How do I defeat the nicotine Jew?

How do I defeat the nicotine Jew?

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It's actually pretty easy. Read the book "Easy Way to quit smoking" by Allen Carr.

I read it and quit smoking one week later. It was actually very easy as the book says.

You don't. Vices are the salt of life.

t. snus pro, drunk smoker

Thanks, Allen Carr.

Drink soda

I mean

Chew gum

the following supplements



and a daily Multi-Vitamin

I defeated the Sugar jew (same addictive properties)

just quit being a junkie. it works.

Vape high-nic juices at low resistance, then lower nic content.

Vaping is so easy to quit holy cow.

I smoked for 10+ years and just quit cold turkey 3months ago, Don't be a pussy. Have some will power

Easy, you just never start. Smoking is degeneracy anyhow.


i hate how fucking neckbearded fuckwits ruined vaping but it at least got me off of the 499/500 jew chemicals in cigarettes

Allen Carr is dead. His book is really well known for helping people to quit smoking.

My friend actually used the same book, well audio version anyways.

Alternatively you could not be a weak willed bitch OP. I can stop and pick up smoking at the drop of a hat. I was smoking a pack a day just quit because I felt like it no issues

to defeat the nicotine jew you must rewire your brain.

It is the hardest thing you will ever do so be prepared.

Tip: reinforce positive thoughs, and positive actions with a prize like people do with cats and dogs, the same time reinforce negative thoughs about and negative actions that leads you to smoke the jew with for example pain.

Nicotine actually helps you mentally.

Cigarettes companies, unlike alcohol, rejected Jewish take over and kept in Anglo hands. So the media and govt has done everything it can to destroy the industry.

If you don't want to buy the book and don't mind wikimeme, here's the general gist of the method.

By defeating it. Wtf kind of stupid question is this, retard

Quit 12 weeks yesterday, it's only hard for the first week.

Go cold turkey though, gradually cutting down doesn't work

Focus on how you feel after the cigarette is finished not before or during the act of smoking, especially when you havent had one in a while. If you're past the point where they make you feel a little shitty I can't help, cut mine down to a handful every month people offer me when I'm drunk before it got too bad.

The Vitamin B3 Jew? You don't

This. Tobacco is one of the last goy industries left in America.

I made a blood pact with God last February and haven't smoked since.

>smoking is degenerate
>posts furry pic

Start being a rebel and vape. it's healthier, makes you look cool, and let's you blow epic clouds everywhere

>believing the lung cancer jew

why would you want to stop?

This is going to blow your mind, but there is a 100% guaranteed method to quit smoking cold turkey:

1) Don't put cigarettes in your mouth
2) Don't light cigarettes that are in your mouth
3) Don't inhale smoke from cigarettes that are lit and inside your mouth

Crazy right??? I tried this once, and haven't smoked again!

Lock yourself indoors for a week, don't drink coffee, don't drink alcohol.

After the first 72 hours your cravings will start diminishing, after a week you will not have any physical withdrawals.

Get yourself the quit smoking app.

This. Asian countries and France both have high smoking rates but Low cancer rates. Nicotine increases iq, and is an effective treatment for various mental illnesses.

I did by vaping weed and weening off with e-cigarettes.

Im chewing a piece of nicorette as we speak.

>yessss goy, buy my book hehe.

>getting addicted to things in the first place.

also feels good man
helps u make friends
triggers libtards

All great white men of the last 200 years used tobacco.

Drink, smoke, sleep, my nigga. It's fun watching the world burn while we're at it.

Wrong, Hitler didn't and Trump is a none smoker too.

Black lung is only for coal miners. Lung cells regrow every 3 weeks. Everything is bad for you. The fertilizer might be a problem but tobacco is finicky. Nature loves tobacco. Birds. Plants. Cures for us are grown on it
I assume this is your very first post on here

Hitler created Israel and Drumpf will create greater israel and the third temple. Memberrr!?

