Europeans are not only people with blue eyes, their(Jews) plan is to divide us! All white people must stand together!
Europe must unite against Islamization!
Sup Forums and stormfags are the biggest D&C around, stop blaming the jew boogeyman and be real
What's it mean if I have blue eyes but brown hair?
whites are inferior cuckold monkeys and they created to serve brown man
Hitler desu
Than who should i blame for forcing mass immigration into Europe?! All around the Europe Jewish people in the places of power are pushing for more immigrants.. They want to mix Europeans with Muslims and create cheap labor force. Wake the fuck up!
3 and 4 are not even real hair colors
t. person with dark blonde hair
3 is, 4 isn't.
It means you are white! They want us to think that only man with blue eyes and blonde hair are white which isn't true. We are true people of color, we have such beautiful diversity, all turkroaches look the same and all black people look the same, but we are different and we should embrace diversity amongst white people of different groups
what I'm saying is that you shouldn't blame jews for the D&C stuff you see on Sup Forums
germanics and slavs arent european
fucking pigs want to feel special
dirty blonde green eyes reporting in
Are Italians white?
hair color and paleness of skin has nothing to do with being "white" , when are you niggers from east europe going to learn how to physical anthropology
please, you stupid slav shits
Yes, yes they are.. Some of them maybe have darker skin but they are white.. Beeing white isn't only about skin color, it's about your values, morals and culture. You can be white with blue eyes and blonde hair but if you are acting like sandnigger you are just as bad as they are..
Sup Forums racism memers and neo-nazi's are scum. Funny, you're on this board and you should know damn well there is a power structure beyond governments that is global. Who is it that controls the media? Who is it that controls the economy? Who is it?
It's a class, who happens to be Jews, that control things important to nations. It's not boogeyman and Hitler was the only person in the modern world to get an entire country to turn its back and actually create a nation of the people.
We in the United States did so, but it did not last. Such things never last. Read statements by the founding fathers about Jews.
yeah but see I doubt the stormfaggotry you see here on Sup Forums is jews
Dark Brown hair, Green eyes reporting
hazel you dumbfuck
and same
brown hair and hazel eyes
Can't hear you from all the way down there, roach!
fuck darkies
You shouldn't even bother to answer to this sandmonkeys..
Reminder that if you have both dark brown eyes and black hair, you are not white.
Reminder that if you don't have pink nipples, you are not white.
Reminder that if you grew dark, course body hair and/ or you grew a beard before reaching 18 years old, you are not white.
Reminder that if your IQ is below 140, you are not white.
Reminder that if you have either a flat, wide nose or a large hook nose, you are not white.
Well, i can agree with almost everything but if all white people had an IQ of 140 there wouldn't be cucks and there wouldn't be this many immigrants..
>Reminder that if you have either a flat, wide nose or a large hook nose, you are not white.
>cromagnon noses aren't white
lrn2 European anthropoloy, Abdallah
>tfw brown hair and hazel eyes
reminder that if you are not aryan but an anglo-saxon you are a paki
So anglos aren't white, got it.
who the hell are these anime fuckers with white hair and white eyes. Is this real? Is this common?
The Genes say they are.
brown hair brown eyes master race
one of my grandmothers is from Yugoslavia when it still existed, am i white? I'm mainly Italian though
I'm last row.
weew that's a lot of 3's and 2's
Kek, black hair and brown eyes
dark nipples
hairy as fuck
Well i still got a blue eyed blonde haired german girl at least
Gray eyes is pretty common.
White hair is fucking dying out because white women are pieces of shit who spread their legs to invaders instead of fighting.
>I had white hair for the first 4 years of life
>now have blond, brown, and grey head hair
>beard is white, blond, brown, red and a few jet black hairs
I am an abomination
Division is the enemy's preferred tool for keeping whites from unifying. They know our strength so they want us pitted against each other.
White Nationalism and PanEuropa forever.
Associating people with Stormfront really isn't an insult. Its nothing more than rehashed Leftist shaming tactics, just a spin on the buzzword "racist."
Jews are called out specifically because they are involved. They're not a boogeyman, they are a primary actor. In every single country in the developed world you will find a Jew involved in politics or finance trying to act against the best interests of the people in the name of "diversity" or "tolerance."
If you don't have the moral courage to name the Jew you're a cuck or a Jew yourself.
Got green eyes with brown hair
I'll shut you down for not including me you fucking shitlord
>if you don't approve of stormfags you are a leftist
>muh leftist boogeyman
the irony in your post is palpable
anyway, I'm talking about Sup Forums not the world, the D&C stuff you see here isn't kikes
White as fuck
>this man is considered white and european in italy
You should research Frankfurt School and The Protocols of Zion.
>this simian fellow is considered human and anatomically modern in Argentina
you're an american now
Trying to associate everyone aware of the racial issue, and everyone aware of the Jew's disproportionate political influence with Stormfront is a leftist tactic. There is no way around it. Its something only cucks and leftists do.
