Time to check your privilege, Sup Forums.
Time to check your privilege, Sup Forums.
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Stop oppressing me shit lord
If you don't eat out of the same river your fellow villagers take a shit in, you live a privileged life.
lmao, half this fucking test is "are you a fag or freak" and "are you poor or in debt" asked over and over again.Yeah, I have a salary and I have no college debt because I skipped going to college and joined the military instead. I spent 2 years doing isolated duty freezing my nuts off in fucking Alaska, but sure the half-black college woman who will coast through life on the back of affirmative action policies and hasn't ever held a job in her life is more oppressed than I am.
Fuck you Buzzfeed.
american-o centric dogshit
>my parents are heterosexual
>this is a privilege worth noting
Fuck faggots and fuck liberals.
God fucking dammit.
this shit is exactly why no one pays at retain to this fags
Ohh noooooo
>not even white
As a resident of a small country I feel discriminated against. I travel internationally whenever I drive more than 1h.
Litterally half of this test is asking me if I'm a fucking loser who didn't graduate, didn't go to collage, can pay my bills, can afford food, ect.
Like fuck is being non-privileged mean your just a fucking loser?
Also holy fuck I mean I've had a tough early life but this test is really generous.
Are slavs white?
yes. Anyone who says otherwise isn't really white or doesn't know what white is.
>you've never been told you're attractive
100% of the people that can take this test are privileged. In order to take this test you need internet. Countries with internet are extremely privileged compared to shit countries like China and mudslime countries or African counties who's population combined im estemating are over 2 or 3 billion. I may have worded this wrong kinda but you know what I'm saying. This test is fucking retarded and the creators should get their ass kicked.
I was going to do it but then realized there's like 50 questions
fucking niggers
I can't even with you you gigantic shitlords (and i actually answered the questions honestly)
>Do you poo in loo?
Privileged shitlord
>on a pseudo American message board
>I graduated high school is a privilege
Niggers and beaners btfo
White privilege is the worst meme.
Well what the fuck they talking about? I eat, I sleep I work and I work for my shit. Never had welfare.
These people live in a bubble. I could fill this out roleplaying as a poor phillipino rice farmer and it would say Im privelaged because I never faced imaginary microagressions.
wow I never knew that working in a warehouse with no air conditioning made me more privledged than someone who makes people coffee. thanks for informing me buzzfeed!
Are all of you retarded? Why are you responding and actually clicking a link to fucking buzzfeed of all places?
Does this mean I get to go looting now?
Fucking dumbass Americans, I bet half of you aren't even at drinking age.
I'm also an illegal Mexican living in america. Me and my family pay taxes. How does it feel a beaner has a better life than you. Cuck.
Honestly tho I don't get this test. If your not a lazy nigger you should be able to pay your bills and rent. Ive never been confused about my sexuality or been super insecure. I've been kinda insecure yeah fucking everybody has, but not to where I dont even know what my fucking gender is. I see myself as pretty normal.
Don't you have a bull to prep, Sven? I'm pretty sure he'll check more than your privilege if you're late again.
To know our enemy, we must see how they think. This test gave me cancer tho
I'm also trying to understand how graduating from high school or college is a privilege. Are they saying that there are people out there in America that just were not given the opportunity to go to school, that's how shit their lives were? Like they had a crackhead mom and they had to take care of their little brothers and sisters instead of going to high school? And because of that they were ineligible to go to college?
Because I worked hard to get my Masters degree. I don't see how it's a privilege to go to university.
43 out of 100. Apparently working my ass off night and day, 6 days a week, to never have student debt makes me priviledged. Guess I should take my laptop down to the local cafe and pretend to work like the great people at buzzfeed.
Absolute scum
nice mental health test
it's inevitable here
Actually to be quite honest i have no idea why I got such a low score, my life isn't bad at all.
Probably its because my family was poor and I didn't mark the 2-6 ones and my paren't don't pay anything for me/I don't own a car.
Kek, i admonished a muslim high school teacher for sharing this after she said that the real goal of it was to promote self awareness/introspection and thus empathy. She had no defense but a half hearted "but i didnt write it"
Lol, the test gave me a lower privilege score, because I have had my life threatened for leaving islam. Share that with her if you are still in touch.
You live with 11 out of 100 points of privilege.
You're underprivileged. The world is not a fair or ideal place and you know that because you grew up with several identities that the world is not kind to. You had a lot of challenges to overcome simply to get on a level playing field with most people in the world. It is not your job to educate the world about its injustices, but if you choose to, go ahead and send them this quiz. Hopefully it will help.
>And I'm a fucking white male Christian.
This is accurate lol
Got this as a white guy. I can't wait to use this to fuck with SJW's.
But im a straight, white male living in one of the richest countries on earth. How could this be?
haha, I thought the same
The best part of this entire test is that it really shows just out outrageous the SJW's really think your average white, straight, male's life is. Do they seriously think that racism, poverty, hunger, bad decisions, poor life circumstances, and general misfortune just don't happen to us or what?
