Other urls found in this thread:

Go there and call the judge a nigger.

Is this real?

>the eternal anglo

fake and extremely fucking gay

if this is real, UK is orwellian as fuck.

>No charge listed
Yeah okay. Also, what fucking name were you using?

address is pretty poorly shooped

at least you can watch porn right?

>Sup Forums

u wot
If you're tripfagging I'll come testify against you


Wear a hidden camera and get the judge/magistrate whatever to speak the word "hatefrog", preferably wearing one of those powdered wigs they still wear.

I doubt that's real.
Especially since OP has a US flag

PoliceAnon here

This shit has got to be fake. There was no case about internet """"hate"""" posting, cops got better things to do

then again, im in US, not UK

fucking this.


Its fake as hell but just say you gave your wifi password out to all your friends

Someone call the number

no such cases*

>under the username

it's not real. stop responding to slide shit you fucking retards.

fake and gay

>U.K. Notice
>posting from the USA

Cops have much better things to do than bust hookers but they do that anyway

>logo/letterhead printed on an inkjet printer
>not a bong flag
>Sup Forums user name
go home rpfag you're drunk




The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


>letter clearly shows user is from the uk
>flag says otherwise
either he is a proxyfag or the letter is fake

>live in Sharia police-state
>not using a VPN
guy isn't going to make same mistake twice, neh?

holly sounds fuckable.

no way it's real, show the envelope or gtfo

>under the user name
>crossed out
You deserve this tripfag

Tripfags btfo

>Sup Forums

fuck off with your LARPing

>defending hookers

they are absolutely disgusting, get yourself an actual women for fucks sake, not a walking toilet

>mfw people don't know this site is satire for intellect

I can't even call you a newfag. You're just dumb.

It was posted in Brit/pol/ m90

It's the ID.

>Yeah okay. Also, what fucking name were you using?



but it's still fake and gay

All niggers should hang form trees

fake n gay

Thats not how the world works faggot.

Do people really think that there is a british internet police lurking the threads and then asking hiroshima for his info only because he called someone a nigger?
Also "abusive language directed towards certain politicians" you can't just silence someone for giving his opinion on the government.

but the thing that really got me was "WWW.Sup" nice try tho

Remember kids that Sup Forums have this beautiful option you can use while posting.

You're all under arrest.


add pol timestamp or gtfo
no shoop

Tell them its largely known as a satire website. Also say you were role playing because you've been working on a story about toxic internet culture and this is part of your research.

Oi, bin that racism and political opinion, m8

It's 100% real can confirm. Just fuck my privacy up senpai

there isn't enough space for "anomalous" to fit in there anyway

Oh shit, the police has arrived


>47 chromosomes by this ID

They definitely do act on shit like this in the UK.

Whether gookmoot plays ball or not, no fuckin clue.

how ubiquitous of big brother

death of free speach, long live free speach

You are posting with the username "Anonymous" right now, you fucking retards stop posting.

yeah yeah fuck off lads...

We know we have shit to fix.

Just let us be happy with Brexit.

in nottinghamshire you can be arrested for looking at a woman's clevage

>under the user name

Cops did nothing wrong, namefags deserve 20 years to life

>Mr. Hiro, we'd appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
>"I don't get the appreciate Sup Forums. Is good. Very creative peoples but not so much existence."

then why is it censored in OP?

You must not be at all familiar with the UK's hate laws.

Britbongs BTFO, enjoy your nanny state you faggots.

No. Your identity has to be tied to a post, user.


Since when do the authorities use Calibri?

Go see her
>Pic Related

fake post is fake


Yeah, just a couple days ago a new law was passed, not so long ago a guy (brit) from reddit was arrested for calling a black criminal a 'monkey'

it's on literally every official document here in the UK

Also this is 100% real, look up the snoopers charter

>euro fags learn they don't actually have the freedom of speech or the freedom of the press


Can confirm, have been arrested twice for Inflammatory Shitposting

Ever since Microsoft made it the default font for Word.

Fake as shit.


This is actually true. Well, basically. Whistling at a girl or otherwise calling her attractive without former consent can now literally result in your arrest.


haha europoors
>googles derbyshire constublary

Because he is a tripfaggot. That doesn't mean Sup Forums doesn't have usernames for everyone though. You have refuted nothing. Fuck off retard.

It's no laughing matter.

This is a hate speech free zone.

Learn about the REID-Interrogation-Technique and you should be fine.

[spoiler]Basically say nothing. Remember: When there is evidence, there is no need for a interrogation.[/spoiler]

tweet Trump asking him to pardon you.

We never had it... The press and speech are allowed their freedoms by a rep dem elected state.

It's a sorry state of affairs.

It's fake, saw an earlier version on le reddit where the retard misspelled "November" and "sincerely"
Makes me sad to think someone wrote, formatted and printed this letter just to get replies.

>Sup under the username _____

The fuck is wrong with you people.

What does it take for you to say enough?

You just posted with the username 'Anonymous ', and id v6zCQqOp

go clinton on this. delete everything and when asked just say I can't remember.

>The stories and information posted here are autistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

they will ask him for proof of his research and story

Get a lawyer and say nothing. I cannot stress the importance of saying nothing enough.

>I dont know how IDs work

Jesus. You live in a fucking communist country.
>Thought police
Fuck that. That ever happens here, I'm out. I'd trash my computer, sell my house, and go innawoods. Arresting people for not thinking the right way is an extremely slippery slope. And once it's in place, there's no reversing it.


You sorted out the spelling. Nice. Loads of Yanks falling for it.

>A bill giving the UK intelligence agencies and police the most sweeping surveillance powers in the western world has passed into law with barely a whimper, meeting only token resistance over the past 12 months from inside parliament and barely any from outside.

>The Investigatory Powers Act, passed on Thursday, legalises a whole range of tools for snooping and hacking by the security services unmatched by any other country in western Europe or even the US.

>The security agencies and police began the year braced for at least some opposition, rehearsing arguments for the debate. In the end, faced with public apathy and an opposition in disarray, the government did not have to make a single substantial concession to the privacy lobby.

>US whistleblower Edward Snowden tweeted: “The UK has just legalised the most extreme surveillance in the history of western democracy. It goes further than many autocracies.”

Bye bye Grandpa.
