>that first smell of new new balance shoes of the day
Other urls found in this thread:
>buying made in china garbage because you're "so dedicated" to your political ezine hate fest forum
feel bad for you desu.
>no socks
Why even?
>Not having red box Made In USA shoes
>They aren't made by child slaves in other countries
>MAGA approved
>falling for the shoe jew
Threadly reminder that sneakers are for white trash, man children and dindus/kebab.
Proper conservative men wear dress shoes.
Give em back, Tyrone
You're no better than leftists if you're gonna spend money because of politics and media shit.
They are made in America.
wew can't wait to get mine
Fuck off you PR faggot. Go shill your shit on Sup Forums.
Show a picture of yourself actually wearing those shoes that you posted, or else stfu.
I'm buying new balance shoes probably tomorrow just out of spite.
But what if it's because you support a company that manufactures in your own country.
new balance are really ugly.
Oops, I meant /fa/. Am still triggered by all this iCuck-shilling on numale/g/
I usually wear a pair of Allen Edmonds
I just don't like the big ass N
But some designs are ok.
Are new balances no longer autism shoes? They still look like shit.
Wrong, NB are objectively good shoes, and I don't want to filter your water, but you do need to support the right people when you can, and deny money to talentless creeps who hate you.
I think they're one of the best looking sneakers out there.
>wearing shoes that make loud footstep sounds, and slip when you try to run
>t. New Balance customer outreach
I approve of this shilling
Nike Air is the greatest shoe ever invented by man. All you guys are slipping.
They are nazi shoes now. However that specific new balance shoe like pic related are still autistic shoes
Why are you buying it? Where does this Meme comes from?
Niggers spend all their money on those shoes no monet left for socks
All New Balance shoes are now autistic.
The brand is dated and failed to keep up with the times. Even the so-called "stylish" styles are now autistic. Every one knows NB shoes are cheaply made and poor quality, only an autist would buy them.
NB are fine for faggots with flat feet. What if you have high arches?
Then you've never seen a pair of Brooks.
There was a bunch of them on sale on Amazon earlier on today. Bought some since I needed new shoes and they were cheap as fuck.
why are there so many off topic threads on Sup Forums lately?
is this the new shilling?
>wearing literally plebbit shoes
MFA faggot
>leaf boycotting NB
anyone surprised?
nice grandpa shoes faggot
You know... pf flyers are made in America and they're not autism shoes
You do know made in USA and assembled in USA are 2 different things?
stop advertising on our board faggots
NB is Pro Trump
Found a fat fedora that doesn't exercise.
other than that,
>Spending this much money on running shoes, or shoes in general.
Wow, your mom is named new balance?
This is fedora tier. Dress smart if you wish but you'll be the clown of your business meeting if you go wearing these.
New Balance is now fashcore.
>Not having a pair of throwback Reebok pumps.
Stay pleb.
>wearing shoes as an accessory
Damn, I just bought a new pair of Nike's a month ago. Going to buy NB from now on.
Its not OT, these are literally the official shoes of Trump and the Alt Right. Also Barron Trump wears them. Go buy some and also don't forget to have the barista write Trump on your cup faggot!
>this fat fuck doesn't work out or run
kys disgusting fedorafag
>all the models have a 'N'
>wearing nigger shoes
How do we make New Balance great again? Should we get a alt-right campaign going
>We're going to build a wall
>And it's going to take a lot of real work
>We're going to be on our feet a lot
>We're going to need the best footwear for working on your feet all day
>New Balance has what we need
Barron Trump wears NBs and the company CEO is supportive of Trump.
Does NB come with composite or steel toe because if they don't you won't be wearing them on any construction site.
Why do White People wear those ugly ass shoes?
If you are over 16 years old and still wear sneakers WITHOUT working out, kill yourself.
ADULTS wear boots.
Or some type of dress shoes.
During high school (2006-2008), these models were in style big time amongst us negro students. It's the only type of NB we ever wore.
Any brands you recommend?
New Balance is pretty great, I wear them for my tennis shoes. I should get some casual-wear New Balances.
Usually for everyday wear I wear generic Walmart boots (steel toed) with gel insoles for comfort. Steel-toed boots are essential for protecting your toes and kicking ass if need be.
Guys I got my white boy shoes today hope u like them
>wearing shoes because of how they look and not enhancing performance
just like any other woman in the first world
Redwing for boots
Do yourself a favour and get a pair of Sauconys you filthy peasant
>Not having custom embroidered 14/88 and Sieg Heil on the back
>Not white letter border
>Not all red shoes
>tfw dating a girl who has dual citizenship with Aus/America
If we marry, it will be easy for me to immigrate there, right?
New Balance or shit-tier running, hiking or training shoes.
If you want good runners/trainers you get Sauconys or Aasics. Stop talking out of your ass. You probably don't even run 10k a day or fucking lift, you basement-dwelling scum.
niggers never had a Monet
Frye Boots.
If new balance can make a good profit and expand even while producing domestically in the US, why do people support a faggot like Donald Trump, who has a large trajectory in outsourcing and producing shit overseas, and even instructed his children like Ivanka to open companies that produce shoes outside of the US?
It's counter intuitive to claim you're a nationalist while you fuck over the entire nation by selling chink shoes, is it not?
Nobody intelligent is supporting Trump. The rational Trump support was simply to keep Hillary out. Anyone who thinks Trump will do them good and isn't Trump is getting played.
Everyone knows you two are use secret faggot-code to arrange a fuck and suck.
probably attaching the lace (made in china) to the shoe (made in china) by a machine (made in korea).
Oh look it's the Fedora shoeposter from the thread the other day.
*tips beats by dre*
Cuck spam. Here in America we have this thing called snow and precipitation. Leather would turn ass nasty in a day out here.
Your shoes arent waterproofed against somali cum, which is a shame because from the sound of things you're country is gonna be ankle deep in it soon
Timberland gets all the hoes wet.
If you wear it right, of course.
It's manly and Alpha, running shoes are beta.
Girls can spot a cuck just by looking at his bullshit running shoes.
close laced shoes are only appropriate for formal events.
you don't have any idea what you're talking about, do you?
lol do you actually wear those outside of the house
And I bet there's not a single shitskin who works in the Norridgewock factory.
can anyone recommend pol approved casual footgear that is not nigger tier trainers?
new balance 1400s are fine
wearing those shoes rn
>tfw memory foam sole
top comfort
Listen, you fucking plebs.
Sneakers/trainers are shoes made for a specific task. That task is exercise.
I literally cannot think of any situation it would be appropriate to wear sneakers for any other reason than their intended perpose, except maybe to go to the welfare office.
Most people look like utter fucking shit these days, sneakers, t-shirts and hoodies are a fucking scuorge on society.
100 years ago, even manual labourers used to dress to be respected. It's faggots like you lot that make the streets look like some sort of futeristic prison colony.
Pic related, working class farming men that would cringe if they could see you today.
Which style is barron wearing? I wanna get nazi shoes like he has
Nobody cares, Max Autismo. This is a thread for the official shoes of white republicans
>tfw you want to support a shoe company but you just can't because the shoes are either terrible looking or look like something your grandpa would wear
How about these pol?
nb 574 in the MAGA colorway
do you guys like my shoes
Being sneaky is for spooks.
Proud conservative men have no need to run and hide.
close laced shoes, i.e. oxfords are the staple shoe of any business formal attire and recommended for business casual as well.
>pic related