Christians how is it possible for a man to build a giant wooden boat to survive a flood, put every single animal in the world on that boat, and have enough food to feed those animals?
Christians how is it possible for a man to build a giant wooden boat to survive a flood...
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itsh a miracell
I'm not religious but wouldnt it be retarded if everything in the bible weren't metaphors rather than literal historic events?
>every single animal in the world
This is incorrect. Noah only selected two of every species, thereby acknowledging the evolutionary theory of Darwin's Origin of Species and disproving the Bible itself
>Q.E.D Christcucks
it's almost as if the old testament wasn't meant to be taken as historical fact and was instead a book of myths written to teach about morals and to explain the way the world works to ancient people
How did the six million jews got gassed, cremated then miraculously the jewish population stayed the same after ww2 ? It was a miracle !
It's not. Sola scriptura is heresy and nobody takes the bible literally.
Stop thinking tiny new American protestant that are only a few hundred years old with only a few thousand people is the same as the rest of Christianity.
It's not. That's the joke.
It isn't. It's an allegory and anyone who takes it at face value is a retard.
Through the grace of God
Also read the damned thing. Not EVERY animal, and not as big as you think
>Christians how is it possible for a man to build a giant wooden boat to survive a flood, put every single animal in the world on that boat, and have enough food to feed those animals?
A man could not perform such an act by himself. He can only create such a miracle by the will of the Lord God, through whom all things are possible. Amen.
It's in Islam and Judaism to
Why do Americans think that the bible is a history book containing actual facts?
Is it because of that retarded "sola scriptura" bullshit of protestant theology?
It was just one of the earliest law-books. Morals, values and ethics.
Wow they ate the baby animals, just the the U.S democratic party. Answer solved now find a noose and string yourself.
Why does it disprove the bible?
That is incorrect. Noah took clean animals and birds by secens.
Dude, the whole thing only took half a day. By dinner everybody was already home again. But even during those couple of hours some animals have been eaten by others. Which ones? You wouldn't know them. they have been extinct ever since.
Yes. No serious theologian has endorsed literal interpretation of the old testament for many, many, many centuries. It's a work of divinely inspired allegory with perhaps some loose relation to events that did take place at some point in the past (evidence does suggest that there was at one point in human history a great flood in the Black Sea region that likely served as the basis for the story of Noah).
Protestant 'sola scriptura' retards who take a telephoned English translation of a multi-thousand-year-old text as literal word of God are a relatively recent 'development' (read: regression).
>Is it because of that retarded "sola scriptura" bullshit of protestant theology?
Exactly. In addition, Protestants also preach that doing good things is worthless. You can be a liar, a pederast, an adulterer, a thief, a murderer, and literally every kind of sinner you can think of, unrepentantly, but hey, just saying Jesus is your homie is enough to guarantee you being saved! Unless you're a Calvinist, in which case literally nothing matters, do what you want, you're already either saved or damned.
They're Muslims in Christian clothing.
It's a parable written by the Jews, there was probably a flood in Jerusalem somewhere and a guy saved a few camels and some sheep or something. To him, that was all the animals in the world, so that's how they remembered it.
The old testament bible is not a literal autobiography crafted by God, it's a collection of folklore from abrahamic sources gathered by early Christians to give some context to wtf was going on with this Judaism/Christianity thing.
He loaded the boat with 2of every animal, so they had 2 of every dinosaur. The animals got hungry and ate the dinosaurs. Duh.
Yeah this. If Jesus can turn water into wine and create fish, God can feed the animals in here as long as it takes. Also it was a long ass time ago so most of the species could have evolved into what we recognize today, giving us biodiversity.
Also the science seems to indicate that it was actually quite possible this region had a massive flood. So all that needed to be done is take all the species in one region on Earth which makes it a lot more possible.
>INB4 it's just a metaphor
so what you're saying is that God is just a myth created in order to promote the "morals"
Ok, you really want to go down this rabbit hole user?
PART 1 geology
>>Every major culture in the world has a flood myth.
>>Earth used to be 80% land 20% sea. with the majority of H2O existing in a pressurized state underneath the earth similar to oil today.
