/k/ommando here. Does Sup Forums agree Mad Dog Mattis should be our Secretary of Defense?
That's our vote.
/k/ommando here. Does Sup Forums agree Mad Dog Mattis should be our Secretary of Defense?
That's our vote.
Hell yeah. No more slut walks for troops.
> Implying there is even a question
My first choice was Flynn, but now that he's Natl. Security Advisor I'd say put Mattis in for SecDef.
Mad Dog
He's literally the only good cabinet choice Trump has made so far
I'm so torqued thinking about Mad Dog as secdef
I was dreaming of this guy being sec of defense during the primaries. Fuck yes.
Depends. What's his stance on mentally ill people? The current trend of letting people join the military that have higher rates of suicide than people with depression disturbs me.
I can only get so erect
Hell yes, what do you think his chances are? I heard hes meeting Trump as we speak
Red pull me on Mad Dog Sup Forums. Starting with why he's called Mad Dog.
He didn't want to be prez. That's OK probably wouldn't of won.
Fuck no, he would have had no chance.
I dont think man like him will ever reach the post when the nation is not in a time of war, which is a shame.
He looks like a hard working man with a strong spirit.
While the invasion of Iraq was a considerable clusterfuck, he held his own and led his unit to victory and into Baghdad, removed kebab expertly in
fallujah and has a ton of memeworthy quotes, the man has no respect for hajis and says its enjoyable to kill them.
He's pretty much the closest thing to patton we have today
>/k/ommando here
Commando is a word of spanish origin.
Sup Forums doesn't allow foreign influence especially of non-white heritage.
Report and move on.
fuck yeah, i especially love the quote about fucking up enemies so bad that the survivors will be writing about it for the next 10k years
Spaniards are whiter than you my muslim friend
I'm from Wisconsin you backwards nigger. I'm more American than apple pie.
women, faggots and trannies do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved corps
God yes
Oh yeah the world definitely needs more guys who will want to go destroy the Middle-East for the greater glory of democracy
Sessions is great. Bannon is good too. Priebus is the only choice that seems bad from the outside.
"I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.”
"“There is nothing better than getting shot at and missed. It’s really great.”"
I like this guy, what's great biography on him? I dont trust the Wikijew.
He doesn't decide if we start a war or not but if we do have to fight the hajs, we're gonna want this guy in charge of the military
He seems like a badass.
So, if I were in the submarine force, what should I expect with him as SecDef?
Wikipedia actually did a pretty decent job, all the memes about him are true
He's a literal warrior monk
I just thought of something
>Trump devises national campaign designed to encourage trans, women and gays to the join the army.
>They fall for it and join at record rates because fuck Trump we'll show him
>Trump then begins Crusade 2.0
>Kebab and the degenerate leftists kill each other
How can we make this happen?
>wouldn't of
please, please stop fucking doing this, you have literally no excuse unless you are legitimately clinically retarded.
How about you fuck off back to your furfag-brony-board, cocksucker.
Where did even "would of" came from?
It's obviously from some other language, just which exactly?
Did Trump meet him today?
I'm starting to like Sup Forums more. Op here, my Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms pic.
Patton was a piece of shit...
/k/ = furry
The place is full of freaks. Someone post the /k/ - "Brownie" meet up screencap.
Preibus was a smart pick. He has his man to help him make decisions and an establishment lap dog to run out and do his will. If he acts up you can be sure he will be gone. I am more concerned that they let Paul Ryan keep his speaker ship.
yeah, it was established these days in multiple threads that for Sup Forumsacks this is one of the most beloved people there ever was
>I am more concerned that they let Paul Ryan keep his speaker ship.
It's not Trump's choice, it's the House's choice. Congress doesn't like the president telling them what to do. It was for the better.
He is pretty clear about his duty to his country. He is a Marine through and through. His duty is to kill at the behest of the state. He is an expert at it. Politics does not enter the mind of a Marine just being the most efficient killing machine possible.
Mattis is like the American version of Marcel Bigeard if you're familiar with your military.
Except Mattis literally has a cult status in the Marine corps. He's worshipped.
This place isn't? I'm actually kind of Normy as fuck. I'm trying to support Mattie as SecDef. You guys say you memed Trump in. Hoping you could do me a solid and make Gen Mattis memes in also.
