Why does Sup Forums hate atheists?
Why does Sup Forums hate atheists?
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Because they are obnoxious.
Agnostic master race reporting in.
Religious and atheist people are pleb tier.
same reason why people cant stand vegans. They cant fucking shut up about it.
People with singular, narrow minded views are obnoxious regardless of what they preach.
That is not how it works m8
They are the worst king of stupid, they believe that they are 100% right and won't shut up about it. Even if you are the smartest person on Earth one must know modesty
Their entire rhetoric is based off being "enlightened" when in actuality they are the most blue pilled useful idiots around
Without a religion or God to form a moral basis, they become wise fools ready to be deceived by whatever marxist comes around to manipulate them. This is why atheists voted for Hilary, support abortion, support homosexual unions, support state-run socialism, etc.
>support abortion
Good job supporting niggers to breed uncontrollably.
I am agnostic leaning more towards the atheist side. How could anyone believe in god when almost everyone is a cunt and or a moron?
I don't push it though because I can see the value in religion because I went to a public school and have seen the damage liberals, skanks and highly degenerate men can do.
Wrote this some time ago
And about atheists
A lot of them act like they are still in the stage of teenage rebellion against religion. As said previously the obnoxiousness of the lot is really annoying.
you can stay north of the wall juan
You're writing style reminds me of the uni-bomber
Religion is a cancer.
If you disagree go live in the middle east, quit thinking "Religion" means Christianity in the west and start realizing ACTUAL religion is like living in the middle east where you head gets butchered off over the slightest thing.
I just realised how old this is, I stop being an atheist some months ago
Probably should not shill what i write, But some retro-alimentation never hurts
There's a reason for everything, I do not know how to write, so I just list ideas and try to make it coherent
It's not a criticism, I enjoy how straight forward you write. Good writing is just well-structured thought
>implying Christfags aren't obnoxious
No no no. You were born into the occult and are going through a futile rejection phase for now is all. First sign of crises in your life you will run back to the cloud fairy you were indoctrinated with.
It's not like people have a choice, you are either born into a religious family or not. Whatever cloud fairies are installed into the infantile brain are there to stay for life, this is actually a Jesuit maxim, give me a boy until 6 and I will give you the man blah blah.
your writing is fine
50% of abortions in the USA are white. Stop killing white babies.
>they become wise fools ready to be deceived by whatever marxist comes around to manipulate them
>Implying that religion isn't a tool used to manipulate its adherents
Because a vocal minority of the treat their disbelief in religion as an actual religion.
The White babies that get aborted are ones with genetic diseases, born to single mothers with no sense of responsibility, or rape babies. We're cleaning up our race.
Atheists are 99% liberal
Agnostics are atheists by default.
Well, what I need is criticism. I treat English as if I was writing in Spanish and I am pretty sure that that will bomb in some way. But thank you anyways (Now on my way to bomb something)
Any idea is cancer if the people holding it are cancer themselves. It like blaming guns for violence, they are just a tool and do not have power until one uses it.
The fact that a hammer can be used to build a shitty house does not point a problem with the hammer, but with the carpenter.
Yes, some tools are better than others, but the responsibility falls in the user alone
That's because atheists and liberals are both more intelligent groups of people. The overlap shouldn't surprise anyone.
I never understood the point of religion or holding any set of traditional beliefs.
I think the whole world would be better off if we held a more pragmatic viewpoint.
Kill off cripples, kill off welfare scumlords kill off all those that drain society and are burdens to it.
Religion and everything else do the opposite they force us to "Forgive" people who have done wrong to us they aren't pragmatic in the slightest I think the world would be better if everyone got a big dose of autism and lost all sorts of empathy for one another.
Considering whites are the majority that is rather low.
Blacks abort in higher rates which is better.
>Now on my way to bomb something
nice proxy Mohammed
Im Atheist but its clear some religions are more cancerous than others. Islam kills people and promotes hate. Catholicism only diddles a couple of kids.
I used to be more militant in my atheism but ive recently held off on the hostility to the softer religions such as Christianity.
