Check out Vietnam.
General terraforming thread
Sup Forums likes terraforming huh
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How does that all not wash away?
Castles count?
that's pretty
Looks very inefficient
Why not just use flat ground instead?
Some gorgeous shit right there
believe it or not burger, the ground you stand on has been rained on millions of times and it's still there!
Hmmm was it Where Eagles Dare?
That was a good movie
No shit retard but this is steep mountainside that is likely tilled up.
Fuckin dayoftherake when?
nope, but based jackie climbed it
How to terraform sand?
love this film
Im assuming because they dont have flat ground so they attempt to make use of the mountains as farm land.
Try using dead Palestinians
you glass it first
This desu, if, in a theoretical situation, a country could like, make it's own land, it would best be made completely flat.
Knew i've seen that spot somewhere.
Yeah buddy.
This and The Wild Geese are in my top 10 fav of all time.
we have a fetish for putting shit in weird places
Are you god fearing?!
Do you feel the need to go to church everyday?!
Well, were here to help! Come on down and buy a boat!
Unless you like swimming to the center of the lake, purchase one so you too, can seek forgiveness from Jesus Christ.
>5% of boat purchases go towards a foot bridge!
Funny how only Africans can't terraform.
Even South America can terraform.
nah poorfags can go to church under the castle
Castle thread?
Castle thread
>This desu, if, in a theoretical situation, a country could like, make it's own land, it would best be made completely flat.
But then it would be completely submerged under water if the sea levels rose by just a few feet
Has the Lord smitten your boat with sinking?
Are you tired of those awful capsizing episodes?
Well now you don't have to worry. Introducing FOOT BRIDGE!
Just pay a small toll to get on the bridge, and another to get back, and you too can avoid those awful boating accidents!
Foot Bridge Inc is not responsible for any bridge related deaths. Use Foot Bridge at your own risk.
Lets get some spoopy shit up in here
>said to have been built to contain demons
>walls thicker at the bottom than at the top
>no direct access to the lower parts of the castle
>said to have been build over the door to hell
>when it was built it was miles away from any village/road/civilisation
Pretty much the entire plot of Diablo. Was the game based on this?
I agree, it's a great film
Thanks for reminding me
The book's not bad either.
Is there a wiki article I can read in English? In return have Ohio's own Mudhouse Mansion.
America is kinda lame in this regard.
We build our cities in the middle of flat fields or deserts, while all the good spots are preserved for nature.
We should build small cozy towns in the Tetons and Yellowstone.
What's the point?
They can better ambush the americans
How is this terraforming?
There is a castle in Slovakia that has dead bodies built into the walls.
The owner was some crazy guy who had his enemies cemented into the walls where they suffocated to death.
It used to be my childhood dream to be an archeologist traveling all the castle ruins of Europe and digging them up.
Still wish I could get into it somehow.
Day of the rake soon... mexicans will see to it
Lets see you farm on the side of a mountain
just google houska castle
Where's that?
Banaue, Luzon, Flipland
Bled, slovenia
It does, I saw a landslide when I was coming back from Sapa
This is my favourite CS:GO map.
come check it out in person, please we need the tourism :(
Poenari Castle, Dracula's main castle. Dracula threw a party for the Boyars, enslaved them, forced them to build it, and then impaled them. His wife threw herself over the walls after going crazy thinking the Turks would torture her. Was never taken until the Ottomans took cannon up to it. Dracula escapes in the night due to backwards horseshoe trickery.
Some discovery channel ghost hunter show was scared away from the site. It's one of the most haunted palces on earth. Supposedly red lights travel up the hill at night.
They most likely have good drainage and repair any minor erosion annually.
Oh god that fucking drive up to Sagada made me so fucking dizzy. Its like 6 hours of riding on a damn roller coaster with full knowledge that you could very well die if the driver makes even the smallest mistake.
I have no idea why eurofags descend on that place. I was the only American in Sagada, but there was atleast 100+ eurofags walking around.
