There is hope. The uncuckening is slow, but real:

There is hope. The uncuckening is slow, but real:

>Only 53% of Romanians believe that Romania’s membership of the EU is a good thing, according to the 2016 Parlemeter released by the European Parliament.

>The figure is equal to the EU28 average but is 11 percentage points lower than the one registered in 2015. Thus, Romania has registered the second steepest decrease in support for the EU, after Greece – minus 14 percentage points.

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hopefully no bozgors this time to shit up the thread

They'll come. It's inevitable...


Da noi cu cine votăm pe 11 Decembrie?

partida mema PRU sa-i dam peste 5%

Neclar, frate... optiunile sunt destul de pozzed.

Intre timp, vino aici:

Pai sa vedem:
>Ponta e la PRU
>USR e practic partid socialist-bernie-da pro lgbtqyzcasft
>PNL e pro EU
Si restul sunt irelevante

Deci pe cine mai memuim in partid, dacilor?

>this triggers the romanian

Băse no option? Why?

PRU e singura optiune care e cea mai apropiata de ce dorim noi. Si are nevoie de voturi.

Pentru ca e un dobitoc pozzed de tigani - cauta si tu de Bercea Mondialu.

deja are in jur de 7%
you can stop rambling about the good old khan days, genghis

+ Ghiță e în spatele PRU

Why would you gypos want to leave the EU? Visa free travel to rob and steal across the Europe is in your best interest isn't it?


>the majority

Romanian intellectuals

most gyppos have already left, and having euro companies cuck our native ones by undercutting and mega poz regulations kills our home market
we can't afford to be a cheap labour source for the degenerates in western europe

Actually kekked. You know, I used to get involved in Romanian/Hungarian threads, until I realized, we'd own you if a war broke out.

Since then, I just sit back and watch you gulash yourselves.

Hey leaf... leaf...

>Romanians will be able to travel to Canada without visas from December 2017,

We comin' fo dat ass nigga.


>this triggers the bozgors

proxy bozgor out

Using your presence in my country as a threat. Even you know how shit you guys are.

>oh boy not Romania, we can't afford to lose them!


Daily reminder that the creature in this pic is Hungarian.

Soon, leaf.

you could always, you know, not be a bunch of cucks
how long until trudeau usurps the title of queen?


sides are obliterated



back to throat singing Ogedei

Fraiere, scoate banul...

ti-am scos banul
nu mai posta memuri bozgoresti

Cum ramane cu ALDE?

Nu , ca inca imi da (The Instant invite is invalid or expired)

e PSD v2
vor lua locuri in parlament oricum; scopul nostru e demonopolizarea blocurilor politice, sa cream haos total

esti dacul coiosul?

OH YEAH!! Russian federation is going to eat them up, yummy yummy Trump likey!


a good starting point for the eternal slav is to control his own borders first, and not e cucked by khadyrov

Romania is a land of welfare niggers. Same as Poland. There is absolute no need for them to exist EU because they get more money than they put in


Why the fuck would they leave the EU? I mean look at the internet speeds they have thanks to it.

too bad you cucks keep giving us money
sucks for you :v)

>amount of free shit slows down
>eastern europeans get angry


People still trust polls?

>thanks to it
we always were ahead of the curve regarding internet speeds

> I mean look at the internet speeds they have thanks to it.

Kek idiot, Romania has such internet speed not thanks to EU, but because our network infrastructure is very new and the fact that we had many subnetworks...

we had like a 3 milllion people petition to constitutionally BTFO fags

On the other hand, I can buy a Romanian girl on the internet for a few hundred pounds.


He'll be assassinated soon, the only reason he hasn't is Obama rama would have disapproved. Now with Trump backing the Russians they are free to eat eat eat. Russians and America are back on top.

why would I care about a whore being bought off? your women on the other hand choose to fuck niggers and pakis

Romania applies for EU 1995.

Suddenly internet.


Nigger are you dumb?How doe it matter when it applied?

Romania entered EU in 2007 and even more, there is absolutely nothing that EU has done to support our network infrastructure.

