Wow, Sup Forums btfo
Wow, Sup Forums btfo
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The correct response after the faggots first line was:
>Thats not an argument
>every job requires a bachelors degree
yea thats bullshit
>Them: Pretty much every job, even entry-level jobs, require at least a bachelor's degree
>Me: That's because you've diluted the pool of applicants and flooded the number of college degrees that are available.
>Them: But I want to make more money than I'm currently making working at a fast food joint.
>Me: Then go to technical school or get a loan for college. The military will also pay for your schooling if you agree to a service commitment.
>Them: Wow you bourgeoisie are so entitled. Check your privilege. I'm going to write a blog post about this.
The reason americans need such educations for the easiest jobs is because getting a degree in america is literally fucking free unless its some STEM shit
Look at the people that have a degree there - 80% is fucking hopelessly stupid.
>what are student loans
Learn a useful skill and stop complaining, fag.
There is literally an ocean full of money waiting to be made for people to put in the effort and willing to make a sacrifice.
I don't have a degree and I'm making decent money as a cop. I mean it's not great but I do ok.
Go learn a trade. The only really backbreaking trades are the shitty ones that don't require training.
There was a few missed responses from the "Evil Republican"
1: If you are as poor as you sound, you will qualify for grants. This is how taxpayers support you.
2: There are loan programs that cannot deny you loans for school. If you pick a real degree (not women's studies) you will be able to pay the loan when you graduate and get a real job.
3: Minimum wage jobs are not designed to provide livable wages. They are designed to maximize profits for a company who needs only basic skills. If your job requires skills above and beyond a heartbeat, you should be asking for a raise or changing jobs.
A job is not a career. They are very different things.
I love how they always write in their verbal ticks. The "Republican" always speaks perfectly well saying whatever nonsense the writer is puppeting, but the writer's own remarks are always, like, why are Republicans so stupid? Um... hello?
I always wonder why the snowflakes don't go after the university's. When the student loan institutions lend more money the university's Jack up the cost to compensate.
America was built on hard work and entrepreneurship, not academic certificates.
bawww it's my responsibility to make sure you're successful
>entrepreneurs are uneducated
>a college degree is required to be 'educated'
you don't have to go to college to work as a plumber or a trashman or a welder, you just need experience from actually working
I'm pretty sure the banks have already fixed this "issue" years ago with the free market.
>Borrow money for school
>Major in something not shit with high salary
>Pay back loan
funny. i managed to work a job to save enough for college. granted i drive a 15 year old car that i paid cash for, don't buy new clothes every week, cook my own food, and don't have a memephone
really makes you think
This image isn't wrong, but what were democrats doing about it? We just had 8 years of Obama, and I'm still poor and the jobs still want 30 years of experience to pour coffee.
You'd think writing the dialogue for both characters in your fictionalized discussion would allow you to convey your point in a compelling manner.
>>entrepreneurs are uneducated
Successful entrepreneurs almost always have trust funds or other sources of non-labor money.
>inb4 muh small bizness.
> entrepreneurs are building new types of services and products