We all win.
oh my god it's adorable
Or /k/ squirrel fire shooting
Or /k/ getting buck semen for bait
Or /k/ shoving up a shotgun up his asshole and having to call para-medics
It is the most magical realm board ever. And that's why I love it.
For his position, Chief of Staff (wrangler of Congress and coordinator of staff) Priebus is a good choice. He isn't in charge of any policy. Just in charge of making ppl comply.
Improved maintenance and upgrades.
>Or /k/ getting buck semen for bait
>Or /k/ shoving up a shotgun up his asshole and having to call para-medics
Okay, these I have see. /k/ truly is too good for this place.
My titty titty bang bang.
This is dumb as fuck, also, not an argument
You americans always harp on about how the central government is corrupt, freedom isn't free, militias motherfuckers, grow the tree of democracy with the blood of patriots, but then you say "ohoh no the job of a soldier is not to second guess the retarded and utterly fucked up power structure that uses him as fodder to line the pockets of Halliburton"
I understood that much. But maybe you should understand how, in a world where political power has been decoupled from spiritual power, and in which leaders are therefore quite unaccountable and can do whatever shit they want, the military shouldn't follow orders like they did in the olden times, when kings were actually not completely retarded nor pandering to private interests as much as nowadays.
In a better timeline the US military has performed a coup during the 1st or 2nd Iraq war.
Thanks to your Military-Industrial Complex, its glamorization of warfare and efficient brainwashing, this has not happened in ours.
The proper phrase is would have, which is often shortened to would've. Which idiots turned into would of, because that's the spelling out of how it sounds.
Fuck the Middle East
>wouldn't -of- won.
What exactly are you trying to say?
HAVE. Would not HAVE won. Jesus man, at least know you own fucking language better than some dude from Austria.
I guess you really like immigrants then
What are the duties of Secretary of Defense? Would this be a good fit for him, or would he be stifled by red-tape and distance from the battlefield?
>“Find the enemy that wants to end [American Democracy] and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact.”
“I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.”
“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”
“You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling.”
Literally MURRICA: The Man.
Correcting grammar on Sup Forums. How is your life? I'm assuming not good.
This would strike crippling fear in every fkn muslim/SJW/Marxist/DoD/Pentagon crony alive in D.C
He would be the ultimate cleanser
He's walking napalm
It's too good to be true IMO
>"For all the ‘4th Generation of War’ intellectuals running around today saying that the nature of war has fundamentally changed, the tactics are wholly new, etc., I must respectfully say, ‘Not really’: Alexander the Great would not be in the least bit perplexed by the enemy that we face right now in Iraq, and our leaders going into this fight do their troops a disservice by not studying — studying, vice just reading — the men who have gone before us. We have been fighting on this planet for 5,000 years and we should take advantage of their experience. ‘Winging it’ and filling body bags as we sort out what works reminds us of the moral dictates and the cost of competence in our profession."
>Mattis was unusual in many ways, most notably in being one of the more intense intellectuals in the U.S. military.
>“He is one of the most urbane and polished men I have known,” said retired Army Maj. Gen. Robert Scales, himself a Ph.D. in history. “He can quote Homer as well as Sun Tzu.”
> (Once possessed of a huge personal library, Mattis gave away many thousands of books to Marine and local libraries, and in late 2005 estimated that he had reduced his load to about 1,000 volumes.)
> When he deploys Mattis always packs the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, the Roman who was both a Stoic philosopher and an emperor. “It allows me to distance myself from the here and now,” and to discern the connection to the eternal verities of warfare, he explained.
How does this affect us?
Fuck, cabinet of the century.
It would be very good.
Mattis is not a political officer.
Most American officers have ties to the government, that's why all general officers have to be appointed by Congress. I assure you that Congress is thinking whether they will obey their political agenda, rather than their military skills. Mattis could have continued his military career, but he knew that Obama would not allow him to actually follow military strategy.
Mattis is the only Officer of that rank to be motivated by his corps, rather than agenda.
That's one of the reasons why Mattis is worshipped. This is not an exaggeration, Mattis is literally worshipped like a god by Marines. I'm sure most Marines would follow Mattis no matter what. There hasn't been a general as respected by his men since WW2.