Our fast internet connection(fastest in EU) is due to the fact that we had thousand of local networks that later where bought and joined togheter and the new technology(fiberoptics).

asta. votati cu cea mai neobisnuita si extrema solutie (PRU in cazul de fata). e singura sansa de a destabiliza paradigma asta de cacat in care stam de 30 de ani (adica PSD minim 40%, aparent si acum tot atat are in sondaje). PNL nu o sa schimbe nici un cacat, e plin de traseisti si multi is la fel de corupti ca PSD . ALDE e psd 2.0 cu membri si mai corupti. USR is prea misteriosi. stiu ca par conspiratard, dar nu stiu cine sunt astia si cine ii finanteaza, desi as banui cine. par un cal troian veritabil, ca sa zic asa.

deci gogo PRU. nu o faceti pt ca va place ce propun ei sau ca nu va place. faceti-o pentru ca au potentialul de a destabiliza paradigma politica, lucru de care avem nevoie grav, privind la sondaje

Putin sends his regards.

>entire nation is made up of prostitutes and organ smugglers

>USR is prea misteriosi
e partidul reddit
divizia incornorarii


This god will control the entire EU soon with Trump riding his coat tails all the way, all of his and Trumps dissenters will be jailed to where ever they send Hillary.

Fmm inca am banul

jewtin boos are hilarious

fucking idiots for every eastern eu shithole the eu is a good thing

eu gibsmedat
gypsies and criminals leave for the west

no thanks you can keep the mudshits
thanks for the free shit thought

Daca nu scoti banul, oricum fac user nou si nu-ti dai seama, futu-ti gura matii sa-ti fut

EU is bad, once it dissolves, Germany is going to lose all their power and Russia is going to come eat you up. Yummy!!! Trump and Putin will be drinking chmpagne over your countries corpse.

Get off the porn tab and start reading some proper news, dummy

ok faggot

Porn won't make this ROCK HARD ERECTION GO DOWN. This is the century of Russian excellence, Trump is making America and Russia great again and firing all you cucks.


PRU par inodori incolori.Nu ca ar fi neaparat un lucru rau..dar cand alegi un partid total nou..poti sa fi sigur ca si astia is pusi pe capatuiala.

I sincerely hope US gets to be the next Soviet Union. You faggots need to learn the lesson, anyway. And no, this has nothing to do with Putin. Just the ext KGB infiltrated in your system 3 generations ago. цeлyю тeбя

NSA is already bigger than the KGB and whatever other cuck country spy programs combined. Trump is expanding the NSA and deregulating the internet so it can be monitored more easily. Snowden will be our first victim to show we don't mess around with traitors.


You are such a good pet. The regime must be proud.

care e parerea unanima despre basescu aici?

Nu stiu altii ce parere au dar daca pateste ceva groaznic, nu pot sa spun ca mi-ar parea rau. E un tradator


We are proud a Trump and Putin partnership will make you proud too. Just don't fight and you can be a good pet too.

Oh I will not fight anyone. I will love every moment as I see all your world crumble. Wishful thinking does not make up for logic, cuck

>that image

There are no other powers, Russia and America joining forces is the new world order, if we fall the entire world will be in flames. And you better be thankful that we elected Trump so we don't have to worry about the US crumbling anyway.

larp somewhere else deshawn

:)))) Aaah yess.... I already see the rainbow bridge over the pond.
You're boring, go do something productive on that porn tab.

Can some Romanian tell me why you want to leave. You get millions of Euros from states like Germany, UK,, France, Austria. You can work everwhere you want in Europe. So the leftist social politics aside. Why??

nu votez cu ponta chiar daca ai quads

no, we don't get millions of euros
the rate of absorption of eu funds is 0,18%, which means that most of the funds end up feeding the (((bureaucracy))) and (((politicians)))
and the actual projects that the EU does fund is multiculti poz centrals, for shit like women and shitskin-inclusive work environments
we can sustain ourselves without you cucks interfering

Because the Romanian people are too dumb to be prosperous in a free trade agreement. They are a colony, no capital whatsoever. The industry wasn't competitive enough when Ceasca died so they scrapped it. (I doubt that the brits, after the Brexit will be like Switzerland. Saturated markets are hard to enter if you're not Germany.)

The land is owned 44% by foreigners, the forests are being cut illegally. A free trade agreement has been the destruction of Romanian capital.

The EU is the only thing close to making Europe a power, UK the most powerful member has already left, it's over Russia is gonna Eat you up one by one and if it has any trouble Trump is going to back them up and send over weapons.