They're waking up.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Someone please tell me how to evade this move, because I have no idea. If I were in the cast or audience of that HAMILTON show, I don't know what I would have done differently.
How about keep your gook mouth shut and applaud the cast instead of booing an audience member you dislike who is not actively disrupting the show.
30d chess. Its all that troll Bannon. lol.
this gook is too intelligent to be a liberal, what's her angle?
>that hair
>too intelligent
She probably runs a "angry PoC Asian power worldwide" tumblr blog.
>how do I avoid the snare?
by not stepping into it with a post about it dummy.
I'm curious myself. She analyzes the situation like a Jew, and Jews are only liberals for social engineering purposes.
Maybe someone should redpill her. Shame she isn't cute, though.
Gooks are traitorous fifth-columnists is why.
You just never notice it because they're all holed up in California and their votes get absorbed by the illegal-liberal bloc.
>I have no idea what I would have done differently
>waking up
Yeah, no.
Fucking 17D space-faring Korean Starcraft.
Please, mister Trump, we're getting tired of all this winning!
Cucked slut
So sad that litteraly the only advice left for the left is "how about you learn how to be tolerant and respectful?"
>I dont know what i wouldve done differently
Sat down, kept your fucking mouth shut, and use that as your message that youre not apart of these fucking inflammatory shit flinging feuds between imaginary red vs blue teams
Or just not go to musicals because thats gay af
Surprised that they understand what happened.
I pointed out that this was a calculated move to expose the left as hypocritical bullies in another thread. Kind of shocked that a liberal actually understands it.
>snobby diverse elite
but how can that be possible with systemic white supremacy?
was pence's qt chubby daughter there?
It's a shame that somebody so smart is clinging to such a shit ideology. Needs to be BLEACHED pretty badly tbqhwy
How come when someone criticizes the VP and President, and the President has a tantrum, you defend him by saying it's 40d chess or some stupid "persuasion" shit.
Maybe our president is a fucking moron! Who pays you guys ?
the only way they can avoid the trap is to dismantle identity politics. considering they've been working to indoctrinate a whole generation, that would be a disaster.
>tfw too intelligent for theatre
>call Trump an idiot the whole time he campaigned
>get utterly outsmarted by him
>how to evade this
maybe it means you're part of the wrong team, and that you need to stop being a leftist prick.
Where do you think they got it from? It's like you think they can't just read these threads too.
Fucking epic gif user.
Thr more exposure the truth gets, the more people respect. The more respect, the more power. The more power, the more redpills.
We're winning the meme war. Their awakening has come too late.
.>isn't cute
I'd fuck her brains out, if you know what I mean
>young jean lee
of course its a fucking korean
stupid fucking 香蕉人
They're not making the left """"seem"""" that way. They're showing how the left actually is. She can't avoid it because she knows its true. Really, she's not upset at the portrayal. She's upset by the reality.
>yfw getting caught was part of the plan
i didn't say that, some asshurt liberal gook said that
get your own side in order before getting emotional, faggot
Calm down faggot, you'd fuck a dogs rotten anus if he was at the right angle.
No one here reads your moon runes.
Damn. Lot sooner then expected.
it means banana person
you know
yellow on the outside white on the inside
>I pointed out that this was a calculated move to expose the left as hypocritical bullies in another thread.
"Calculated move"? Idiots embarrassing themselves isn't a calculated move on the other party's behalf.
No not really, our President is just a moron who likes to have a tantrum.
>We sound like Assholes
>I can't help myself
You got a pic of her. I wanna see chubby pence girl
lol outplayed and outsmarted. The best part is leftists are such egotistical twats they cant do shit about it
i love donald trump and steve bannon so much. even when the leftykikes catch on to him, they're still miles behind and not able to adapt.
I suppose that's a nasty insult to someone like her. She seems the type to sort of wallow in her PoC-ness. Celebrating how super-not-white she is. Calling her white is something she would likely take great umbrage at.
U got played like a little dirty whore, bitch.
Gonna be a real good day when the leftists realize trump is a genius who's been playing them like a fiddle for over a year
its basically a rude thing we call ABC cunts
>Please, mister Trump, we're getting tired of all this winning!
>she has no reflection
I wish I was getting paid for this. He's no idiot though. He just understands propaganda. As do most of the people here. How can you expect the hitler youth of this fucking board not to. It's the cornerstone of totalitarian governments.
That kike Cernovich was blasted four tweets about Trump's game this morning. "Haha, you're dumb you don't know that this is a distraction." Fuck him.
What is she talking about?
It's not her analysis she probably got it from someone who visits Sup Forums.
We're just smart enough to let their tantrums drown out their message. If they had a point to begin with they wouldn't need to act like wailing toddlers in the first place.
