Should evolution be taught in schools?

Should evolution be taught in schools?

I went through a preggo thing in my late teens/early twenties too. Don't worry, it'll calm down.

Why should it be?

Why shouldn't it be?

post fat milk filled cow tits

Christian country

So you can't learn about gravity or maths either?

Go outside and talk to people

Its my wife, asshole

Nice Obongo strawman faggot

I think so. And While I do not believe in the God of Abraham, I think religious studies should be an available elective in Middle and High School as well.


Post Tits.

Evolution was introduced by cucked scientists who wanted to bestow the believe that we all have the same roots as humans. They want us to believe that no matter our skin color or behavior, we are all the same. These same doctors enjoyed watching their wives and daughters get sodomized by apes.

No, because it's an Islamophobic, Imperialist, and White Supremacist invention.


Yeah unless you want pic related

First, post more pics of your wife.
Second, yes evolution should be taught in schools, because it's a fact that organisms evolve to adapt to their environment. The place where modern science gets it wrong is it's MODEL of evolution, the origins of the homo sapien(specifically the aryan), and how the evolution process takes place and why. It is missing a very important spiritual aspect.

One flaw, for example, is that evolution is a slow process taking millions of years. This is largely false. Evolution occurs in "stair steps" in very shorts amount of time.

When I saw cartel videos... to answer your question.

this post is so retarded

you realize that race realism is based on the idea of evolution being real, and that the differences in the races are a result of 1000s of years of segregated natural selection in different environments.

I get being a skeptic, but people who don't believe evolution is a thing are window licking retards who don't actually understand evolution

No. Unless abiogenesis is proven then entire godless model for the universe is nothing more than conjecture and assumption.


why is the baby syrian?

Both USA and Ireland are secular states...

what did I take the bait or are you legitimately retarded?

Are you jealous?

Yes. Any more retarded questions?

yes, and scientism. evolution is excellent propaganda for rightwing ideology, and its based on hard evidence.

are you a polygenist or something

Reminder that Trump’s presidency will push evolution out of your child’s curriculum.

that guy does what he does to get popularity
he wont do stupid shit like banning evolution and stuff
this election has really been a clever joke played on evangelists honestly

Overwhelmingly Christian population.

As a part of culture? Yes.
As a part of science? No.
If you disagree, you're either a massive contrarian or a full-blown retard.

>implying evolution wasn't God's plan all along
He could have made man directly, but instead he uses a complex contraption, because he can. Isn't it amazing? It's like a pool player who pockets all balls in the first shot.

There's proof for evolution you fucking faggot. There's animals you can watch evolve in real time.

>Should evolution be taught in schools?

Should chemistry, biology, and geology be taught in schools? Evolution is the basis for this shit.

He never addressed evolution.


>being this bluepilled

Woah dude, you're making quite a leap there. How does evolution contradict the existence of God?

Why shouldn't it be?

A christian country should teach evolution or else you'll get fedoras later on who think christianity is incompatible with evolution.

No, every parent should teach their about their religion themselves, regardless it being evilution or a decent faith.

>Sup Forums filename
>it's my wife

>being this bluepilled

And reputhuglicans wonder why scientists, asians, and college grads vote democrat.

Abiogenesis has pretty much been proven though, the early earth atmosphere would have had no problem created nucleic acids in the primordial ooze

we've shown that too

now the nucleic acids arranging into RNA we haven't seen, but its not much of a jump from nucleic acid to RNA.

alsowhy couldn't evolution just be a part of god's plan for the universe?

Or what, do you think god is a human looking skydaddy?

We learn about evolution in school in Poland.


Just as every parent should teach their own children about numbers themselves. whether it be actual maths or just some esoteric bullshit they found in a book that was written by sandniggers thousands of years ago.

Evolution should be inflicted upon schools.

Students should have vouchers, and if the school doesn't do a good job teaching they should be able to vote with their feet leaving the school to perish from lack of funding.

no it doesnt, over 50 here, still love preggies for some dam reason.

Exactly, he already made those other worlds with avatars of pure logic but they are boring and shit and full of faggots.

The democratic party hasn't won the college educated vote in 64 years

Now think to yourself why you didn't know that especially after an election where the entire media was talking about Trump losing the college educated vote for the republicans. (He didn't he won it)

>Abiogenesis has pretty much been proven though

>the early earth atmosphere would have had no problem created nucleic acids in the primordial ooze

> its not much of a jump from nucleic acid to RNA.
Ok. That's just now that's just false.
Even the the process for RNA to replicate itself is extremely hard to create.

Not learning the bible in school is fing retarded. How can you understand western history if you haven't read the book that was the most influential to shaping its history.

How can you understand half the references in western literature if you haven't read the source material?

He's clearly just a retard

This. So many common sayings originally came from The Bible that you never would have expected once you actually read it.

>should a valid scientific theory with backing evidence be taught in schools
Yes, evolution is a very important concept in understanding biology, and the thought process behind it can be applied to other fields.

Knowledge shouldn't be supressed because it hurts a person's feelings

Evolution does not purport to explain the origins of life.

Anyone who thinks it does is an idiot and clearly misunderstands.

Yes. Otherwise you'll get them thinking that we're equal.

What faggot like this kraut don't understand is that the entirety of science is just a system of non-provable models that best explain our understanding of the natural world.

