards its betterment you are objectively acting against your own interests.
A person claiming that nationalism makes no sense is the same sort of person who sees nothing wrong with helping the opposing side win in a game of football. Not being able to choose which team you're on has zero bearing on the fact that you are now on Team X.
>B-but muh spook
By Stirner's own reasoning, his entire philosophy was a spook, and therefore invalid. There is no such thing as a spook. The only thing prettier than Stirner's humiliating irrelevance is a nigger in a casket.
You were born into a room. Your fate is inextricably tied to that room. You are acclimated to that room's values and cultures. Therefore if you do not support that room and work toward that rooms betterment you are objectively acting against your own interests (because that room's interests are *obviously* yours - obviously).
being against incest make no sense as you can't control who's your sister
>nationalism: working in your own country's interest, believing that if all counties do this we all stand to benefit
The opposite of
>globalism: the belief that through central planning the world can achieve more
Is comparable to
>capitalism: everyone works in his own interest, believibg that if everyone does that, we all stand to benefit
>communism: the idea that a central planned state can achieve more for all its people.
If you believe in capitalism you must also be a nationalist. Debate me.
This is the stupidest meme that is used to support globalism
> it's all random and you can't control what hand you are dealt or what life you have to live!
Actually it's not random. I am the combination of a specific sperm cell and an egg combined that grew into a human being. My mother and father specifically intended for me to be created and to grow into maturation. Nothing was "random" about the process.
This may be true, but you can feel a sense of identity with your ancestors and take pride in their accomplishments. Also,
>you are not personally responsible for your nation's achievements
but your nation is responsible for your personal achievements
Nice try Muhammad
other people in this thread at least engaged in semi-rational debate
go back to r/the_donald if you argue with feelings and insults
You are being disingenuous.
Your political influence is limited by the extension of your nation.
"Then let's extend the definition of a nation to larger regions or the entire world"
Most, if not ALL countries are barely able to maintain a stable political system, keep corruption in check, keep society working with a single language, culture, etc and their current size, and you want to increase the challenges involved exponentially by throwing more people and variables in the mix? Not going to work.
Thats not what nationalism is.
"Political influence" isn't a real object or necessary concept for anything at all.
Also, "my political influence" OBJECTIVELY *ISN'T* limited to some random invisible lines. I can influence *you*, or *any other* person in *any other* place via telecommunications, postage, or whatever.
What an utterly vacuous point.
>nationalism is always in self interest
would it have been in self interest for a german to start shooting americans occupying germany? it is nationalist
ESL please.
the fuck is that?
>is britcuck
>doesn't understand nationalism
How is this related?
You seem to confuse nationalism with ethnic nationalism. Former cares about your citizenship, the later about your race.
>would it have been in self interest for a german to start shooting americans occupying germany? it is nationalist
If you're not ESL I really don't know how to break the news to you in a flattering way.
Ditch welfare statism and you no longer require nationalism.
what is esl
I was born and raised in Mexico. I legally immigrated to the US. I now hold a Bachelors and a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from UCLA.
Voted Trump
you do however support the ideology of a country that you choose, and that ideology helped your country achieve what it has. essentially its teh equivalent of supporting the fact tht your political stance has brougth success in the world
>le being proud maymay
There different kinds of pride. There is pride for one's own accomplishment and another where you feel for other people. I'm proud of myself because I passed the bar exam but I am also proud for my brother for his success even though I didn't had anything to do with it. Nationalistic pride is the latter.
But one also can be nationalistic without feeling pride for the country, simply from a pragmatic perspective. If things are going well for your country and you believe that immigrants can/will change that one would also become protective.
It's not my fault that Chile is the best south american country in existence
>inb4 some argentinio nigger says otherwise.
You can control what you believe in though. If your nation's ideals match yours nationalism is totally fine.
the only people who don't benefit from nationalism a globalists kikes who want to enslave humanity.
if they choose war this time, with the exception of honorary aryans, they've all gotta go.