>> climate on pre flood earth allows for long life (denser o2 and co2 in atmosphere) allows for 500+ year life span
>>Meteor strikes earth. breaks open the earth strata, and unleashes pressurized water or what ancient texts call "the fountains of the deep"
>>MFW earth is covered with water, MFW water recedes now earth is 80% sea and 20% land FLIP FLOP
>> major ice age as a result, major climate destruction. Now people can only live 100 years
PART 2 sociology
>> pre flood world people live to be 500+ years old. and everyone is one race one culture and speaks one language.
>> humans don't spread over the whole earth, they congregate into a singular city. (Atlantis)
>> Atlantis becomes very advanced (internet computers etc) Remember all of their Albert Einsteins lived to be 500 years old and didn't have to contend with problems like warring nation states since everyone was of one language and culture.
>> the luxury life of atlantis causes degeneracy.(violent and sexual)
>>God gets angry. sends meteor to break up the earth strata and cause a flood.
PART 3 Noah
>> Noah is tasked by god to build a boat.
>> not a problem for him and his family to do with modern technology and robotics helping him.
>> Noah is a wealthy man and buys what he needs prefabricated, and builds the rest
>> Noah contracts with the local Zoo to get the animals he needs in BABY FORM (he isn't a retard)
>> flood happens, noah saves family and animals, and brings with him literature from pre flood world.
PART 4 Tower of babel
>> After flood god people get together with one language and one culture like before to rebuild atlantis using knowledge from literature
big boat, man and his family built the boat, doesn't specify if he hired workers to help with construction. wasn't two of every animal, it was two of every kind of animal, as in 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 horses. it is not outside the realm of possibility.
the bible says animals bring forth their own kind, dogs make dogs. which is what nature and observable science proves, natural selection also proves this.
PART 4 Tower of babel
>> After flood god people get together with one language and one culture like before to rebuild atlantis using knowledge from literature from ark
>> God realizes this is a repeat of before flood
>> God confuses languages and tells people to scatter over earth (to prevent atlantis from reforming)
>> God realizes that nationalism is the only way to keep humanity in check
>> The literature from the ark is now in an unreadable Atlantean language.
>> The first secret society is formed to try to decode the Atlantean texts and bring back Atlantis (one world language, one world society)
>> MFW globalism is in direct opposition to god and the elites in the secret societies are tasked with bringing back atlantis through globalism
>> MFW Atlantis was not a myth, but history
Jesus was not involved in building the ark. Christians follow the teachings of Jesus as found in the new testement.
Someone who knows his Bible.
Along with the clear allegory in the Noah story, there is a question of genetic diversity. Two or fourteen animals is not nearly enough to repopulate a species. Each species would have Down's Syndrome by the fourth generation.
as with all good lies, this is filled with half-truths
why not go full infowars and say the secret society is lizardpeople
What if we're all actually genetically flawed but it's all relative so we'll never know.
>blaming sola scriptura
This is a shitty misinterpretation of sola scriptura. Sola scriptura allows for parts of the bible to be metaphorical and others to be literal. The point was to just make it so the church couldn't twist the meaning of various parts of the bible to mean whatever they wanted, anything that could clearly be derived form what was written. Actual literalist fundamentalism still came hundreds of years after sola scriptura.
He didn't, In the original version the ark is filled with booze, food and women
no way of knowing really. It's possible.
I think god exists through people's belief. If enough people act based on their interpretation of god's will, then god exists because he is, in a way, controlling them
Ergo, not a global flood and not every animal. The Biblical flood stories are also only a few thousand years old, not enough time to evolve new species of large animals.
This is what happened. Ignore the deniers.
Well it would be retarded to believe anything magical ever happened, events in bible are just like events in lord of the rings.
How is it possible to be as big of a faggot as the OP? KYS
>Sage goes in all fields.
Yes and then God mixed fresh and salt waters together and miraculously all fish species that cannot survive in salt waters and vice versa survived :D - it happened m8, you have to believe it.
Codex Hammurabi is even earlier, I guess I'm a #mardukmissile now.
Stupid pseudo intellectual bullshit, god either exists or doesn't, perspective has nothing to do with it
why do christians get shit about jewish tales from ugly pimply atheists?
You've obviously never lived on a farm. The flaws produced from siblings having children are obvious and catastrophic.