>a nigger play
She's got a cute 80's girl vibe to her
Liberals are fucking stupid. If this was intentional, then they fell right into it by being idiots that can't keep their mouth shut.
liberal chinks are scum, right wing ones are a great benefit to society though
3d? This thinking is intro 2d, and the only thing she realised is that they put their own foot in it and she still can't figure out how to take the foot out.
this was planned ever since trump won, truly 4d chess
Asians tend to follow the herd.
Anyone want to explain what this gook is talking about? What the fuck did I miss?
>The way we act is a conspiracy against us
When they finally figure out your last move but you're still 5 moves ahead with every response of theirs leading to checkmate
Would fuggg
Also these degenerates that basically fucked themselves by carrying on at a Broadway play really fell on their own sword.
It's a epiphany to realize that your own tactics are being used against you and put to far more effective use.
>how to avoid this
This says it all though; they've dug themselves into a ditch they can't climb out of. Teh on,y way they can get out now is by seeking help from above.
They actually have to call out to a genuinely higher power.
>ps. post your Spider-Man's
She's like a chunky Jennifer Grey
Divide and conquer. Use their own techniques against them.
1. Shame her for implying that "oppressed peoples" could ever be even described as "elitist."
2. Tell her that when she questions any event at which "people of color" speak up to "raise awareness" that she is "contributing to the problem."
3. Accuse her of trying to silence "marginalized" peoples and attack her place in the "intersectionality" spectrum for being one of the more "well off" minorities.
4. Play the sentiments and grievances of other "oppressed" groups against her.
Be bold, be subtle, and be clear. Make them live up to their own moral codes. Do not become hyperbolic. Just value signal shame and guild at her while also being CERTAIN to signal solidarity with "oppressed peoples."
Throw in some anti-white stuff too, that usually helps.
>and this was the perfect way to make us seem that way
>make us seem that way
They can't for KEK is here guiding us now.
Anybody who reads our board for too long inevitably becomes one of us. The reason the satanic jews haven't shoahed this board is because they're afraid we're going to leak into mainstream media and redpill everyone.
Pence went to a play. The actors had to be special snowflakes and make a statement about it on stage. Leftists count shekels in glee thinking trump got BTFO. Trump makes tweet that we "need safe space" playing them like a bunch of baby back bitches yet again. In other news trump successfully makes the media his bitch and nobody even talked about one of his lawsuits being settled
>This says it all though; they've dug themselves into a ditch they can't climb out of.
The best part of all on top of this, is that they're already doubled down on identity politics and betraying white, previously democrat voters.
It further signals to the disparate groups that are elevated by democrats today, that, they too, will eventually get betrayed if it means a democrat can keep power.
The real question is who pays you?
I like you.
>Pence went to a play. The actors had to be special snowflakes and make a statement about it on stage
I thought shaming tactics were wrong, though.
>pence didn't put baby in the corner
it just shows that they're more concerned with tactics rather than the real ideological battle taking place. the reason why they're "losing" is because Trump and the others aren't part of a tactical battle but rather are calling bullshit out when they see it, it's not possible to outwit someone like that with a hollow ideology that usurps morality.
all he has to do is let them reveal their calculating exclusionary and evil ways. the ultimate irony is that the person in pic related sees how easily these groups are to be baited into horrible acts, and instead of questioning and criticizing the group, he wants to learn methods of masking this inherent immorality so it seems more palatable to outsiders.
>implying that when Trump said theater should be a safe and special place, he didn't mean niggers should take their Ebonic nursery rhymes and dick grabbing somewhere else
These digits back to back
Even leftists like in OP's pic are admitting how Trump is a master persuader, so why aren't you?
Huh. I didn't even notice. Thanks fampai. Kek must be just as confused as I.
>>Someone please tell me how to evade this move, because I have no idea.
Ahahahahaha, this gook is seriously clueless.
Maybe they should create a liberal arts course on how to understand the conservative mindset.
I get my pay directly from the Kremlin.
They pay me a huge sum of 15 Rubles a week to shill for Trump.
Is this fucking real?
>Please tell me how to evade this
Yeah its easy, stop bullying us and wrecking our cars.
>i don't know what i would have done differently
>keeping your fucking mouth shut and enjoying the show/doing what you were paid to do on stage never occurs to them
>mfw the left are nothing but a bunch of pants-shitting thought police getting hoisted by their own petards like pottery
>Maybe they should create a liberal arts course on how to understand the conservative mindset.
I'd propose this but I don't want to get firebombed. Also I want to win in 2020 and 2024.
Foreigners stealing our jobs!
"fake news" narrative having another go. It's certainly not the liberals fault for treating Pence different from any other audience member.
I know this fuck has helped further our cause, but I've become certain that he would be insufferable to actually be around. Annoying fucking typical extrovert with little depth. At least he's he's directing his shit in the other direction.
If we can somehow sew the seeds of internal disocontent within the Plebbocrats and their supporters it will quickly grow into self-loafing.
They might actually Jew themselves into falling apart.
what part of "please represent all of our values, we are your citizens, too" involves shaming?
Although it's nice to know you're at least ashamed of how much of an ass Pence really is.