Why aren't you aesthetic?
Within a year you can be muscular. You can strengthen and define your jaw by mewing, jaw excersizes and chewing falim gum.
You have no reason not to be aesthetic.
Why aren't you aesthetic?
Within a year you can be muscular. You can strengthen and define your jaw by mewing, jaw excersizes and chewing falim gum.
You have no reason not to be aesthetic.
Other urls found in this thread:
My lifegoals are different, getting aesthetic would only lead to wasted time.
Teach me how to be aesthetic fampai.
I want an awoo gf.
> Chewing gum for jawline
You get a more chiseled jaw by decreasing your body fat level
I am aesthetic and muscular. Retarded newfags on this board need to stop fucking fapping to anime and go on /fit/ and /k/ more.
To increase jawline: keep your tongue at the roof of your mouth, this pushes the maxilla up and defines your jawline as well. Also decrease body fat, and chew really hard gum, like falim.
Watch this
It's proven
nice, I'll check this out.
You just made a thread about this dogshit. Dont make a second while your shitty first one is still up. sage
>stop fucking fapping to anime and go on /fit/ and /k/ more.
The other is by a Dutch guy, he didn't go into specifics. This thread is for specifics
political intellgent people like us don't need to work out
how does being fat stop me from leaking governmental files and saving millions of americans?
Post more user.
I can see my lewd awoo gf licking my chiseled jaw already!
Got anything on abs?
Yea, here's this, its what I'm doing
But don't workout just your abs, work out everything from your legs to your jaws
>browses /fit/
>is not gay
pick one, nobody needs to go to /fit/ if they want to look better they need to get a better diet and some exercise.
That said:
>start lifting and exercising regularly
>great results
>get into an accident, hurt back and leg
>can't exercise anymore
It's really annoying, I was gonna go find a gf... Really... Seriously...
Check out this Tim Winters discussion on manhood, very based and debunks the current idea of masculinty
Ok realtalk magical /fit/ guy with awesome jawlines and lots of bubblegum
I've tried to do crunches/sit-ups/etc and all the other ab-exercises before but I run into a problem where my gut gets cramped. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Feels like my stomach muscles are in knots and sometimes like there are knives in there. Got tips for getting past that shit?
Other faggots should post instead of fapping to lewd awoos. Do that later. Get /fit/ first.
I love the way dicks flop around when soft and dudes are walking around. That is all
what's your fitness level, and do you run or lift weights?
Whats the nature of the injury?
The conscious tongue placement is just one of the many methods this can work. I learned from reading various articles in the paleo diet scene that keeping your teeth close to or completely closed helps maintain your jawline as well as the ideal structure of your skull in general. There are images from colonial Britain comparing people who kept their mouths clenched vs. people who let their mandibles sag, and the results are fascinating.
You know that fishmouth effect that many SJWs have? It's either due to mouthbreathing (which affects the effectiveness of nosebreathing after a while) or a loose jaw. It deforms the skull and (I speculate) may have an effect on information processing.
Also, I wanted to state that the jaw-clench method also defaults the tongue to the "roof of the mouth" mode.
Form follows function, most of these faggots just need to get a job
Rotate. Trying to do 500 crunches in a row is crossfit shit. Sure, its impressive, but its not efficient if what you're looking for is either strength or definition. Run through sets that are going to hit different areas of your abs. Also, look at exercises that might not seem like abdominal exercises but need significant core stability like high pulls, deadlifts, and kettle bell work.
what if i have bulging lumbar discs and tmj?
not kidding. this shit is frustrating.
So how exactly do you avoid bad swollowing technique? just keep your tongue pressed to the top of your mouth and don't move it?
Their mouth is always hanging open in shock at those in the world who do not share their warped world view.
After doing this for years, it becomes permanent.
It's a lifestyle. If you stop for 2weeks you set yourself 2months back.
things that legitimately changed my life:
>eating slightly more than maintenance when I wanted to gain weight, slightly less than maintenance when I wanted to lose weight
>remembering to alter my routine so that I was always breaking through what broscience retards call "plateaus"
>getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night
>nofap (fixing porn addition and PIED)
things that are total bullshit invented and perpetuated by fucking retarded children on the internet:
>everything else
fuck off
jesus christ guys
I have TMJ.