This is what I do:

>Wait until I get a cold/flu/sore throat. When I'm sick I'm not interested in smoking

>Get Extra Strong Original Fisherman's Friends lozenges

>After you're done being sick keep popping those

It still takes will-power, but it helps to have something to keep your mouth busy

Replace it with alcohol

Just vape desu senpai. Then you can be healthy like me lmao

listen to Jew Camel over here

>increase iq like us goy
>cure your diseases with this nicotine


There is no alcohol receptors in the brain. There are for nicotine and for cannabinoids. THC is found in non pot smoking mothers' breast milks. In all breast milk. Why are those? Because nicotine is a fucking vitamin and alcohol is a fermented vaginal juice product. Eat too much vag? Like rusty pennies? Get throat cancer. Alcohol is a poisin that merely eats your liver stomach and brain cells

Just stopbeing such a faggot, it ain't hard. Fucking retard.

Try replacing alcohol and nicotine with anime and videogames.

I'll actually tell you the answer

Smoked 15-22 stopped for 3 years now.

Stop smoking full cigarettes, you are conditioned to want to finish a cigarette, stop it. Try throw away a cigarette at half way. Over time you will smoke less and eventually if you're anything like me the smell and the taste will stop being "nice" and will make you loathe anyone who smokes near you.

Only been smoking like 2.8 years but quit cold turkey 4 days ago.

Shit's easy.

Why quit when you can join us?

just stop

jus vape mane

Stop buying cigarettes

I used to drink day and night for years and quit that in a few days. That was a struggle of willpower. Just assert your will over your own body mmm, maybe find something else to do with your mouth because half of it is oral fixation with not very mature people. View it as a growing process to not let things control you

I've quit successfully and unsuccessfully several times in my life; cold turkey is the only way that works.

furthermore, i've discovered that it's not entirely the tobacco that's addictive, it's just as much the cigarette paper. i've found that taking the tobacco out of the cigarettes and re-rolling them in zigzags for awhile helps to get rid of the addiction to whatever chemicals are in the cigarette paper itself.

Who cares. It's actually the Jew who is telling you not to smoke.

Maybe my body reacts differently to nicotine addiction but Ive picked up and put down cigarettes in my life three times. Haven't smoked in almost two years. Longest stretch was from when I started at 17 till I was 23. I'm 27 now and I have to say I found it pretty easy to stop I mean its all a will power thing. And also I just DIDNT FUCKING BUY THEM. Kinda works itself out.

>Smoking is bad for, according to a new report by Dr. shekelsteinberg

yeah, the jew is telling you to stop sucking on the cylindrical object, jews do that all the time, they're very helpful

>oy vey buy these nicotine pills instead for 99.99$ for a weeks supply

>tobacco is grown by white farmers
>sold by white companies
>consumed by white people to increase productivity

Yeah, why would Jews want to ruin that

Can confirm! Never done 1, 2, or 3 and has worked WONDERS

>to increase productivity

>takes multiple 10 minute breaks during work hours or he is irritable and can't concentrate

>Hitler created israel


i vape

I know it will seem like i am full of shit but I just quit. I said no more and I have smoked once in 2 years and I was blind drunk

>repeats anti-smoking memes

You're supposed to take a 10 min break every couple hours anyways for maximum mental output.

It's obviously bad for you, but how bad is it really? I feel like so many other things are worse.

I don't smoke, but I'm probably gonna die of a blood clot before I hit 30. I'm a fat ass and I'm sitting on my leg right now. It's practically suicidal, but I can't be comfortable any other way, and I like to eat.

You stop buying cigarettes

Oh good what a great flagship for the goyim

>literally the crop that built America

>Hitler led the first anti-smoking campaign
pick (juan) and only (juan)

>good things about smoking
food taste better
lose weight
looks cool
good to pass some time
helps u make friends
feels good man

>bad things about smoking
u might get cancer one day which u might get anyways

>you stop buying cigarettes

this might be the best idea ever.
the biggest the route between you and your temptation the more time you'll have to remember your promise and resist it.