Stupid question, I know they don't.
What's with all that shit about "identities" at the end? Are they talking about people with multiple personality disorder?
I like how they're patronizing even to the people they are trying to be nice to.
I've never been told I'm attractive
now I'm sad
29 out of 100. Growing up poor in a poor place sucks and somehow Buzzfeed recognizes that despite all the homolust in that quiz.
> also, fuck Buzzfeed.
>tfw you are called fag more often than actual faggots
This is not informative, the average Sup Forumsack has already been exposed to trash of this kind before. How is it a net benefit to have garbage occupy board space?
If you're a healthy, straight white male and get along with people in a white Christian country, then according to that survey you'd have to be super privileged. But, if the country is homogenous this privilege wouldn't exist. Solution: Kick out everyone that is none of the above.
11 out of 100
>and I'm a straight, white, male.
This test is stupid asf, they think people aren't mean to white kids they're fucking retarded
>But our God Bernie Sanders said white people don't know what its like to be poor!!
Seriously fuck this old man to hell. I hope he fucking has a stroke. Decisive piece of shit, who the fuck is he to say some shit like that? Fuck this thread is triggering as fuck.
>hurr take a test made by feminists and sjws to tell yourself youre privileged so we dont have to
>if a computer says it, it must be true goy
Half of the questions were total bullshit but buzzfeed managed to nail it somehow but fuck them anyway.
>My parents are in a happy marriage (+10)
>I finished HS (+10)
>I go on holidays (+10)
>I feel happy with my gender (+3000)
>I haven't changed genders (+90000)
>You have never had an addiction
No kill me plis
>(I pay rent and am not a fucking lazy nigger) 9001++++++
I hope it's kinda joke. Otherwise, white man in US is in the diiieeeeep shit.
>tfw gay
What the fuck is this shit? Is this all that comes to mind when buzzfeed think of working class?
>tfw i call people fags and it throws them off because im a homo
kys faggo
This, I got 75, what do I win? Life? Okay I'll take it.
kek, Sanders. Of course white people don't know what it's like to live in a ghetto... Because the millions of poor white people tend to live in rural America. You know the 99% of the country that the left doesn't pander to. He's an out of touch old man. Unfortunately the kids like him.
I'm privileged because I was born as a white middle class heterosexual male. Fug I should kill myself
Sure does feel good having that white male privilege
>Respect my privilege you loser cunt!
Yeah, gonna use that when im arguing someone
White hetero male > 39 points. wow. im told im privileged from everyone. Am i?
Should we even rely on buzzfeed
> I don't have any student loans
what how is this even priviledge
also been depressed and suicidal and was socially excluded during the entirety of highschool and thus now left half socially incapable
>you're quite priviledged
oh fuck off
I got a 48 and I am "not privileged"
I actually am extremely privileged due to parents' wealth but being gay has clearly given me some moral high ground in this poll.
also that was way too long
Never been depressed or unhappy. Just poor and gay
what did you get fellow privileged Nord
this shit is fucking retarded, it literally thinks that special snowflakes who are either black or "identify as as another gender" lack privilege
privilege is a made up bullshit term for retarded people to feel better about their shortcomings
>pic related
73/100. I'm not doing enough to keep minorities down.
61 out of 100, expecting my badge to arrive in my mail soon
check 'em
Umm... am I missing something here?
adopted maybe
>I have never been told I am attractive “for my race.”
I have never been told I am attractive...
>Mentally ill, poor family, suffered from discrimination because of religion and used to be an addict.
Beating the libfags and sjws at their oppression olympics.
>I have never been called “fag.”
How could a kid grow up and not have this happen?
I know that feel
I think the "test" is very americanized.
See the following questions as example:
>I can afford medication if I need it
Dumb question for someone from a country with socialized health-care
>I rely on public transport
Pretty useless metric for someone from a region where public transport is not synonymous with nigger transport
Also shit like
>student loans
College cost is mostly socialized via taxes here
>gone to bed hungry
We have a social net of benefits
>traveled internationally
All you need is a train ticket for a few measly bucks to get to another country here, it not the US with its 9,6 million km2
But they wouldn't be my parents then.
And what does this mean? Why would I have multiple identities? Are the trying to determine if I'm a spy?
>tfw gay AND christian
Are you me? SJW and atheist killed most of my privileges
Sorry i'm not a sappy self-conscious transgender/fatty/muslim/gay/mentally-ill person, Buzzfeed. Like a majority of the population.
44 out of 100 but I thought I was an evil white man
Oh fugg I hope the Swedish Femistasis don't lynch you.
Here's mine.
Hmm, I thought it was like social roles at first, like...
You are a son, you are a brother, you are a student etc and so on..
>male on a gynocentric society
>born on this shithole
>born on a low-middle class
>attended public uni's my entire life
>quite privileged
That's bullshit and it makes me quite mad. Got this score just because I don't have any missing limb and for being hetero? Goddamnit!
shut up you fairy dyke
You only get to pick one friendo