I can't strengthen my jaw.
For beards
Use minoxidil to treat balding early, but also on your face to grow your beard out. My dad was unable to grow a beard until he was 30. I was able to grow a beard over and over within months
I just don't pay attention to what the tongue does when I focus on the teeth/jaw. I would assume the tongue relaxes when it's time to swallow.
Soft taco shells are superior tbhqhfamalam
why is the thumbnail a female
Being aesthetic doesnt increase chance of survival in a warzone
Holy shit you are a bunch of faggots. Stop trying to look like me you fucking girl go be a tranny you literally want to be just like me in every way but deny it.
Minoxidil destroys collagen production be careful with it.
i worked with a mouth breather and i'm sure that look is from mouth breathing. i'm surprised their parents never told them it's rude to have their mouths opened / slack jawed
There is a shit ton of gay dudes on /fit/, but frankly that's outside the point of this thread. Yes, nobody NEEDS to go to /fit/, but given that they already browse fucking Sup Forums, and assuming that they're the NEET dyel autistic audience this thread targets, then it wouldn't hurt starting with a site that you're somewhat accustomed to by extension.
I want to say I'm above average but nothing spectacular. I can run at least 2-3 miles straight without stopping. Not that impressive but it's still something.
Strength wise I'm pretty confident in my core. I mean I'm not going to lift a mountain but I'm strong enough. I work in a warehouse so I regularly lift shit over 100 pounds with ease. I don't lift weights (or own any). If I do anything it's push-ups (can do about 30 or so straight last time I checked), but I do have giant 5 water jugs that I was considering using as a base for the hell of it.
That said I still have a gut. That's the main thing that annoys me about my body. It's like I'm average+ in terms of ability with the only fat being on my stomach, but it's just there like a mass of flesh that won't get the fuck off. It's been getting bigger and I was planning on starting up with some exercising soon to fight it back down.
Body-wise I'm more or less average and I don't know if you could consider me fat unless I took off my shirt. Hard to notice it underneath clothes. My belly isn't massive but it is annoying.
Main problem that I run into when I do ab exercises is that it happens at the beginning. It's like I never even reach my limit. I feel like I could probably do 50 in a row if it wasn't for this bizarre pain that just stops me cold after 5 or so crunches. I never understood why it happens but it's annoying as hell. Any other part of my body is fine and I can push it but when I try to do crunches or any other shit my muscles cramp up before they're even strained.
Never been to a gym before honestly, but I did try Crossfit for a day. It was intense and it'd probably work if I tried to dedicate myself to it. Loved it but I don't like the social aspect of it. Too many buff dudes judging me. Also costs too much money for the classes. Tried Insanity for a bit. Forget why I stopped doing it.
Took me almost a year for this
What does Sup Forums think?
>You have no reason not to be aesthetic.
I'm not a woman or a fag.
And the dude in your picture wears his musculature the same way a numale wears a beard. He doesn't look masculine. He looks like a bitchboy.
Post fag dork models. Its all about genetics. Most super machismo men are stupid, and the posers flexing at the gym are all the same posers. Lift heavy get strong and have hair on your chest. If you dont have hair on your chest your a fucking faggot.
It sounds like you're running into cramping. My advice would be to lay flat on your back when it happens and push out your gut. Try to make your stomach stick out as much as possible, take a deep breath and hold it, then release and continue. Yes, its going to hurt. You will not die. Keep pushing.
>used to be really fat, ~280 lbs
>started lifting, lost weight slowly, currently ~185 lbs
>TONS of loose skin that will never go away without surgery at this point
no aesthetics for me...
quicker workouts, increase your metabolism and sweat more, you need body heat from fast workouts to burn that shit off, also cold showers.
god tier for Sup Forums and /po/ standars
average for /fit/ standars.
Took you a year to cut like 2% body fat and gain no muscle?
Congrats, I guess.
