Did Trump cause a political realignment?
Did Trump cause a political realignment?
Too early to tell.
Not sure, he basically won the Romney states + Rust Belt.
The pozzed places still went Democrat like the West Coast, Northeast, Illinois, and Weedarado.
But he barely lost Maine and Minnesota
If the Republican party takes his strategy to heart, maybe. Otherwise, no.
Possible, depends if the Democrats double down on Identity Politics or if they throw out the free trade wing and return to the party of blue collar unions.
You still have to remember just how awful a candidate Clinton was.
This, if he really does bring back jobs and prosperity and forces the neo-cons to bow down before his will.
Hillary still won them though, and she was a corrupt as hell candidate. Run anyone else and MN and ME probably would've not been as close.
No, the retards who voted for him are the same retards who voted for W Bush.
Nothing's changed.
It's quite possible yes. For example, the Democrats in NYC are trying to protect illegal immigrants from federal enforcement using classic states' rights arguments such as interposition which was declared unconstitutional in 1958. The GOP has been recently synonymous with states' rights but now it's democrats taking on the cause of limiting federal power. The GOP under Trump will take on protectionism whilst democrats defend free trade like NAFTA when the GOP has recently been pro-tree trade as well and historically were protectionist. The GOP may be going back to its historical roots of protectionism, strict immigration control, isn't war hawkish, socially liberal, etc. The dems are becoming pro-economic liberalism, limited federal government, classical liberalism, etc. which they used to be except they're not defending slavery but using illegal immigrants as cheap labor.
You realize that the Free Trade Wing of the Democrats fell away after 2000 right? They dumped that and replaced it with the gibs reformation and more planned economy/progressive style stance.
No. Whites voted how they always vote, 60/40 Republican. Niggers voted how they always vote, 90/10 Democrat. Spics and gooks voted how they always vote, 70/30 Democrat.
Nah, that's just Bernie tards no one listens to. The trade deal with Europe and the TPP were defended by Democrats and are dead now due to GOP control and Trump winning.
>did he cause it
well I mean it was bound to happen the political compass is a complex system and like all complex systems it will go through periods of chaos before stabilizing again at some new normal
Here's my 3 shekels.
Possible but hard to tell. There was low voter turn out on both sides with Trump having roughly the same amount if votes as the last 3 presidential elections. No real positive gain but made gains in general blue states but lost votes in other areas.
We will know in 2018 with the House and Senate going for reelection. If Republicans maintain or lose just one seat in the House yet gain a seat in the senate. You can say a slight change in a Republican favor is possible.
Keep in mind House represents state districts and Senatea are supposed to represent the state as a whole. Fuck the 17th amendment but oh well.
no, he caused the country to go back to its usual post-'64 distribution, roughly.
>ignoring Hilary Clinton's , Barack Obama's, and John Kerry's electoral talking points on economics.
Boy you're ignorant.
>Hilary Clinton
Stimulus package
Increased government control
Increased welfare support
Raise taxes
Move towards universal healthcare
Move towards universal education
>Barack Obama
Fair share tax reform (raise taxes on rich and add more tax brackets)
Stimulus package
Mandated healthcare reform
Increased Medicare/Medicaid support
>John Kerry
Reverse the Bush Tax Cuts
Propose Single Payer Healthcare reformation
Stimulus package for green energy company's by taking away big oil stimulus
Increase Welfare reform
Increase FAFSA support
Tell me were "free market" policies are in that you dumb fuck?
Really man? You think this new world order shit is any better. It's not. You're stuck in your delusion and self verification from friends and echo chamber new stations
He said Free Trade you miserable libertarian nigger, not Free Market. Go masturbate to Rand.
says new zealand ?