What's up Sup Forums? I've got some entry level political arguments, keep up to date on all the Sup Forums may mays, and am slightly above average looking.
I'm a grill btw
What's up Sup Forums? I've got some entry level political arguments, keep up to date on all the Sup Forums may mays, and am slightly above average looking.
I'm a grill btw
Lauren's popularity here confirms the /r9k/ crossposters
Pretty girl presents easily-digestible versions of arguments that you agree with for a normie audience.
You guys don't like her.
Do you not want to win?
Mark Dice is worse. He is the Daniel Tosh of the online right wing media.
Now that the election is over I say Milo and Lauren need to retire from political commentary.
Mark Dice is for edgy eighth graders.
No one will survive the day of the rake.
No one.
Great, now get on ur knees.
>day of the rake
is this a new meme?
Tits and gtfo
Mike Dice wants to be PJW so bad, but since he lacks any sort of mental capability he just takes to edge lord way to far.
Underage b&
T I t s
phonephags have no right to talk shit
the fug
Demanding attention because of your sex is very un-egalatarian of you. Rather, if you can't make headway for your ideas without mentioning your sex should reveal the weakness in the character of your argumentation.
This leads us to the conclusion that you -want- attention, and so mention your sex.
If it is attention you want, and there are other ideas competing for our attention, and you bring up your sex, which you will NOT surrender to our purposes, (ie fuck a computer person that isn't there), you can obey the tradtions.
Anonymity makes us equal, and you want un-equal power.
Pay for it.
>tits or gtfo
>slightly above average looking
nope, its average with makeup
old but gold
Its at least a month old. Try to keep up or fuck off
Stratfor agent. Real name is (((schuldice))). Just doing it for disinfo and money
I don't care where it started, that 'Eat Shit' while holding wine pic is so normie tier, i could see facebook grandmas sharing an e-card version of it.
Only edgy perma-virgins hate Lauren
Leafs need to leave
>Daniel tosh
I'm not a faggot who watched enough daniel tosh, is this accurate Sup Forums?
Lauren if you're reading this, don't listen to these virgins. Please fart on my face