Mattis is a great pick. The military is in a really bad shape after 8 years of Obama, and another 8 years of Bush. Most SNCOs and Officers have been replaced by soldier that have never seen combat. Obama was prepping for a war with Russia. He wanted political soldiers.
he wants a war with iran/russia
he is no use for our new world order
>/k/ommando here. Does Sup Forums agree Mad Dog Mattis should be our Secretary of Defense?
This will be the biggest Fuck You that Trump could do to Obama right now. Kang Nigger hates Mattis and fired him soon after getting into office. I would love to see Chaos reign supreme once more.
He's loved by the Marines for a reason, he took care of his Marines and when it was time to act he let them do what needed to be done.
He has disdain for the hajis for the same reason any sane person would but its moreso for him because he's actually squared off with them and, in the second battle of Fallujah, he kicked their asses.
Most importantly though, I know he'll have the balls to tell Trump when he needs to chill out. He got posted by King Nigger because he wouldn't play ball along with a bunch of other generals.
I'm starting think you're a haji
I don't think their secretary of defence has the power to make such a decision
spain was conquered by smuslims several times, spain is a muslim mud country, almost as shitty as brasil
There is only one man who deserves to be our Sec of Def
no, but it will increase tensions
Fuck no. Fuck that baby killer.
>not director of the CIA
cmon lad
Canada is a long way from Afghanistan you fuckin haji
You better be a woman if you're carrying that thing around
Hell to the mother fucking NO.
It's a pocket pistol. I own 11 different guns.
>when kings were actually not completely retarded nor pandering to private interests as much as nowadays.
Doubt it.
Flynn, Trumps security advisor, is best friends with Putin. War with Russia will never happen under Trump. Trump is ditching NATO, why would he fight for NATO?
Mattis was willing to go to war with Iran before he retired. War with Iran was extremely fucking close during 2009-2012. Israel was gonna go to war, but Obama was able to stop them. We were really fucking close. You have no idea. Remember stuxnet? Why do you think Israel did that? Why did Obama do the Iran nuclear deal and secretly gave Iran 1.7 billion dollars?
Fuck yeah.
Chaos actual will slay bodies
He meets with far more people as SecDef than he would as CIA director
Both of them can do the same job essentially but every single motherfucking dictator, president, prime minister, military advisor, and general on this planet knows ho Vining is and if he looks them in the eyes, smiles, and tells them they will do something you won't get a no back because they kboe he will get whatever the fuck he wants and have 100% government backing
Mattis is amazing but he doesn't carry the same weight by any means
Hey bro
>Tfw Mad Dog Mattis' call sign was Chaos
Actually Obama prevented Syria from getting destroyed, by undermining neocons' plans, and refusing to follow up on his "red line" warning in 2013.
I'm quite certain he wasn't prepping for a war with Russia, however, the people behind Hillary were.
I'm sure general Mattis is an outstanding being, but since he's also a figurehead, the military and wannabe patriots will cheer if at some point the US, led by private interests, decides to go to war for whatever fabricated reason: If he really enjoys war and doesn't care about politics, he will gladly accept orders, even if they're retarded as hell and stemming from fabrications or false flags.
Also, allow me to be wary of anybody who's really enjoying to be part of the US military since Eisenhower told you about the MIC, especially as recent american warfare has always been at the behest of said MIC and various war profiteers.
His callsign is Chaos. Need I say more?
Mattis for Defense
Webb for State
Oh, what the fuck, why did it rotate?
OP, noice.
>War with Russia will never happen under Trump
That's bullshit
Vlad makes the wrong move and we will wipe the floor with the fucker before asking nicely
The immediate chance of war isn't going to happen sure bit I guarantee you Russia will leave Crimea before Trump's first year in office is done
You need to stop being retarded and read about real history
>leaving Crimea
you're a stupid fucking faggot holy shit.
>Russia will leave Crimea
Screencap my post then cunts
I'm telling you now Russia will give back the clay it has stolen
Spain is white, every European country is essentially white.
I figured thats why he'd do better as CIA director.
You've got a Mattis as SecDef and since he's not as well known he'll get underestimated, bad thing to do considering he's one of the few generals to have actually fuck up an insurgency on their turf.
Now imagine all the world leaders realizing Vinning is the CIA director, they know he has a fuckton of experience in clandestine operations.
Now he can do what he does best with complete and utter impunity.
To me, THAT would scare me more than Mattis being SecDef, not to say he wouldn't be fear as SecDef
>stolen clay
Why would trump want Russia to leave rightful Russian clay?