I dont think that atheism is all about this enlightened bollocks. You either believe in a god or you dont.
Religion is like a penis, I don't care if you have one or not, just don't try to ram it down anyone's throat. Especially kids' throats.
>the 1% left
>(I heard that Lincoln Rockwell was an atheist, can anyone give me conformation on that?)
Apparently by your logic tools by its very nature can't have problems inherently tied to it, if the tool is performing badly it MUST be the owner of the tool it clearly can't be the tool itself that needs fixing.
This is some twisted logic.
Honestly, because of reddit. Before reddit was created, Sup Forums used to be primarily atheist. Then the tips fedora meme was created and a ton of people converted to Christianity because they didn't want to be associated with redditors.
i believe there is probably a higher power but what it is and does is beyond any persons comprehension
Because they're gay
The tool can go bad, you of course have to replace it, but it is the user's responsibility for either picking a broken tool or fucking it up. You can curse an idea all you want, that abstract string of ideas will not even notice you, the only thing you can change is people.
We would only know someone is an atheist if they told everyone about it.
Muh made-up statistic
Atheists are definitely more socially liberal, since a lot of social conservatism is based on 'Muh Jebus said that X is wrong' and for no other reason. Are atheists more economically liberal, or more likely to hate their race? I don't know.
>implying obnoxious christianity means that obnoxious atheism is ok
I mean, just in general? I don't.
I do hate failures, though. And I especially hate ideologically inconsistent people who only apply their supposed skepticism to specific subjects.
TJ is actually a perfect example. This is a man who has never had a free thought in his life. He is, actually, deeply close-minded and dogmatic. He just hates people who judge him for his degenerate shit--if he actually applied his skepticism evenly he would not, for example, have supported Bernie Sanders, because he would have discovered within ten minutes as I did that Bernard was a fucking scam-artist and a lying, warmongering apparatus of the Globalist war machine.
He lost all credibility with me years before that, but it was not until then that I began to actually hate him. I hate people who do not think, particularly when they make a big show of pretending to think.
>Be supposedly more intelligent
>Still be fucking wrong
Truly the great mystery of the Left.
Good luck with that when people use that broken tool that people perceive to be the greatest thing in all mankind and attempt to shove it down your throat going so far to butcher your head off if you don't drink the special koolaid.
Once again look at the middle east and what Islam has produced, this isn't "people" misusing the tool that is islam this is Islam at its core being a broken tool.
In either case I"m done speaking with "mexican intellectuals".
>2015 - 2 + 3
>not being a deist
fucking plebs, the lot of you
Again, that the people's fault, ideologies and tools are amoral
because its cop out for arrogant people to think they see something no one else does and are better than other people. well the ones who are patronizing others online do.
Atheists and vegans are dumb they think they know more than you yet they are liberal and when they argue they constantly link to liberal sources like new york times and usda. Liberals are fags. Pence and Trump are strong Christians and will destroy these fags.
That makes you an agnostic theist
But something has to be moral, right? I mean isn't that the purpose of your tract (which I enjoyed reading tbqh)?
Come back if you to the RED PILL
VIVE LE KEK, save france!
I don't hate atheists, but I do hate liberal atheists. Right-wing atheists are always intelligent and have a wicked sense of humor, but liberal atheists are embarrasing self important fat pigs.
ah, bananas, the atheist"s worst nightmare, or is it?
An ideology has to be in tune with reality for it to work.
Communism (as an example) is more a "What it should be" that a "What I can do with what it is" type of ideology. By itself it can't do damage because it is just an idea, the damage comes when people try to use it and people start suffering, it gets worse when people do not stop trying to use this defective tool. Such people are either Stupid or Evil.
At least for me, morality only applies to beings that can perceive it, so personifying and calling ideologies evil (instead of badly designed or defectuous) is wrong and a waste of time.