Will power

you can do it. believe in yourself

>i cant stop sucking it, I love it when it when the explodes into my mouth and throat it's so hot , and after I'm done sucking I feel so relaxed it's like an orgasm

>getting addicted to cigarettes

How? Nicotine isnt even addictive.

Hitler also lost to the tobscco smoking anglos

Tobacco smoking is pretty meaningless
Just think of it
You pretty much don't get any kind of high but you still inhale radioactive smoke

If you're going to die of cancer smoking/drinking/being a fat ass will only increase your chances marginally. If you're fucked by genetics from the start it doesn't fucking matter. Plenty of people die of cancer that never touched alcohol or smoked in their life.

If you are a ultra-PC SJW, you probably believe all the libtard propaganda about smoking. But a strong, independent thinking white man will know that everything is calculating risk. And a real man is willing to take some risk. Women are sttracted to men that throw caution to the wind, it's why it's easier to get laid if you smoke.

throw your lighters out and hope you're too lazy to buy a new one

i went a week without em just to prove to myself i can quit and now they taste shitty so i'll try giving the up for a month or two

buy nicotine patches
place one over each eye and hey presto! you can't find your cigarettes

vittuboy here gets it

why stop? just to live longer ? for what

My grandfather was a Belarusian Jew who smoked since he was 13 lol. Died at 78 or so I believe, but he smoked plenty every single day his whole life.

Too bad it severely shortened his life span desu. He had pints of brown muck sucked out of his lungs on his death bed. Smoking should be a recreational habit used modestly, not a lifestyle

As a smoker, can confirm all besides food tasting better. Shit ruins your ability to taste salt

Its easy to quit smoking. Nicotine dependence is 95% psychological and 5% physical. Take a week off and don't smoke. Its that simple.

I used to buy expired gum on Amazon. It was really cheap being only around 20 dollars for 200 pieces or so. The box of gum lasted as long as a carton did for me and I was smoking a pack and a half per day. It completely took away my desire to smoke.

a smoke after eating greasy salty food is amazing though

>writes self help book to quit smoking
>dies of lung cancer

Hitler actually didnt but he led one of the most successful, a few british lords tried to contest it shortly after it started becoming a massive cash crop in the colonies due to its popularity skyrocketing at home


The one thing that helped me the most when I stopped using nicotine, is that whenever you get a shot of abstinence you can just remind yourself that it will pass in a minute or so. That's it. As time goes on you think about it less and less, and it just fades from your life.

Also, the thing that motivated me was to be in control. I didn't want to run errands for some substance. I wanted to be in charge. Might help you, I don't know.

Chantix. Pharma-Jew > nicotine Jew

Just realise that you are your own master, not some retarded drug.

Realise that if you let yourself to be controlled by some simple molecules, you are not better with your highly complex super intelligent brain than a few molecules.

It's all just in your head, when you crave a smoke, see it, watch it, watch the fucking urge.

Watch it and dissolve it with consciousness not - thinking.

Alternative you could try E-zigs, they are a fun hobby, alot cheaper than real cigs, and you can lower the nicotine over time.

My father did it like this.

>Buy ezig and 18mg/100ml nicotine liquid
>after a few weeks get 11mg/100ml nicotine liquid
>after a few months get 6mg/100ml nicotine liquid
>3mg/100ml after half a year
>0mg/100ml after a year

he stopped inhaling nicotine completely after 40 years of smoking a pack a day.

I smoke like 1-3 cigs a day, doesn't seem like that bad of a vice.

Get a juul. It's the only e cig that is really comparable to smoking a cig. Eventually you'll be able to phase it out and stop altogether.

With all the technology available, there's no excuse to not be able to quit smoking. If you can't quit, you're a mental midget who deserves lung cancer. Die you pathetic faggots!!

this sounds like me. i'm going to quit next week again because smoking during the winter sucks