Reminder: This is a reminder that Clinton won the popular vote. Think you trumpettes will just go on and sleep tight? No, it doesn't work that way. You have to face justice for enabling such an unfair system.
You've been warned, Sup Forums.
Reminder: This is a reminder that Clinton won the popular vote. Think you trumpettes will just go on and sleep tight? No, it doesn't work that way. You have to face justice for enabling such an unfair system.
You've been warned, Sup Forums.
Nice bait nigger, now go be a useless waste to society somewhere else.
Come at me cuck boi.
>This is a reminder that Clinton won the popular vote.
ah! but you see trump won the election!
I have $9 in my pocket and I'm hungry. Where do you think I should go to find food?
Your fault for believing a criminal could get into the Whitehouse
Reminder that even if you have more pieces on the board after getting checkmated in chess, you still lose.
>A Swedecuck
>Talking about how it was "her turn"
Get shit on nigger, you don't even deserve the (You)s
These thread are so fucking boring stop it.
I don't even know who the President of Sweden is. Not to sure if I could point it out on a map either.
You should eat healthy food user
Smelly bait, like Clinton's ass and vajay.
You should eat healthy too Sven, all this african jizz can't be healthy
Oh great, another uneducated dumbfuck throwing a temper tantrum over a system he knows very little about because he was too stupid to pay attention in school and had parents too checked-out or themselves too stupid to explain.
Go to Carl's Jr, you can get a Big Carl combo for less than 9$
>She will never EVER be president
I I'll have you know that I sleep like baby knowing this
>trying to stop an American from enjoying his constitutional right to burgers
Clinton stoled 5 states, therefore trump won the popular hat. Leave sweden, you asshat
>Reminder: This is a reminder that Clinton won the popular vote.
For once, an oppressed minority won and managed to get their candidate elected. This is a good thing.
The US is a republic.
I do love these daily reminders.
They're the most democratic posts on Sup Forums
Trump didn't even try to win the popular vote. If he wanted to, he could have campaigned his ass off in NY/Cali and possibly shifted a million votes his way.
Then demand a recount and we will make sure that every vote she received was legitimate
She didnt win shit.
populate my ass. I take your bait and raise you a meme boat.
>Over 3 million illegal vote
Won popular vote
Iceland trying to bring the bantz but I'm not convinced
neither of them are popular
both of them had over 50% negative ratings
It would be more accurate to say Hillary had the most of the least unpopular vote.
Also using the word won is inaccurate because you don't get anything for it.
...won the butthurt award I guess
Cool story, bruh.
s-say it w-with me Sup Forums, M-Madam President!
Sweden go and sue the US electoral system. Post results.
The sky isn't blue I tell you it's red!!!
Clinton is a collectivist whore, with her you have not rights as an individual!
3 Million illegal votes, no one cares.
Reminder that she sold out at every possible chance and still lost, despite being backed by homophobic, sexist, racist, evil mega-corporations and Islamic countries.