Yes, there are some pretty useless and dangerous tools out there, but the real evil is the one who sees them and uses them knowing the possible consequences, even if they are in negation
atheist here. I think I know why. Atheists very often think they are smarter than Christians because they made a choice to belive in a less complex explanation about the universe. Those atheists are so narrow that they forget the most important thing about being an atheist. You must know that you know nothing about the universe. The choice of the non existing god do not takes us out of the common folk game. Actually it makes the game harder. We must create new strategies for life, and find new lenses to a point that living becomes unbeareable. I found myself in situations that I wish I had god. But its the kind of thing that once you untap some knowledge you cant go back. I envy Christians sometimes. And don't even try to convert an atheist. Atheists are "castrate from the divine" we are unable to experience the god experience. We cant feel god.
Right wing atheists are even more retarded, WE ARE THE CHRISTIAN PARTY NOT THE FAG PARTY. If they hate god so much they should start voting libtard like the retards they are.
>I'm too superior to answer wether gods exist or not with a simple yes/no
Fucking KYS leaf.
The main problem with atheists/liberals is when they allow themselves to be overrun and taken over by subhumans.
Most atheists and secular people are quiet about it, especially in the most developed countries like Norway. It's not a big deal to not be religious any more than it's a big deal to not have a certain hobby.
Such atheists can be right or left-wing, and in some regards Chrstitnianity and other Abrahamic religions are too multiracial and globalist to truly be the faith of right-nationalists
The backlash is twofold. First because of Atheism+, which is a left-SJW form of Atheism that's all about progressivism and postmodernism. Some (Americans) tend to think all of Atheism is such a thing.
The second thing is that for most of the internet's history, fundie Christians, muslims, creationists have been easy targets for mockery for most westerners. Secular, youthful westerners were the first adopters of the internet.
Fundie backwoods degenerates came later, and have pent-up anger at being triggered by secular leftists/rightists, so now these fundies are unleashing their crusade/jihad against the secular youth that bantered, mocked or refuted them for years. That's why the *tips fedora* meme was so golden for them. They finally had a meme they could use to try and fight back against westerners
Also, fundies are looking for belonging. Muslims have Islamis, Jews have Zionism, and fundies have Neoconservatism. The rest of the right, and the left, don't want them,
Blacks are disproportionately aborted per capita.
I dont hate athiests
Most of them surely hate us though.
I don't hate atheists.
I just don't like that they think they are smarter than everyone else.
Also, the are liars. Everyone believes in God. Some,people just choose to deny it.
because athiesm is just plain bananas!
>Everyone believes in God. Some,people just choose to deny it.
Ive never heard this before, Explain?
They don't a lot of Sup Forums are atheists pretending to be christians for brownie points on here and to join the hivemind.
Liberals are scum they think they should fund the poor and do drugs all day while being saved with universal healthcare. They think everyone should have an abortion and gays should get married and have a gay son. "Everyone should be equal, I deserve to be able to fuck my dog on your dime, but the guberment is holding me back!" There is no saving them. They are degenerates.
The most successful manipulation uses the victim's security, not insecurities. If they feel comfortable with you then they will be more open with what you say to them.
If you want to lie to someone you must make them feel part of an exclusive, inner circle, tell them a lie different that what the masses believe and then they will believe you and never question you, because they believe that they hold the truth.
Most atheist pretty much do this to themselves. Religion should make you feel special as you are God's creation, but small because there's this being so huge that you can't even try to understand; Atheists should feel special for being a collection of atoms that you can find anywhere but is just arranged perfectly, but small at the same time because we are just an accident in a silent universe so huge that we can't even try t understand.
>tl;dr: There is no excuse for arrogance
t. Right-wing atheist
that's horseshit. me and every atheist I know don't say shit until some religious fag pipes up to us. but I guess it's okay for them to talk nonsense all they want and we're just suppose to nod our heads right?
The current state of the left is even worse. Identity politics, globalism, PC culture and being forced to accept Islam are all things I don't want hence why I'm right-wing AND an atheist. Let that sink in. The left is currently so bad that I'd rather ally myself with people who think the Earth is 6,000 years old (i.e. Mike Pence).
Deist master race coming through.