There's a big difference between learning about christianitys effect on the western world and unironically telling highschool kids in a science classroom that they were created by g-d

Yes and all religions should be elective and a history/culture credit. Honestly I dont see school's adding religious courses but it be interesting.

first of all who gives a shit what some small school district in rural america does. So they wont produce evolutionary biologist at that school. Woop Di do

Second its a wedge issue created to deflect the fact that kids are getting shit educations for political reasons.

it also says,
*besides Mexico

They're probably evangelicals who believe in sola scriptura and don't bother learning that the Bible has different genres in it and that not everything is literal. Genesis is largely symbolic.

>Uruguayan intellectuals

Evolution was taught in my school and I went to Parochial School

>education doesn't matter
I wonder who is behind this post..

I give a fuck because my kids will be attending a small country town school. Making education shitty for the sake of some fuckwit who can't into biology is silly.

>implying I called myself an intellectual
Uruguayan (((intellectuals))) are mostly freemason globalist shills

No, it's racist.

>tfw no qt preggers wife

>Dumbass liberal who will never have children so he tries to raise other peoples kids

Move. If the people in an area don't give a shit about evolutionary biology who are you to tell them what to teach?

>find this pic very attractive
>find cuckoldry absolutely abhorrent

What is this mystery?

If she was impregnated by another man while being my partner, I'd find her repulsive. But seeing her pregnant with another man's baby while not being her partner has the opposite effect.

I guess it's partly because it's a confirmation of her fertility, but given that I'd never raise another man's child I don't get why I'd find a preggo hot.

Are we designed to pump and dump other men's women, with the prospect of our children being raised by those men? Or am I just an asshole?

considering evolution is filled with bullshit theories, it should be taught in passing, not as fact.

It has nothing to do with cuckoldry but you insert it because you want it to be there.

Daily reminder that Lamark was right, basically.

Changes in DNA are heritable. Darwin doesn't posit methods of evolution, just how organisms survive to spread changes.

Just quit porn, hombré.

Immediate gratification < long term gain

at least you are white though

Only when crocodiles begin to evolve.

This is a bullshit cop out. Your little town isn't an independent entity on its own and doesn't get to abuse it children because everyone in the community wants that.

Fuck off

They are going to teach SJW evolution anyway.

Your politics need to fuck off out of other peoples lives.

If the majority of people in an area elect a school board that wants to prioritize other things instead of evolution who the fuck are you to tell them differently

>christianity is incompatible with evolution

How is not incompatible? The bible says in 6 days and also the first death was after the fall of man when Adam and Eve got clothes everyone was good before the Fall, meanwhile for evolution to happen you have to have millions of years of death, illness and evil.

If a small town decides that they wet to molest all of their children, should they be afforded the same rights?

>SJW evolution
Look up what words mean before you bash them together.

Yes. Molestation wouldnt be a big deal if people didnt grew thinking it was wrong.

You think this is an arguement?

Our school systems are setup to be thousands different experiments in how and what to teach. We are not communist china.

If a school system wants to spend the time you want to spend of evolution on physics or some other subject...Who are you to tell them differently?

No they will teach PC evolution

They will not talk about the fact that warm weather animals have lower IQ's than their cold weather cousins. They will not talk about the differences between ethnicities and races. It will be neutered evolutionary biology that completely skips human beings.

You're probably right, but I think that changing their culture like that would massively change their culture and alienate them from the rest of society.
Because it is child abuse to use a kids time at school to fill their mind with ideas that are proven to be bullshit. What if their town goes to shit for some reason and everyone has to move and find work elsewhere? Without highschool education in the sciences they're going to be literally fuckwits and most likely end up on welfare.

>Because it is child abuse to use a kids time at school to fill their mind with ideas that are proven to be bullshit.

You are just an authoritarian. You want a federal government to force what you want on everyone.

You do not know the best curriculum to teach everyone. That's why our system is setup in a way that ensures the curriculums are all different.

It is its own version of evolution and it's the best system because it mirrors reality.

dude evolution not only explains how but why, instead of a god you have random mutations.

>redneck has a point
fucking pc even ruined muh evolution

K, I know that Sup Forums is conservative, and I love most of Sup Forums's right-wing opinions, but this is just absolutely ridiculous.

You realize that evolution is basically adaptations that are passed on to future generations via natural selection.

Adaptations are a proven thing.
Natural selection is a proven thing.
Reproduction is obviously a fucking proven thing.

So why the fuck would evolution not be a proven thing?

We know for a fact that animals and plants today have their adaptations to aid in them in survival. And we have uncovered fossils of dead animals and plants which prove that they changed over time for millions of years.

Even if you do believe in god and are christian, you can still believe in evolution. Just think of it as god created the particles which created the atoms to create the molecules to create the cells to create life, and so it continued from there.

For all of you who still do not acknowledge that evolution exists, I demand an explanation. I'm guessing you're either blue-pilled, stubborn or just really fucking retarded.

Oh wow, I didn't realise that libertarians still exist. Oh wow. Go back to your commune you fucking hippy.

I have more featuring swedes and somalians.

>it's at this point that the leaf finally realised that christcucks are the true cancer of Sup Forums and greater Western society.

Says who
Some imbecile on Sup Forums

no. only blue pilled goyim buy into (((evolution)))

No one can predict ramndomness except for God. That's the beauty of it.

Yes, lets,teach kids earth is flat too.
It mirrors the reality.

Fucking kek

Personally, I don't think that all of them are bad. It's just that there are idiots like the young earth creationists and the flat earthers. The only reason that they think that is because it used to be a popular conservative belief.

This is why I feel like people's scientific views should not have any correlation with their political views.