I think only land owners should be allowed to vote because they have an invested in the country and will vote for what is the best in the long term of.
What do you think?
I think only land owners should be allowed to vote because they have an invested in the country and will vote for what is the best in the long term of.
What do you think?
you are correct and this is how it was historically.
also women are not to be allowed to vote as they represented through their husband. no husband no vote.
people would get around it by buying 1x1 inch parcels of land out in the middle of fuck-nowhere
it should be if you don't pay in, you can't vote
>Own land.
>Want it to go up in value
>Import shitskins by the millions to make that happen
Land owners are half the problem and should be beaten to a pulp immediately.
So then we just make the weight of your vote equal to the size of your land.
I'm all for this, republicans for eternity
only married men with kids and a wife
Only white males in stem should be able to vote.
oh yeah, add a minimum IQ
It should be everyone at a certain age gets exactly one vote.
If you pay income tax you should be able to vote, if you don't make enough to pay (like 40+ percent of the U.S.) you should not be able to vote.
No taxation without representation and no representation without taxation.
No. Unless you get someone with useless property keen on the idea to sell a small plot for way more than its worth.......... brb, mailing my congressman.
You people are beyond retarded.
The best option is to have the most diverse base of voters as you can, because then ((((they))) can't target them all at once via propaganda, because said propaganda will always piss another group off as much as you can pander to another group.
If you have everyone connected under one demographic, then they can be pandered and preached to by ((((them)))) easily.
only i should vote t.b.h.
I wouldn't go that far. I think that only people with jobs they've had for at least six months should vote.
The government owns the most land.
Good job giving up your vote.
The right to vote for citizens regardless of circumstances was a long battle for freedoms that dates right back to the Magna Carta.
> so how does no sound?
No. It's a policy ripe for abuse. Buy up all the land or run the price so high no one but the rich can afford it, then you have all power in the hands of rich people.
This is exactly what things were during the says of serfdom and people depending on lords to survive. We don't need that bullshit again.
what about the people who are wishing to buy land and want to vote fore a candidate with whom they will benefit and make purchase of said land easier and cheaper?
Maybe not though. Lots of gen y SJW faggots in stem.
Only people vetted by pol.
That's a good way to allow corporations to control who can vote by systematically determining who can work.
this image always makes me burst out fucking laughing
So? That means they are land owners. The idea isn't to be exclusionary. The idea is if you got skin in the game you are better informed. Jacksonian democracy
I think only landowning citizens should be able to join the legions, because they have a vested interest in the Empire and know what's best for it in the long term.
IQ is bullshit that eugenicists made up.
Not that whites want to play that game anyway, since that would make them dumber than asians and Jews.
I don't support it because I rent.
Is this the same girl as op?
Ageism and sexism make better policies in regards to voting. Minimum age: 30, maybe older. Women shouldn't be able to vote for obvious reasons.
There should be different types of voting. For big State related or Federal
You should have to have served at least 4 years in the military.
As well as own land.
Those who currently work for the government or in political positions should not be allowed to vote until after 5 years of no longer working for the system.
For local communities you should just be a legal born citizen.
If you come to this country and get citizenship it should just be the slow gears of progress to get your children born in this country able to vote.
IQ is not bullshit but in fact a very effective way to predict future success in life, among other things.
I fully accept that whites have a lower IQ than asians and jews.
That doesn't change my dislike for idiots popping out lots of babies and having not just proportionally more voting power, but voting power at all.
Until a mega corporation strikes a deal with the US for a piece of land mass not seen sold since the Louisiana purchase and now has a considerable direct stake in politics
I agree Norther Ireland had a system where if you onn lots of land you get more votes
There has to be a way to prevent that. We need a way to keep NEETs from making decisions for us.
I think I am the only one who should be allowed to vote and everyone else should shut up.
And so does everyone else, so how about no one votes and I eat your liver.
No, you should only be allowed to vote if you're in military or registered for draft/reserves. You don't get to make decisions if you are not prepared to defend your country.
>OP wants to implement policies that WOULD lead to a Marxist revolution...
If you've been working for atleast 2 years you should be allowed to vote. A very lot of welfare leeches just vote for whatever bixdemdats gibs, that's the issue atm.
Memes aside, any well read user here who knows about the Cursus Honorum? What's your opinion on it?
>Don't want to defend Cultural-Marxist country with your life
>Have to if you want to change it
I think only people who hand build a guillotine and executed a criminal with it should be allowed to vote.
>implying women and nu-males want to defend it
It would be your chance to fix it, desu.
Most pollacks couldn't vote if owning land becomes the requirement.
Rather anyone that has been on welfare for more than 6 months should not be allowed to vote, with a waiting period once they get off welfare equivalent to the number of years they lived off tax payer dollars.
If someone is incapable of providing for themselves, do they really have the capability to make sound decisions for the future of the nation?
Completely idiotic idea.
Apple could fucking dictate American politics by just buying up a whole state or something.
I think the only people who should be allowed to vote are those who share my political beliefs.
Who's the girl?
No idea
Why always land-owning? During a world of property tax rather than income tax I would understand but today the market makes it harder to acquire land while young and also taxes are mostly based on income rather than property tax it would make more sense if it were based on that. Also it would be easy to bypass as pointed out. An old colleague of mine was a lord because he bought a 1' by 1' of land for 50 bucks in Scotland and he was granted the title.
I'll have whatever she is having
You and me both.
You are correct.
The order of expanding voting rights in the USA went:
All non-property owning white males can vote
Black men can vote
Women can vote
The latter was the most harmful. But if you could just make it so only land owners could vote you would blunt the effects of the last two, and it wouldn't be inherently racist or sexist.