Two cows breed. Their children only breed with each other. The second generation is fine, the third is all related cousins. By the fourth or fifth every one of them is going to be retarded and most sterile or not survive to breeding age.
It's not just flawed like your Fall from Grace. It's flawed like fragmented chromosomes and weird shit growing where it shouldn't.
Because the atheists, or anti-theists in my case, know the Bible and it's implications better than many True Believers.
>what is hyperbole?
It's a fucking parable about taking care of your family and the importance of being kind to animals, you shitstain.
Okay, most of this section of the bible is allegorical, many of the families represent cities and peoples, they're not really representative of actual people, but rather represe4ntative of groups of people.
So the actual meaning is subjective, also check this out
>Because the atheists, or anti-theists in my case, know the Bible and it's implications better than many True Believers.
You mean read the bible with a narrow, literalist, interpretation that allows them to try and spring shitty "gotcha" questions on believers?
Christians are too dumb to see that their religion is a parody by the Romans, to mock the weak.
Ancient Aliens.
Don't alot of the earlier texts use words that can be translated as " the seed " of every animal? also this story isn't christian.
childish logic
>WAAAH everything is black and white I can't comprehend anything that isn't AHHH
> Have enough food
I don't see any unicorns or dinosaurs anymore my man.
>I'm not religious but wouldnt it be retarded if everything in the bible weren't metaphors rather than literal historic events?
>narrow, literalist, interpretation
Hence 'True Believers'. Proper Christians like Catholics understand the nuance in these old stories. I've never been unable to get a Catholic to admit that life forms change over time, whereas it's almost impossible to get a literalist Protestant to do the same.
Protestants treat the Bible like children's stories that are also somehow 110% true and totally happened.
> Sun stands still during battle of Jericho
> Noah collected every animal for safety
> Jesus came back to life and got Beam Me Up, Scottied
The amount of cultures that have a " flood story " that holds to a similar timeline across groups that had no contact with one another is high
> most people live near rivers and coasts.
> nothing in common
>Is it because of that retarded "sola scriptura" bullshit of protestant theology?
This personally I read it as the major domesticated animals during some massive floor in the region of the Tigris following a period of degenerate rule.
>The amount of cultures that have a " flood story " that holds to a similar timeline across groups that had no contact with one another is high
Ice ages.
The last glacial period, popularly known as the Ice Age, was the most recent glacial period, which ended 12,000 years ago.
serious geological evidence for large bodies of water moving through mainland areas, all over the world, in a relatively small time frame?
He worked on it for 120 years and his family helped him.
Im saying that this is most likely where the stories come from not that they are evidence for biblical theology
You don't exactly need the animals,just their dna
alot of texts can be translated to read " the seed " of every animal
>America actually has a full size replica of the ark
from what i understand, they did not know or have documented all the animals in the "world" which was at the time, just the middle east.
I mean its either you think noah knew all the animals even ones he never observed and that werent native to his region including fish and whales. Or you realize its a metaphor to mean.
"to prepare for the flood, he grabbed all the livestock and birds he could get with at least 2 of each kind"
so possibly 50 different animals x 2 making 100 with the vast majority being birds.
I didn't know the ark needed concrete columns and fake painted wood.
yep sola scriptura is shit.
This being said the bible does contain a wealth of witness testimony which is historically significant. some parts are "history book" tier. whereas the majority of the OT is storytelling and theology and the NT is witness and theology.
Its very easy to tell which is which most of the time.
Landlubbers built that POS.
Just think, two every of every species was able to fit on that ark.
It's not possible. The Bible and every other religious text is a big book of fairy tales.
Ark was a spaceship, animals were transferred via DNA. Then Noah landed on flat Earth.
Christcuckolds BTFO eternally
Are you ducking rattled do you not understand the concept of God the creator that can do anything and everything? This is why you retards will never understand you use your natural Human thinking and Connor advance beyond that you limit yourself to this tiny box.
dunno, ask a jew
It's not possible, people are really over complicating this shit. The writers of the bible just didn't have knowledge of the world and made a bunch of incorrect assumptions.
You can't be a Christian if you don't believe Jesus resurrected
Being a Christian is believing Jesus is God and He is alive