Nationalism is a form of collectivism. You can be against nationalism if you are against collectivism, i.e if you are a hard libertarian or an anarcho-capitalist, and the only thing that matters to you is that the individual's rights and freedoms are extended as far as possible. But most often the people who attack nationalism are not from these camps. They are leftists, Marxists and outright communists who cannot see the hypocrisy in advocating the most collectivist ideology there is, arguing with tears in their eyes that well-off citizens owe more to their fellows. How might the rich be persuaded to give to the poor? Only through nationalism, a class superordinate to all other classes, that rich, poor, weak and strong alike belong to equally, can the people of a nation see themselves as a large family that lives and dies together.
Go back to Rebbit if you want to to people to go back to l'Ribbit for telling you to go back to Plebbit
Kk listen up you retards I'm so tired of this question, it's not that you can or can not control where you're born, it's that you are a product of your father and your mother, you are a unique configuration which means you can't just say "oh well I could have been born somewhere else"; no you stupid retard, because then you'd be someone else. So nationalism makes fucking sense because YOU, as a unique individual, must protect what your ancestors worker for so hard so that today you can fucking eat three meals, poop in a warm room and take a shower every fucking day you stupid twat!
the community builds the child. You are wrong. Sorry, bud.
We are still going t o deport you.
>nationalism makes no sense as you can't control where you're born
>prove me wrong
>community makes no sense as you can't control where you're born
>prove me wrong
>family makes no sense as you can't control which one you're born in
>prove me wrong
edgy anarchist memes like this are just the result of alienation societal dysfunction.
prove yourself wrong faggot, think critically. why do you need people to think critically for you
oh i know why
>what is bait
also see
>you can't control where you're born
This. Nationalism is essentially protecting the gene pool and values responsible for creating your nation.
>you can't control where you are born, therefore it doesn't matter
>you can't control how good/retarded you are born, therefore it doesn't matter
ok kid
>What an utterly vacuous point.
I feel the exact same thing in relation to your post.
For all practical purposes (which is clearly not what you are into here - you don't give a crap about real world constraints and just want some useless mental masturbation), almost all influence to and from the system (people, laws, etc) takes place within your country.
Beyond that relations and effects are considerably more difficult to propagate, due to physical distance, international law, language, culture and a million other things.
So a country is, in *practical* terms, the largest political unit you can influence and be influenced by with relative ease, anything beyond that gives diminished returns. Not to mention that you, as a human being, have a limit on how much information you can process; you can't stay up to date on everything taking place in the entire world.
So, as the reasonable person you are, you focus on what is doable within what you can influence and monitor yourself, and hopefully others outside that area can do the same for themselves. Nationalism 101, simple concept.
>implying we don't have a will before we manifest as humans
My ancestors labored and fought for this country and the principles and values it was found upon, I fully intend to do the same.
ITT:newfags falling for leftypol bait
how does it feel losing the election and have your side being infiltrated by idpol porkys(jews) OP?
Turkish nationalism is best tb.h
If you feel yourself as a Turk you are a Turk
Like how Ataturk has said
"How praud is the one who says i am Turk"
People who are closer to one another tend to have more interaction? No shit?
Woah. My mind = blown.
What a completely mundane and irrelevant observation. No *shit* people who are closer tend to interact with one another more. But from that simple observation *DOES NOT COME* the implication that you necessarily owe *anything* to those people. And that's what nationalism tries to argue - that you owe other people simply because they exist within some arbitrarily defined geographical area that you also happen to inhabit at the same time. That's an *absolutely absurd* leap of logic.
>can't control where you're born
This is creationism-level stupidity. White people in wealthy countries don't give birth to dumb niggers in the same sense that dumb niggers raised on in Africa don't gove birth to intellegent, privileged whites.
pic releated
nothing makes any sense since you can't control anything
prove me wrong
So you can't feel proud of your son (in your case your wife's son) for achieving something good?
>inb4 you raised your child
Contributing to your country (ie working) is somewhat the same as contributing to the family.
How about you go back to schlebbit if you want people to go back to plebbit for telling other people to go back to los redditos because they told them to go back to les reddits
You've just taken your dishonesty to a whole new level, choosing a convenient interpretation of what I said and arguing that.
You owe other people nothing. But in trying to better your own life, other people will inevitably be pulled along. There's a limit on what you can (or are even allowed) to do alone in your society, so that's a group effort. Nothing arbitrary about it, what matters is not the geographic area, but the political system and society present there.