Never again. I will never again go to Sagada or Baguio.
Swallow's Nest castle in Crimea
looks like it's from an RPG
Why is vietnam minecraft?
another shot
my favourite castle, looks cozy but also a little scary how much is hanging off the edge
My wife and I would love to tour europe, but the rapefugee invasion has zapped all interest we had in going.
We've been to Asia 6 times in the past 2 years. That could have been 6 trips to europe instead.
No fuck off. We need to preserve that nature. You cant go backpacking for months at a time with no interruptions from the wild in Europe. Its one of our best qualities.
the thin flat basis looks ugly.
Just go to slav countries
I remember reading about a castle where the kitchen fell down the cliff.
Looks like the haunted lighthouse from Witcher 3
The inca road goes from Quito in ecuator to Santiago in Chile, the largest road of the old world.
It goes along the Andes, in between the mountains, surprisingly easy to walk for the most part, a weird experience to go trough.
You need to understand then your only ensuring more democrat control as time goes on.
Densely packed urban centers will be this countries undoing. They already are this countries undoing.
>tfw caused the wraith to kill that poor guy
No, it will be sprawl. Sprawl is cancer
Actually, if you got him to die in that tower you managed to stop the plague from spreading to the mainland.
No. Sprawl is what you have now. Building identical suburb after suburb. Clearing away rolling hills to install a flat residential neighborhood.
Cozy small towns spread the population out more and would be built with the landscape not so much against it. It would complete swing this countries demographics politically speaking too.
Shit's starting to look like the town from Uzumaki
I dont like that, it looks weird.
also irl minecraft
>Minecraft ENB mod
>Cozy small towns spread the population out more and would be built with the landscape
Which is how the country used to be organized, however said towns generally had denser development than newer construction
we already destroy/flatten and eliminate wild fauna on as much land as possible
now we can destroy wild fauna on hillsides and cliffs too!
>we are teh smart
That looks like the deepest, hottest part of the IE.
Modifying the natural environment in any way is utterly degenerate.
Whenever i see a beautiful hillside raped by white cavemen into looking like an overzised home i'm filled with disgust and contempt .
>Mexican Intellectuals live in harmony with the land, telling the spirits to fuck their mother and drinking pure life-giving coca cola straight from the stream.
Here in Peru we have lots of terraces, arround 10000 km2, most are from inca and pre-inca times.
Many terraces fade every year due to erosion, though currently there are some preservation campaigns.
>tfw i live in that mess.
White people take care of shit
How about some sea terraforming
Meanwhile mestizos destroy everything they touch.
vegas right?
yep. shits fucked.
faggot its terracing not terraforming. terraforming is what you do build an atmosphere and arrable land on an inert, lifeless planet, like Mars, you cuck.
that looks like a mexico city-tier shithole
I agree, but it's LA.
Americanized mestizos are literally the fucking worst
i thought the whole "evey block is literally the same" shit was a meme
apparently not
Everything americanized is worst.
Do you see any flat ground in the picture besides where they have manually created flat ground?
>Viet-Cong used tunnels to beat us
>Farm by removing blocks
>tfw Vietnamese are all Steves
Please let the mestizos know
If they didn't understand it with americanized movies, they never will.
heres another picture of a bit of southern vegas (henderson) that is getting prepped for more sprawl.
This terracing of black mountain started way back in 2007 and hasn't been built on in 9 years, until just recently. and wouldnt you know it the houses are fucking atrocious overly 'posh' modern styled houses.
>ensuring more democrat control
>republican house, senate, and Don
bunch of faggot campers. Attacking that would be literal suicide.
Our movies are one of the only good things about our country.
Absolutely beautiful.
Move here my Nigel
American movies are ok, I'm talking about americanized movies.
I dont know why but I fucking castel sant'angelo. maybe its the bridge leading up to it, maybe the history behind it but jesus christ I love it
looks comfy as fuck. I would if I could make more money than I have to spend. poorfag for life
Shutup u stupid beaner before us u were bilding pyramids anyway