Forgot his name?

Mike " Mock me at the Hamilton, get a shock to your Abdomen" Pence

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Mike "Worse than LBJ, literally Hitler" Pence.

Mike "Cast of Alexander All Get a Sandblaster" Pence

can someone explain the pence meme

G-guys I can't even... How can he ever recover from this?

He once said that gays should be subjected to electroshock therapy, as in quite literally electrocuting the gay out of them

Mike "I believe we need a fix on this cast of niggers and spics" Pence


Mike "Not a big fan of homosexuals" Pence

Yeah guys, what they said was really mean. Mike Pence needs a safe space. He's a very special snowflake.

Silvio's right.

Mike "LGBBQ" Pence

kek good one


> too stupid to see he is using their own buzzwords to mock them

I don't think DJ could pull off irony if he wanted.

Mike "Deus Volt" Pence

Mike "Standing in line, Trump hell be fine" Pence


Mike "Gay black plays ruin family days " Pence

never said that, but it was implied when he suggested gays should under go treatment.
It´s basically nothing. I hardly believe he knew exactly what that involved

Mike "hang a kike on the fence" Pence