>nationalism makes no sense as you can't control where you're born
This argument only shows how indoctrinated you are. You can say the same thing about your Family. You didn't get to choose it so why should you love it? Nationalism is simply the logical extension of the family unit. If you don't believe in Nationalism then there is no point in having a Nation to begin with.
Meaning you are either a George Soros turbo-kike Neo-Liberal who wants to rape the Goyim whilst still enjoying the benefits of their State, or an edgy Anarchist. Even Communists are smart enough to realize the value of Nationalism to society...they just completely fail when it comes to volunteerism.
I get that the Germans rekt ur shit bretty bad, so it surely made the indoctrinatin easier, but you're an adult now. Time to start thinking for yourself.
>choosing a convenient interpretation of what I said
>For all practical purposes, almost all influence to and from the system (people, laws, etc) takes place within your country
Go fuck yourself you brown weasel piece of shit.
OP if something doesn't make to you, that is not our problem. Clearly, if you can't keep up mentally, then the problem is you.
>Not wanting your room to be comfy as fuck
Are you literally retarded?
>You can't control where you're born
Yeah dude nice meme, you born where you born and accept the national community that you belong in, that's why a russian isn't a n american patriot, but a russian one
Globalism makes no sense because just because you're born in a shithole doesn't mean you're allowed to destroy the rest of the world.
Or they're not patriotic.
As you shouldn't be, since you live in a shithole that's made terribly worse by your controlling self-interested government that loots you and tells you how you're going to live your life (or else).
All those people who achieved things for their nations did so expecting their descendants to benefit not Mohammed and Tyrone.
Oh look another hopeless soul who conflates his government with his nation. They are two separate things. Nationalism is why people resist Government abuse by saying it's Un-American. Which is a very simple, and easily understood sentiment that can galvanize people with wildly different backgrounds and beliefs against an oppressive government. Thus why your Government Education sought to Cuck you on the subject.
I care about individuals, not groups that have no substantive qualities by which I might care about members of that group.
Existing within the same arbitrarily defined geographic region as me doesn't automatically qualify you for any special care or attention from me.
You can also galvanize people to fight oppression *without* treating them as if they were one amalgamated mass of a hive-mind, by articulating to them the values of freedom and individualism that you need not attach to *anything* else. They're self-supporting, standalone values.
Government isn't the same as nationality. For example, I am a patriot, I love my country and my culture with all of its wierd aspects, but I would never give respect to our new leftist, pro EU money wasting government.
gee, why not make whatever shithole you're from better maybe?
Saying not to be proud of your nation is like saying you can't be proud of your mother or father, because you cannot control which family you are born to
Prove me wrong
>Existing within the same arbitrarily defined geographic region as me doesn't automatically qualify you for any special care or attention from me.
That Fedora Edge. You're in it deep. Talking is a waste, you need real life experience. That or you have actual autism that inhibits you socially.
Name me one period in modern history where a country with extreme nationalism didn't end up fucking itself
Protip - you can't.
I bet you support reperations.
So existing within the same arbitrarily defined geographic region as me *DOES* automatically qualify you for special care or attention from me?
You are useless, coddled piece of shit who has no idea how economy, culture, society or values work.
Don`t bother proving me wrong - you can`t.
Name a period in modern history when a nationalist country wasn't gangbanged by jews
Protip - you can't
>as you can't control where you're born
So what?
so you abandoned your struggling people?
It makes perfect sense if you are planning long term for your offspring to live in a safe, inclusive and supportive community where they have the greatest chance of success
But nowadays you are more worried about hurting someone's feelings than saving humanity from sheer barbarism.
There's no other way around it, you are a terrible person and can not think k but 4 steps in front of you instead of the hundreds of years down the line that actually matter.
that's where ethnic nationalism kicks in
Why do faggots always associate nationalism with people taking credit for shit they didn't do ? I mean yes granted that their are generally a large number of mental invalids that love to chant about muh ancestors and muh national achievement etc but those attitudes aren't representations of nationalism, just an unhappy by product, but even then if a bit of pride in past national achievements keeps those fat cunts of their lounge chairs and contributing then so fucking be it. call it the carrot leading the pack mule.