Imperial blimps in the sky when?
Imperial blimps in the sky when?
>safety pins god.
It's kinda scary thinking about all the public projects the USN is working on, such as remote controlled F-35s controlling swarms of X-47s. There's also pic related, which is alternative method of launching drone aircraft (or missiles) from submarines.
There's also this, which the air force wants within the next decade. Imagine them being deployed from massive airships.
...aerial refuelers?
basically this but bigger
Much more than that. NASA has suggested doing pic related with Venus probes, perhaps leading to an crewed station inside it's upper atmosphere.
pic related is already deployed along the border, Trump will buy more
>much more than that
elaborate, faggot
The left really is absurdly delusional, an't they? Just remember that that image was made in complete sincerity.
Soon, chap
Imperial border guardians CONFIRMED
Fuck David Horsey. He's a lying sack of shit.
So uh when do we get rolling on this?
Isn't Trump more of a Trump Brand jumbo jet kinda guy?
jumbo jets can't land on aircraft carriers
This year for sure
Fuck this horsey faggot, so happy he got BTFO
USS Donald J Trump, airborne aircraft carrier when?
For starters the DoD has made extensive use of drone airships, as they are especially useful for long-term surveillance and reconnaissance. They are also often used as routers for regular drones. Also rumors say that the air force even has an airship that can deploy drones.
As for NASA, once SLS is up and running they'll have the ability to put big things in space. This includes big probes, such as giant weather balloons.
>Imperial blimps in the sky when?
Here's a piece a butthurt Ukrainian drew during the campaign
Dude wanted Hillary to win and wage war on Russia to liberate his shithole
Horsey is a damn prophet
Police blimps are cool.
Why are blimps some sort of nazi thing?
Whats that from? Looks older
batman beyond
>posting an edited version
for shame, user.
lol the muslim kid is holding a clock/bomb that looks even more like a bomb than Ahmed's.