Why do millennial women consider it sexist for women today to be a house wife instead of working?
Why do millennial women consider it sexist for women today to be a house wife instead of working?
Jewish indoctrination.
Guilt that they're absolute shit at housekeeping.
Because the destruction of the nuclear family is essential in weakening western culture. Therefore it must not only be destroyed, but also hated.
Deep down they know they're garbage so they try to drag others down with them. Get ready for some laughs when millenial women start hitting menopause.
Why do you insist on a thread about millennials every fucking day with a picture of that bitch or steve o? Why do idiots keep posting in them when OP never fucking replies?
They can't find the time to find other Chads to fuck with if you keep them doing all of the household.
And Jews, but this we already knew.
lmfao holy shit
Women today are filthy and don't know how to cook
So you've been making these threads for months. What is your end game?
Why do you post this every day ?
idk if its just me but girls who TRY to be cute and do cute "things" instantly become unattractive to
even if they do look good
Its a meme
It is quite ironic, that in the name of "liberation" they would call other women "submissive", "slaves", etc. if they don't go and do exactly as their ideology tells them to.
Work sucks balls. I'd kill to stay home all day.
They were taught that it was sexist growing up. If not by liberal parents, by liberal teachers and TV.
t. Millenial Woman
Besides this, Cognitive Dissonance. Deep down inside this life is what they secretly want. They WANT to be the beautiful house wife who spends her time tiding up and taking care of children while Chad works. So what is their attitude towards this?
>"If I can't have this, no one can."
>"If anyone ALREADY HAS THIS, I must tear them down."
That's all.
It's a fucking bot getting free data from dipshits.
Yeah, pictures of young women cooking and doing "traditional" things looks so cringey and forced. Anybody who isn't an autistic weeb knows that those pics are in-the-moment staged productions.
They're taught they're weak and oppressed if they're into womanly things and this is solely because of the patriarchy, so now we have more women striving to act and look more like men do.
On the other hand you need to work sometimes to survive in modern life, man or woman. It's stupid to put women down who want to live a more traditional lifestyle, though.
Don't you watch CNN? We are all bots.
>while Chad works
That's another problem. Young western women have been raised to believe that only Chad is worthy as a human and as a man. Any other men, they are taught, are disposable garbage and not real men and are not valuable as humans. Chad is a very small minority of the male population, yet women now REFUSE to get involved with any man that isn't Chad.
I wish women weren't so fucking stupid, but I am aware that they've been brainwashed to think like that.
>Work sucks.
Maybe you are in the wrong type of work.
I love my job.
So much so that when it's a Friday, I feel kind of sad and look forward to Monday.
Then again, it's probably because I work with 90% women, and there is a sexual attraction thing going on.
What line of work are you in?
This is why I do want to marry an American millennial women. I want a gen z girl born in 05-07 to marry off in the eastern world and have peace in my town.
haha! oh wupps got a bit of flour on my nosey!! haha!
does this vain bitch not realise how transparent all that nonsense is
My wife had to write a paper in her English 101 college course about what she wanted to get out of her college education. When she wrote that she would like to be a stay at home wife supported by her husband she was told to rewrite the paper with more ambition or she would get a failed grade on the paper. It was an opinion piece.
So on that note I would say the american education system is teaching women to want more out of their lives than what they actually want.
What's great is she reported it to the dean and didn't have to rewrite the paper because the dean was too much of a passive aggressive dick head to start any controversy.
so they want to die alone, who cares ?
>tfw millennial women are leftists degenerates but gen z women are pure and conservative
Wish they wern't underage REEEEEEEEEE
Because they're all lazy cunts.
Work sucks relative to goofing off at home. I'm a pharmacist so the 90% women thing is not lost on me.
I fucking hate this image.
>Everyone, look at me! I'M COOKING!
>Look at me whisking these eggs and looking pretty. Haha!
>Oh, this is just me in make-up and perfect lighting looking cute. It's not like I spent hours preparing myself for this big moment, of pretending to cook and post myself all over the internet.
>it is exactly why they made it illegal
>mfw 22 y/o male and can cook/clean better than most cunts my age
>when the first post ends the thread but the users keep posting
fuck if I know, at this rate I'll never get my dream of being a stay-at-home mom. they've poisoned the well, so to speak. oh well.
I will believe everything on the internet, except this
>gen z girls conservative
cause you're a dude?
I dunno but let me tell you it's a pretty sweet gig being a house husband considering that you don't have to actually give birth to babies and housework is way easier when you're strong and not afraid to use equipment.
They know something is amiss but want to fuck 50 guys before beta bucks chump.
> Millennial
> Woman
>before beta bucks chump
That's the thing Australia, people are whining that young guys don't want to put up with that anymore.
no, I just look like one
How is everyone else on this board so fucking dumb?
Would YOU want to live in the house all your life, never going out, never experiencing the mental stimulation that comes from working a fulfilling job?
If you had the option between living a dull existence as a housewife or something more exciting, what would you pick?
Fuck off you fucking cuck. Go suck off some muzzies and leave us real men alone.
Honestly if I could be a house husband without feeling like a cuck, it'd be great. If I were a woman I'd probably work part time or from home while raising kids. You can get out of the house and get fulfilled some other way than working forty hours a week and never seeing your kids.
I'm retiring as soon as I can and/or reducing my work hours
look at me make a breakfast any retard can makel, aren't i just sooooo antiquated and quirky!!!!?!?!!!
this required me to take at LEAST 4 photos and post them on the interwebs
For all of the things that can be said about them I don't think most millennial women think that.
They don't cook regularly because they're lazy and poorly raised.
Yeah well they will just have to put up with it.
No leader is going to send half the work force home. We'll go back to the 80s at best.
Stop posting this whore you fucking kike
don't give the cunt attention
>I wish women weren't so fucking stupid, but I am aware that they've been brainwashed to think like that.
I blame Sex in the City. Every girl wants a Mr. Big who works at IMPORTANT JOB and has infinity money.
>Why do millennial women consider it sexist for women today to be a house wife instead of working?
Feminist indoctrination.
My kid sister is in high school and over half of her friends tweet about having babies and being (rich) stay-at-home moms (who marry rich guys who buy them mansions & Range Rovers).
>low T
hope they find a good black rappers to provide for them
Are you saying that young guys are just going to have to put up with women and date/marry them, even if a lot of them don't want to? That isn't how it works, m8.
They don't. They think women should have the option to chose what they do and not be limited to being a homekeeper.
If you spoke to women in real life you'd know this.
Top tier bacon right there. Thank you based Denmark.
Same stupid smile
every damn time.
im just glad stevo stopped harassing us millennials
Just you you know: You don't need to be a house wife anymore to have white children though. It is absolutely possible to have 2 children, 4 children and still work, still get your phd, still found a company. It's not easy, but what is? A good example for realizing this is Frauke Petry of the AfD.
And in these times having two incomes is practically necessary. Especially if you have modern expectations.
My girlfriend wants to be a housewife. She's thinking she'll be a teacher then stay home once we start having kids.
You just gotta find em I guess.
Iktfb its terrible too like I really have no other reason in perusing them other than getting my dick wet. What happened? women try so hard to be men and fail at both being a man and being a woman. Feminism not even once.
My sister was in a similar situation but is clearly muslim and got out of it. Interesting.
Same here user.
Traditional families are becoming a thing of the past because women are expected to work to pay strangers to take care of their children.
I'm considering taking courses in ECE so I can get my home daycare certified. This would be the only way to pay off bills and raise my future kid myself.
Messed up isn't it?