When I talk them on here they are incredibly stupid. They'll insist that moral truths don't exist but when I ask them if they're moral relativists they'll deny that too. They just have no clue what they're talking about, just yesterday I had somebody tell me that "fine-tuning doesn't exist". Because they're so ignorance they're afraid of agreeing with a theist on anything at all so they'll literally argue that the physical constants in the universe don't exist.
Deep n shit
Man is, at his core, a social animal.
Pence still loves you even though you say bad things about him you cuck, atheism is dying, we have Christian Justice majority now. Maybe we can finally repeal all your scum atheist education laws.
>just yesterday I had somebody tell me that "fine-tuning doesn't exist". Because they're so ignorance they're afraid of agreeing with a theist on anything at all so they'll literally argue that the physical constants in the universe don't exist.
Just the term "fine-tuning" implies that the constants could be something else in the first place. Maybe he was objecting to a notion that presupposes unfalsifiable nonsense.
>Christian party
Who? Republicans? lmao
Rightists are anti-degeneracy and fundie christian Americans *are degenerates*
Being a right-wing atheist means disregarding jews, mudslimes and biblethumping mart-sharters
I wonder if your post is meant to be ironic or trolling, but knowing how dumb and vulgar fundie-America is I can never be sure
>disagree with him that the Earth is 6,000 years old
>said bad things about him
Do you need a fucking safe space?
post all pls
He was for a while, but later became agnostic and more accepting and sympathetic to Christianity.
"Fine-tuning" is literally just the physical constants that allow for the development of life. It alone says nothing about why they're set that way or who set them. It's up to the theist or atheist to explain how or why they're set that way but to deny that the fine-tuning exists is absolutely retarded.
yeah, that must be a crime on Sup Forums
This is why Trump won, you keep calling us degenerates yet you are the atheist. And if you hate us so much then stop voting us in power you cuck, this is the first time in decades nearly every politician in senate and congress and justices are Republican Christians, our VP is one of the staunchest most loving Christians you can get. Go move to Canada if you want your kid being schooled by liberals.
>Just the term "fine-tuning" implies that the constants could be something else in the first place.
Also yes it is implied that is the fucking case. There could have been a universe that life couldn't have developed in.
Trump is for safe spaces, he is repealing net neutrality so private companies can do whatever the heck they want with the internet, you atheist losers will no longer be welcome on the internet just like in real life.
Because 90% of atheists are fucking annoying, arrogant lefties who's asses are still chapped about Christians--even on Sup Forums. And I say that as an atheist.
>Atheist education laws
>Teaching biology is haram for mudlsimes and christsharts
>Atheism is dying
It's grown among younger generations across the developed world, and in the US, each generation has been more secular than the last. Church attendance is dropping and of those who don't go, fewer pick up the habit as they age
Young people are also leading the rise of the new right. Turns out, we don't need your fundie degeneracy at all to spark a right-wing renaissance
Amerifat Christian fundies are degenerates too. We don't want you anymore than we want druggies or dog-fuckers. The fact that you dislike gays like we do means nothing, muslims also hate gays more than most christians and we don't want those brown fucks mass immigrating here
>There could have been a universe that life couldn't have developed in.
How do you know that?
because of people like in your pic
he's antigun as fuck and should hang himself.
We know this because of any of the physical constant were changed just a little bit life wouldn't have been able to develop. This is why the teleological argument is so strong.
>Atheism is dying
Yes it is, if there are more atheists than Christians than why did Shillary lose? Trump won and Republicans won almost every state election, this is the strongest American Christianity has ever been.
christians are atheist with regard to other gods, e.g. the 30 million hindu gods
>because of any of the physical constant were changed just a little bit life wouldn't have been able to develop
That didn't answer my question at all. Even if I were to accept your false premise,
>life wouldn't have been able to develop
You don't know what kind of lifeforms are possible
>private companies will surely side with fundamental Christianity
>atheists will never be welcome on the WHOLE internet
That's all, I wrote pic related long time ago tho.
I wrote more things with my gf (we stared as friends who meet to talk about politics and then stared kissing) but they are in Spanish.
Because they're gutless little bitches.
>Sage goes in all fields.