What should I do with this rare relic?

What should I do with this rare relic?

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Save it.
It will cost quite a lot in the following years

Laugh at it occasionally

Cum on it

Store it somewhere nice. Preferably in a safe between a few books to keep it straight and neat.

Pull it out in 20 years and sell it for 20-30 bucks.

roll it up and stick it up your bum and then go and show your dad.

Kek hath spoken.


jizz on it

Stash it away and forget about it. When you find it in a few years, it will be worth a few keks.

tough to say

it should go up in value, but it wont if we elect a woman president soon


20-30 bucks in 20 years will be worth less than what he paid for it today.

Just burn it, OP.


You know how many tears you will collect within the next 4 years?

Use it as a reminder of victory


Doubles. Kek wills it

Maybe Hillary will buy them all up to use as covers while she cries herself to sleep

Cum tribute. Photo it. Tweet it to Killery.

Pee pee poo poo on it.

find Hillary and try to get her to autograph it for you

be sure to get video or don't even bother

Hang on to it.

Kek's will be done

you better deliver OP

Shit on it and put in mail box. Return it to sender

Whered u get this?
I want my own. Shits gunna be $$$$$ in a few years

Hold onto it for 20yrs. In twenty years future liberals will give their life savings for it.

Dubs, gotta do it OP.

Satan has spoken, do it OP.


save it when mainstream society finds out about elitist corruption, that shit will be worth thousands

we can all have a good lol

digits confirm.

vacuum pack it and hide it away as part of what you will give to your grandkids.

Cum on it and post the pic on Hillary's twitter.

You have lost some dollars because you need to cum in it now OP. DO IT

I always respond to OP before reading the comments. I love you like minded degenerates.

Scan and dump every page ITT.

Then cum on the cover.

Get it signed by trump

God Cao Cao is so adorable

All these guys saying to cum on it are retards. It's already worth 450$ ebay

i'll try upload some pics
what if i did this before cumming on it? what that make it that much better?
can't say where i got it
jokes on you, leaf, i got it for free

Cut a hole in the cover where the mouth is. Insert erect penis. Post results. Kek wills it



Frame it and send it as a gift to Donald Trump once he's sworn in

>save it when mainstream society finds out about elitist corruption
>implying these are not one and the same

No, cumming on it would destroy it's value. Get it signed "president trump" as soon as he gets in office in january. It's going to be worth thousands.

dont do someone beat you to it already. i didnt save it but it was posted yesterday

If you really want to ruin it do take a pick and send it to hillary.

cum on the frog too while you're at it

Mail it to her


All he would have had to do was cellophane it and get the right angle with the camera so the covering doesn't show. Then he could jizz on it safely and still keep it pristine without anyone here knowing.

Y'all niggas don't use yer 'eads.

They're selling for quite a bit on eBay right now.

Its possible that they won't appreciate like we've seen items from the early 20th century do today. The peak of interest in such an item might be right now. That said, there is definitely a chance they could go up in value, but they will drop before they go back up in the future.

Just wipe it clean after you photograph it.
Nobody will ever know.

Vacuum seal it, store it and sell it on eBay or eBay equivalent in 20 years.

Plastic wrap

donate it to north korea

Send her to my house. I'll lock her in the kitchen.

I'll buy it from you so you dont have to make that decision.

I thought about doing that but I thought it would be impossible to prevent reflection in small tiny indentations, and then youd have hoards of people calling op a faggot.

OP, if you do this you'll be Sup Forums royalty forever

Let me know when it sells

Don't store it to arbitrarily sell it later.

If you intend to sell it, it would be best to do it within a topical timeframe. So now or anytime during Trump's presidency, whenever the US has its first woman president, or when Hillary croaks.

You need to get it into the Emperor's hands and get a photograph of it. Then it goes viral, and the magazine gets worth astrobux

good call. I don't have any right now though so i may have to do that another day
just curious, how much would you actually pay?

pics of the inner pages incoming soon btw

burn it. your not allowed to keep momentos from alternate time lines. we gots rules mistur

roll it in a tube and hit yourself three times in your forehead

Came here to post this

we need to bring one of these to trump, i want the Trump version of the dewey meme to be real

dont listen to these fags

get trump to sign it

OP better deliver.

Why is there no iconic photo of Trump holding this?
Make it happen op

imgur.com/a/oj6OL for all the inner pages. it's taking a while to upload so try refreshing in a couple minutes if it appears some pages aren't there

Get Donald Trump to sign it.

get trump to sign it would be historic

Don't cum on it, pls, you own a piece of history.

>jokes on you I got it for free

t. Bernie Sanders

I have one too, and a signed copy of Crippled America!

If you wipe it up quick enough, it won't damage it, and only you'll know you came on Hillary's losing face as her withered pages pass through time.

bumping for awareness

It's not a "relic" dumbshit. Jewsweek is so broke they can no longer afford to print it, they made both of them so whoever lost, they could try to sell both as "muh souvenir Dewey won paper" and you were fucking dumb enough to buy into it. Every newsstand in the city has tons of both.

ok, but after Donald Trump signs it. :^)

now cum on it

That's the most biased magazine I have seen

Is this what the kids call "propaganda"?

Good man. What a pathetic mag.

this and check

that pepe you have on every page is cute

stick it in your pooper

At least we got a shoutout in the introduction :^)

wow, it's like an artifact from a dystopian timeline

>Donald Trump was the most dangerous candidate in our history-the third debate proved it.

literally made me laugh out loud, get fucking rekt

>entire page about Huma


ejaculate on it, Kek vult

Do you think Bill's real father was the first victim of the Clintons'?

Is it safe to have this in this timeline?

Satan is canceling his agreement with her and Kek wills it so. I offer this pic of a slain hilldawg as offering.

Preserve the fuck out of it.
His election win was historical, and people will always talk about how the media wrote him off.

You own an example of that. It will be worth a lot in some decades.

That's going right up there with "Dewey Defeats Truman."

Also this

Sell it to me

Give us a transcript of what it says before you do anything to it.

We can tweet it at Hillary every day.