Assuming it's real, then that's very impressive my dude. You must've had a very busy year. Be sure to not get complacent. There's nothing worse then getting into the shape of your life only to lose it and gain back twice of what you lost.
Have you tried planks?
Everyone needs to take care of their skin, that's one thing that we have some control over. Here's some things you can do off the top of my head:
-Wash face with cleanser in morning and night
-get proper sleep at night
-get more fruits and green veggies in diet
-use proven products like Vitamin C serum and Retin A
-Take beta carotene for tan like glow (if white)
Wash pillow case/sheets more so you aren't sleeping on dirty surface
Do all of this, stay well groomed and get to a low body fat percentage and there's not a whole lot else you can do, you'll probably look pretty good.
Natty? Impressive if so (or even if not natty)
>why don't you waste time to make sure that random people like you
If I wanted that, I'd be a liberal
Yes, I believe it is cramping. I just don't know how to get past it.
I'll give it a try. Thanks for the advice. First I've heard actually.
Also thanks to OP for making this topic. Now that Trump won it's time for Sup Forums to MOGA (Make Ourselves Great Again).
Is that the one where you just hold it for a while? I've done that before but I didn't really like it.
Are planks recommended? I could try it again.
very nice, very nice
Having a strong shoulder-to-hip ratio adds points to your charisma in a business environment. People will be more receptive to you and listen to your advice/suggestions/etc. because you appear healthier than your peers. This is evolutionary persuasion in action.
Planks are good for abs, but the real thing you want to do is get to a low body fat percentage so there's no fat covering your abs.
its actually possible to get that skin to go away? pretty sure youre full of it
Some recommendations for you guys:
ZMA/flux(app)/melatonin/1st gen antihistamine if you have problems sleeping. Note: too much zinc will fuck up your sleep since it increases wakefulness. SLEEP IS CRUCIAL
Vitamin D 4000IU during the winter. Vitamin D directly influences the expression of more than 400 different genes. Every cell in your body becomes more functional. Increases testosterone in deficient men.
Omega 3: get 1g combined of the oil minimum per day. Increases neuron function, fat loss, muscle strength, joint function, etc.
Garlic supplement: Allows for better blood flow everywhere (muscles, dick, brain). Will improve your mood and boost your immune system.
Multimineral/multivitamin: You probably don't have any deficiency, but why potentially lose out on anything? Just take one few times a week and your body will piss and shit out what it doesn't need.
Ashwaganda + vitamin C: Both are anti-oxidants and regulate your cortisol. This will make you less socially awkward, be able to work longer, make you age slower, be sick less often.
Forskolin: Increases cAMP in your body, leading to better short-term memory, more testosterone (20%), more fat-burning.
Piracetam/noopept/aniracetam/lions mane mushroom: ampakines and neuropeptide increasing (nootropic) compounds will make you more focused, form memories faster, etc. Can be a bit pricey though.
Nicotine: fucking god of a drug if you're not predisposed to becoming addicted. It reduces estrogen thus making your appearance WAY MORE masculine over a few years. It can be addictive for some people (though the gum is way less addictive than smoking). It reduces body-fat, makes you retain less water (less puffy look), increases your focus, makes you feel way more confident.
Heavy lifting: thickens bones, muscles, good for your brain as well
i have a fucked blonde hairline
Are you serious?
yeah I don't fuck with minoxidil for this reason alone. no need to speed up your face aging just so some patchy beard parts will fill in. they will in due time.
you're delusional
>he fall for (((jym)))
Or maybe eat more and lift, then eat less and lift after you get to ~20% body fat until you get to about 10% bodyfat. Rinse and repeat with slightly lower bodyfat targets each time Supplements are that thing you add after you have a working base, like polishing your car. It puts the extra bit of shine on a corvette, porsche or other sports car, but polishing your 1997 honda odyssey isn't going to make it look any less shitty.
forgot pic for credibility
literally just started a steroid cycle:
600 mg primobolan, 300 mg test e weekly
You will be looking like a greek sculpture when you ditch fructose. Not natty :D
>There are images from colonial Britain comparing people who kept their mouths clenched vs. people who let their mandibles sag, and the results are fascinating.