>oy vey you don't want to be like those bad Stormfront goys
>you should be scared of that label
>make sure you virtue signal to demonstrate to everyone how different from them you are!
Thats literally what you're doing.
You cannot make a post and expect to be taken seriously when you frame your entire position with that.
Doing so while actually arguing that Jews don't wield the influence they factually do is 100% full blown JIDF shilling.
keep living in your fantastic world user
I'll keep shitting on stormniggers, thanks.
Eyes and hair colors don't really matter, it's the nipple color that matter, if it's pink you're white.
>this woman is considered white and european in italy
>these island are considered Argentinian in Argentina
I have really dark eyes and brown hair but very light skin, what am I?
>AIPAC isn't the biggest political lobby in the US, the most powerful lobby in the world
>Jews don't overwhelmingly control media including movies, music, TV, and the news
>Jews aren't massively over represented in the senate and congress
>groups like the ADL can't publicly shame and ruin people who question their influence
>Israel doesn't get guaranteed special treatment by the US despite them being only neutral to hostile to us
>Israel doesn't get endless financial aide despite being a nuclear power who refuses to comply with UN weapon inspectors which is a direct violation of our laws
>Jews aren't disproportionately involved in every government in Europe, pushing the exact same agenda around the globe
>The Jews are just a boogeyman for you eveil Nazi goyim!
>Don't be like those dumb Stormgoys!
Yeah, what a fantastic world reality it.
I see your reading comprehension really is nigger tier.
>I'm talking about Sup Forums not the world
>I'm talking about Sup Forums not the world
>I'm talking about Sup Forums not the world
hope the chances you read this are high enough now
Islam is not a race, you fucking retarded faggot. Sage.
>this woman is considered white and european by italians
nothing un-European about her
I don't think they feed you anthropology books so I don't expect you to reply with anything different other than the simple repeating task your instructor taught you. Bananas ain't free after all.
People talk about it here because it happens in the world you fucking wop.
Try to be even slightly logical. I dare you.
yeah, but for the 50th time, I'm referring to the D&C stuff on Sup Forums
are you this fucking thick?
She's argentinian, not european.
I actually agree with this Serb here.
>applying civic nationalism to race
>tfw green and brown
Serbs have an IQ of 82.
No thank you. You're literally nigger tier, and we all know how niggers are in North America.
My bad. It's Albanians with 82. Serbs are 86.
Perfectly nigger tier.
argentina btfo
>mfw white
>Serbs have an IQ of 82.
You are Celtic, and you my friend are white!
>average IQ of 89
wtf why is it that low. What's ur iq?
Yep dividing tactics from jews. I also never understood why people on Sup Forums would do the same. Some people from Europe are a little darker and some a little lighter. We're still all white with common ancestry and a common religion. It would be stupid to hate on eachother.
I categorically reject being called white or having anything to do with white people.
Portugal e o mar só!
Portugal and the sea alone!
>dyed red hair
that's not even a real hair color
wow bunch of newfags is all Sup Forums is now I bet none of you even know anything about Yugoslavia w/o going to kikepedia
It's mainly nordicist on Sup Forums doing it. Of course when you make a movement about how different you are from others. Those "more pure" are gonna feel superior.
Your flag looks like a pokemon ball
obligatory stormnigger reply
Why is there such a difference in brown eyes. I know a danish guy with brown eyes and light brown hair, but his eyes are light brown/ look more orange. And why do ppl say he has brown eyes when black people or arabs also say they have brown eyes when their eyes look more black than brown.
Are you me?
>that flag
Why are you wasting your time here, shitskin
Am I white if I have brown eyes and brown hair? I feel insecure because of it.
>dirty blond
Not really seeing it, f.a.m.
Celts are Britain's abos.
Ginger potato nigs
that's dirty and brown, not dirty blonde
wash your fucking hair you greaseball
stormniggers must be told how full of shit they are every chance I get.
Serbs are untermensch
I have light brown eyes too. If you want to be a special snowflake you can call them amber but they're still brown, IMO.
No it's dirty blonde. Hair is wet that's why it's dark. I was light blonde when I was young
You're below shit tier, retard. Anything is an upgrade from you
Everyone is light blond when they're young.
top kek what ever faggot
enjoy your delusions
i have yellowish/green eyes but im not nordic so i guess its not the same
Alright haha.
Well this guy Mads Mikkelsen is a danish actor with brown eyes and brown hair and he is white.
I'm not blond, m8. I'm just not insecure enough about it to shit myself over it. It's always poopskins that get so infuriated over blond hair while the rest of us are ambivalent. Nordics that obsess over it calling it themselves the "master race" should gtfo too.
Those are some sexy eyes
I had dark blonde hair when I was young, settled into a medium brown when I grew up
still has a blonde-ish sheen when the light hits it just so, but anyone with eyes would say it's brown
blacks are in a class of their own, they're neither "black" nor "brown"
pic related is what's referred to as actual black eyes, it's slate black but you can still distinguish the iris from the pupil
black people's eyes have this muddy look to them that you can't rightly call brown
I have auburn hair and dark brown eyes am I white?